
Ryan Serhant – Mastering CODO: The Closing & Negotiations Course

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹4,680.00.



Here’s What’s Waiting For You Inside The Course

Part 1: The CODO Method

Master Ryan’s proprietary CODO Method — the first time he’s pulling back the curtain on how he closes so many deals
Understand the types, styles, and tactics of negotiation you’ll customize to WIN in any situation
​Discover the key factors influencing any DEAL and your CODO method moves to counter them

​​Eliminate the #1 deal killer: Hesitancy



Part 2: The Playbook

Conquer emotions and FEAR to use it to your advantage in any situation
​Discover The Funnel Technique to narrow into the exact drivers that will get your client to ultimately say YES
​Learn to play all sides of the court and manage expectations with Ryan’s secret weapon, Jen Alese
​Learn the key improv skills that will get you comfortable with being uncomfortable



Part 3: Putting It All Together

Body language matters: Follow these six strategies to demonstrate power in any negotiation
​Join Ryan and Myka Meier to learn some key power plays to help you shift the dynamic in your favor

​Watch a REAL negotiation in progress, and see how Ryan uses CODO strategies to find the sweet spot

Follow in real time as Ryan critiques SERHANT. agents Talia and Savannah as they navigate a REAL negotiation



Your Secret Weapon

The Closing & Negotiation Workbook