RV Chronos Unlocking Time – Michael Ruiz & Bobby Torres


Two Remote Viewers, Michael Ruiz and Bobby Torres, trained by retired military intelligence officer Major Ed Dames, claim to have unlocked the solution to pinpointing dates for predicting near-future events. Discover the shocking secret that Remote Viewers have been using to foresee and prepare for catastrophes, disease outbreaks and more. Available exclusively in this advanced training DVD!RV Chronos is a newly developed methodology to pinpoint dates for predicting near-future events. Since the declassification of Remote Viewing from the CIA and U.S. Army programs, trained students have been predicting unprecedented future events that have shocked the world and saved lives. The RV Chronos DVD takes the basic Remote Viewing skill to a new level by finally cracking the solution to pinpointing specific dates for near-future events and disasters. This breakthrough allows Remote Viewers to be more prepared for the future than ever before and this new advanced training DVD is quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools in the RV industry.The RV chronos DVD covers:The science and theories behind RV chronosDetailed explanations of the RV Chronos protocolSetting up prediction cues with RV chronosStep-by-step instructions for executing RV Chronos projectsAnalyze RV Chronos Remote Viewing dataManaging real-world projects working alone or with a teamGet RV Chronos Unlocking Time – Michael Ruiz & Bobby Torres, Only Price $29 Tag: RV Chronos Unlocking Time – Michael Ruiz & Bobby Torres Review. RV Chronos Unlocking Time – Michael Ruiz & Bobby Torres download. RV Chronos Unlocking Time – Michael Ruiz & Bobby Torres discount.