Rudy Hunter – The PACE Process


If you’ve ever wanted to book a private session with Rudy Hunter and been frustrated by the LONG wait and high fee, this new product is a great solution! It’s just like working with Rudy as he takes your big issues and applies highly-focused energetics to them so they can begin to gently collapse. BUT…you’ll have access to him whenever you need & want!

Rudy Hunter – The PACE Process

The PACE Process

with Rudy Hunter

Developed by Rudy Hunter and used by him personally

​and for his private clients for over 20 years.
Listen below as Rudy introduces this powerful process.
Fair warning–you’re gonna want your own personal copy.

Rudy was planning to release this next year…but he couldn’t wait.

Here’s the intro to the PACE Process With Rudy Hunter so you can hear all about the structure,

function & mechanics of how/why this is such an important and powerful clearing tool.

​It’s the first 9 minutes of the full product which runs 40:34 including all the

Woo Woo Energetics which remain in the full product for you for life.

​The PACE Process is $77.00 and will never wear out–ever.

Use it again & again on ANY issue you need help with.

​Turn up your speakers, press play & enjoy!
Rudy loves acronyms!

​[Yeah, Dude, we noticed!]

PACE is an acronym for the 4 deep & distinctive interlocking

rounds of EnergyWork that are used during this process.


The problem/issue that you’re working on right now; including suggestions from Rudy on

how to keep it simple and uncomplicated.


Yes, the antidote/opposite condition to the problem exists and there’s direct help to

begin to access it energetically.


There is always a how/when & time/space set of vectors that initiate every problem.

The great news is we don’t need to know the exact details to begin to have our problem dissolve.


There are invisible and strong energetic hooks on many levels and layers within and

around us and Rudy take you through the ones you’re aware of and those you aren’t

to help literally un-hook them from your system…always gently.
You’ve done it again!

Really loving this PACE recording.

I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out by focusing on my biggest issue,

but I trust your work ~  so I put my “Mack-Daddy” one into my focus.

Initially I could feel myself relaxing around this issue and then could literally feel

the knots around this issue starting to come undone.

It’s been several hours now and the angst around this issue

hasn’t returned, even a little…totally looking forward to

watching the next few weeks unfold to

see this problem turn itself around!

Sue Fellows

Advanced Ashwork Practitioner

North Carolina
Download Rudy Hunter – The PACE Process right now on !