Sagi Shrieber – Design Triggers


BOOST conversions, ELEVATE your brand, and MULTIPLY your value in the market. The secrets that will get your customers to buy using emotional triggers…

Sagi Shrieber – Design Triggers

BOOST conversions, ELEVATE your brand, and MULTIPLY your value in the market. The secrets that will get your customers to buy using emotional triggers

Class Curriculum

Before You begin

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More links you’d want to connect to

The actual impact of design and introduction to emotion-oriented design thinking

What makes a good design and why? (9:21)
How to get the maximum results from this course? (1:18)
Current Trends (and why nothing is new under the sun) (4:28)

Grid – the invisible framework that will help you layout any graphic assets needed

The power of Grid (10:00)
Practical tips for your grid system (12:45)
The rule of 4s: The secret design framework used by silicon valley designers to design any interface in no time (17:07)
Practice time!

Typography: How to lay out text to create impact and increase readability

Lets with the definitions (4:47)
The principles of great Typography (14:09)
Choosing fonts for a new project, and how to avoid ‘amateur’ choices (4:40)
Where do people fall short with typography? (10:07)
Practice Time!

Composition – the secret to creating emotional triggers

The basic rules of composition – or – how the heck do I make all the elements come together on the page? (12:07)
The biggest secret of composition that I can’t believe some people don’t know (24:06)
The effect we can and should do with compositions in our designs that we could never do in print – move them! (3:07)
Practice Time!

Contrast – how to maximize impact

What is contrast and what is the connection between music and design? (3:28)
How to create contrast in our designs? (13:45)
Practice Time!

Colors – The surprising choice that can make all the difference

A Simple Method to Choosing Colors (Based on the Rule of 4s) (4:14)
What emotion does each color spark in us? (7:03)
Practice Time!

_x0001F680_ Bonus #1 – Elementor – How to build & design beautiful wordpress websites and landing pages, with

Bonus #1 – Elementor – How to build & design beautiful WordPress websites and landing pages (61:55)

_x0001F304_ Bonus #2 – Resources to access thousands of free royalty free images

Bonus #2 – Resources to access thousands of free royalty free images (13:14)

Bonus #3 – The exact tool I use to cut the image from it’s background

Bonus #3 – The exact tool I use to cut the image from its background (26:32)

_x0001F4D0_ Bonus #4 – The actual tools used by Sillicon Valley designers – and how you can use them too

Bonus #4 – The actual tools used by Silicon Valley designers – and how you can use them too (27:02)

Read more:

Sagi Shrieber – Design Triggers: Sample
Here’s What You’ll Get in Sagi Shrieber – Design Triggers