RSD Brad – Evolution 2 Immersion


Every month, Brad will provide his current state in game, and share his latest findings and epiphanies. Also talk to you about your personal issues and sticking points.
This membership offers monthly call and weekly videos which many guys do this and it work with them because they can even ask the questions that they would usually be embarrassed about asking.
47 weeks, 47 videos
Week 01 – Emotional Intelligence
Week 02 – Brads Wings (Zach)
Week 03 – Lifestyle Development (Travel)
Week 04 – Monthly Immersion Webinar
Week 05 – How to Set Up the First Date and Manage Multiple Girlfriends
Week 06 – Brads Wings (Matt)
Week 07 – Lifestyle Development (Gym)
Week 08 – Monthly Immersion Webinar
Week 09 – Day Game How to Meet Woman Outside the Club
Week 10 – Brads Wings (Andre)
And 37 more…..
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