Sabrina Peterson – Email Marketing 101


Sabrina Peterson – Email Marketing 101Sabrina Peterson is the Glam University CEO, a seasoned business and life coach, and serves as the Business Editor of Rolling Out Magazine. A self-taught entrepreneur, she has launched multiple successful businesses both online and in a traditional brick-and-mortar setting and has a passion for helping other female entrepreneurs find their footing.Ever hear the saying that email marketing is dead?Here’s a hint for you: if social media went away today, how would you communicate with your clients?Email marketing can still be effective when used correctly in relevance to today’s landscape and in this course, you will learn how to create a strong list of high-converting leads and turn that list into REAL HARD CASH.This class will cover the following:What email marketing means in 2019 and beyondHow to create lead magnets and build a strong and effective mailing listHow to select the right email marketing programHow to segment customersHow to automate campaignsList of 50 high converting subject lines!How to avoid spam complaints and maintain subscribers