Ross Jeffries – Stealth Persuasion Program


How to use “Truisms” to blow objections out of the water. How to use “Agreement Frames” to give your prospect AMNESIA from their objections. How to use meaning reframes to use objections as cognitive leverage to get your prospect to MAKE YOUR DAY…

Ross Jeffries – Stealth Persuasion Program

In this wicked module, you’ll learn how to effectively “seduce” your customers and clients to make the decision to hire, buy etc on the unconscious level,  in minutes, using some wickedly powerful and easy to use methods.
Here’s just a taste, that illustrates a key shift that makes this all possible:

Look: I’ve personally used each and every one of the methods, tricks, principles and tools I teach in this module for my own business. And that means you can get very excited at how will benefit and profit from having the same power to bend minds, warp wills and drive decisions and behaviors that I do.
Here is just some of what you’ll learn:

The seven “Pull Their Strings/Puppet Master” Principles that form the essential foundation for any and all acts of hypnotic persuasion
Four word-for-word “get them to buy now” hypnotic patterns you can drop into any sales or business context to pre-program your prospect to already decide to buy from you-before you make any actual presentation
How to use “Truisms” to blow objections out of the water
How to use “Agreement Frames” to give your prospect AMNESIA from their objections
How to use meaning reframes to use objections as cognitive leverage to get your prospect to MAKE YOUR DAY – by handing over their cash, check or credit card!

Listen: it’s against the law for me to make any promises when it comes to earning money,  but what I WILL say is that if you have any intelligence at all, then applying the methods and secrets I teach in this segment might easily make you back your investment and probably much more!

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