
Russel Brunson – One Funnel Away Challenge

Original price was: ₹15,000.00.Current price is: ₹6,300.00.


(This course is available for immediate delivery) There will be videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear! File Size: 29.81 GB, Format File: 69 MP4, 24 MKV, …

Russel Brunson – One Funnel Away Challenge
Freedom Is Just

One Funnel Away
From: Russell Brunson
Where: Boise, Idaho

What does ‘One Funnel Away’ mean for you…?
For everyone it’s different…
For some of you, you’re in a job that you hate, and you’re trying to get out.
For others, you are entrepreneurs with your own company… but you’re stuck, and you’re not sure why.
And for others of you, you’re looking for that one funnel that will help you to have more impact on the world!
Before I share with you MY GOAL for this ‘One Funnel Away challenge for YOU… let me ask you a few questions…
If you checked ANY of the boxes above, then I want to invite you to join the ‘One Funnel Away’ challenge and change your business forever!
So, Here Is How The Challenge Works…

The challenge costs $100 to join. This covers your materials during the challenge (more info on this below).

100 dollar bill

With the One Funnel Away Challenge, we could easily charge $1,000 for the full 30 day challenge…
Probably even $2,000, or more, but…

All You Pay Is $100!
Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision…?

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You’ll Get When You Join The Challenge Today!
The First Thing you’ll get access to is the…

‘One Funnel Away’

Led by Trainer Russell Brunson and The ‘One Funnel Away’ Consulting Team, this challenge is designed to help you Customize and IMPLEMENT your first (or next) funnel in just 30 days…
Step #1

“The Strategy”

Each day, you will receive a new mission from Russell, streamed to the private Facebook group.
These private videos will be about 30 minutes long, and will give you the strategy you have to master for each step you need for success.
You will have the ability to network with and ask questions to our coaches as well as others OFA-ers who are also going through the challenge with you!
Step #2

“The Tactics”

After the stream ends in the Facebook group, you will be given a “One Pager” mission document with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step.
There will be videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear!
These missions will take between 30-60 minutes to complete each day.
Step #3


Not only do you get 30 days of daily video coaching and accountability…
You also LIVE TRAINING SESSIONS DAILY Monday – Friday with our expert OFA consultants.
On these special live trainings, you get to pick their brains and ask ANY question you have about your funnels, strategies, your offer, tech challenges, you name it.
It’s like having your very own DEDICATED SUPPORT TEAM.
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Here Is Your Mission,

(Should You Choose To Accept This Challenge…)

Your challenge is to TAKE ACTION and complete the tasks given to you,

every day for 30 Days

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…
Yes, there will be homework…
But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward building your business!
Our only question for you is…
“Do YOU Have What It Takes?”

By the time the challenge is over, you will have a funnel that is LIVE!

Not only will we help you figure out what that funnel is, but you’ll have it created and FINISHED by the end of the challenge!
And, you’ll be able to launch it to the world, generate leads, and turn those leads into customers who buy from you again and again.
Get These AMAZING Bonuses…

When You Join The “One Funnel Away” Challenge Today…
Bonus #1

The “30 Days” 550 Page

Digital eBook

($97 Value)

Join The Challenge Now!I Want Daily Training, LIVE Coaching and Accountability, From Day 1 to Day 30

Recently, I asked 30 of my ‘Two Comma Club’ members (those who have generated over $1 Million+ inside their ClickFunnels funnel) a very loaded question…

“You suddenly lose EVERYTHING…

You lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.
You have bills piled high, and people harassing you for money over the phone.
Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only one month.
You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you’re an unknown newbie.
What would you do?

(from Day 1 to Day 30) if you knew you only had ONE FUNNEL To make back your millions?”

Each of them replied to my email with a brilliant detailed 30-day plan of what they’d do to get back on TOP.
They broke it down day-by-day…
“Day 1, I’d do this… Day 2, I’d do this… Day 3, I’d do this…”
Each of them laid out a complete 30 day battle plan to get their business back on track…starting back at “square one” with:

 No Product…
 No List…
 No Traffic…Running Errands… 
 No Reputation…
 And No Funnel…

The “30 Days” book is a GIANT 550 page ebook of ALL their compiled battleplans (Day 1 through Day 30).
30 chapters…

30 action plans…
You can actually flip through the pages day-by-day, and SEE the “big picture” of their ONE FUNNEL plan laid out right in front of you!
You can page through, and reference it as you try out new business ideas…

If you’re starting from scratch (or starting again), with no name, no reputation, no list, no money, no traffic, and no product…
The One Funnel Away Challenge is what I would do, from Day 1 to Day 30, if I lost everything, and had to create ONE FUNNEL to get back on track!
Bonus #2

20 “One Pager” Digital Workbooks For The “One Funnel Away” Challenge!

($97 Value)
Each day of the One Funnel Away Challenge, you’ll be given tasks that you’ll need to complete in order to get your funnel built and LIVE.
The “One Pager” Digital Workbooks acts as your companion to the steaming training’s (Day 1 through Day 30).
Inside each “One Pager,” you’ll find training that correspond with EACH day of the Challenge.
Each “One Pager” has:

A CHECKLIST of tasks or reminders that need to be completed that day
Plenty of space for journaling and brainstorming your ideas, and answering key thought-provoking questions
The video training links that correspond with each day’s mission
And, any extra resource links you’ll need to complete the day’s tasks

These Bonuses Are ALL Inside The One Funnel Away Challenge…
The Challenge “One Pagers”… (act as a day-by-day companion guide to the Challenge)

And, the BONUS 550 page digital “30 Days” eBook…
You’ll Get Immediate Access To The Bonuses The

Moment You Join The ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge Today!
The One Funnel Away Challenge Is Different!

The One Funnel Away Challenge is NOT just some “course” that you’ll never use…
It combines the right marketing KNOWLEDGE…
With the SHOVE you need to EXECUTE your funnel…
And a “no-excuses” ACCOUNTABILITY team of coaches who are caring and supportive, while making sure that you get your tasks done…
That’s the biggest challenge in getting your first (or next) funnel started…
It’s almost NEVER a lack of knowledge that’s the problem…

It’s a lack of EXECUTION…

(or, not executing the right way).

As you can probably see, getting access to the ‘One Funnel Away’ challenge is like having me, and my entire OFA Expert Consulting Team as your own personal funnel coaches!
The only difference is that you couldn’t buy a 1 hour consulting call with me for $100.
In fact, right now the CHEAPEST you can hire me to “pick my brain” is $100,000 for a day.
So, to get 30 days with all of us, for just $100 is crazy!
Yet you get everything we talked about above for FREE when you join the ‘One Funnel Away’ challenge today!
So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone!

If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say “Thanks, Russell! That was some great info!”…but never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.(But chances are, nothing will actually change in your business…If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).

If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 30 days…
If you want to be trained daily by Russell Brunson, and have him PULL you in the right direction…
If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach who will hold you accountable, and make sure that you get these tasks DONE (no excuses!)…
Then we invite you to accept the ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge, get your funnel built, and start creating momentum in your business!

So, What’s The Catch…?

We’re doing this challenge, because we KNOW that when you have success selling your products through funnels, you’re more likely to continue to use ClickFunnels to grow your company…That’s it… that’s our “evil” ulterior motive – for you to have success so you keep using our software that is giving you that success.Plus, we also pay our affiliates who refer people to this challenge $100 for anyone they signup. Chances are you found out about this page from one of those affiliates. So, we actually lose money for each person who joins the challenge.
And the few of you who signup without an affiliate telling you about this challenge, you probably found out about it because I paid for an ad on Facebook or Youtube to get you here.
Either way, I REALLY make very little, and in most cases lose money for each person who joins this challenge.
So, why would I do this?
Because we have a philosophy here at ClickFunnels, that if we can’t make you money, then we don’t deserve any of yours.
So our goal is to help you make money… then hopefully you’ll chose to re-invest some of those profits back into the products and services that we sell.
Does that sound more then fair? 🙂

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Why Time Is Of The Essence…

The next challenge is starting VERY SOON!If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon.And if you’re wondering… well, can’t I just take the challenge next time it opens up?
Well, the answer is MAYBE…
I’m not sure if or when the next challenge will be…
But, more importantly, what about the people you could have served with your products or services that won’t have a chance to hear about them, because you waited to launch your next funnel!
There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago… but the 2nd best time, is NOW.”

NOW is the best time for you to take the ‘One Funnel Away’ challenge.
Here’s What To Do Next…

From here it’s just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!Russell Brunson
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
When you join the “One Funnel Away” challenge today (for just $100) I’m going to give you the 550 page ’30 Days’ digital ebook, the Challenge “One Pagers” (act as a day-by-day companion guide to the Challenge)…
PLUS, you’ll get a full 30 day experience where you work with myself, and the OFA Consulting Team to get your first (or next) funnel launched!
Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don’t love the challenge – Email us and we’ll refund your $100.
Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?! Join the “One Funnel Away” challenge today!

Here’s What You’ll Get in Russel Brunson – One Funnel Away Challenge