Course “Rosetta Stone Event – Perry Marshall” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.New Road Map for Voyagers Beyond the Post-Marketing ApocalypseDear Marketing Professional:Charlie emails you. He’s your client. Normally Charlie calls when he needs stuff… maybe something is amiss?Subject Line: “Thoughts about managing our account.”“I’ve been thinking about the campaigns you manage. I really want to thank you for dropping our lead cost by 40%. Lead volume is up quite a bit since last year too, so that’s a big plus.“Well I wanted to let you know we’ve decided switch agencies because lately we’ve been feeling like we need to gain tighter control of our process. Krista is going to be taking over the Pay Per Click management from here on out. That will help because she handles our web pages and it’s just going to make everything flow a lot smoother.”“Krista?” you reply, incredulously.“You’re going to put Krista in charge? Krista, the girl who blew $13,000 on ads that generated $225 of sales and who sent all the traffic to the home page instead of the opt-in form – for three months?“The girl who created that huge conversion tracking mess I spent seven months untangling?”You hit SEND.And then you sit there and burn. You’re FURIOUS. That fool!Your face turns red as realize your treasured client relationship is probably already scorched earth. You know: No matter what you say, the guy isn’t going to change in mind, because Krista is his sister-in-law. And blood is thicker than water.You presently recall a convo you had with him about how his wife wanted the brother and sister-in-law more involved in the business. He was offering to have them help YOU out, and you thought to yourself, No, Charlie, I don’t need ‘help’ from your brother and sister-in-law. And I’m not going to participate in your entrepreneur version of food stamps, supporting your deadbeat relatives. Hey Charlie, did you also put them up in the camper in your back yard?Knowing that at this point you have nothing to lose, you send him another email:“Charlie, I spent MONTHS painstakingly building your campaigns. Your tracking was a huge mess to untangle. I dropped your cost per lead not by 40% but more like 78% (!!!) (it was utterly unworkable when I inherited it). Dude, I stayed up until 1am several nights a week for months straightening it all out. Not only that, it was right after my third son was born and most mornings we were waking up at 5am.”“But I told you that I was going the extra mile anyway, because you had told me that with all your vendors you always go for the long-term relationship, not the cheap date, and I trusted you to honor that commitment.“I even figured out from your analytics data that the ‘$225 of sales’ was actually a long-time customer who happened to click on their ad before they bought. They would have bought anyway so really it was $13000 of ads for ZERO sales.”You were too nice to rub El Presidente’s face in it. You just discreetly cleaned up the mess because it was the right thing to do.He emails you back:“I want you to know how much I appreciate your team and the work you guys did. It really made a huge impact on our business. It’s just that for now we’re heading in a different direction, so my decision is final for now. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to work together some other time down the road. I sincerely wish you the best of success going forward.”And that’s how your income drops by $6000 per month, overnight.(It’s OK. You can always knock on doors for a few weeks and then onboard another new client and stay up until 1am for a few months straightening out all their problems. There’s an endless supply of disasters you could clean up, so long as you’re willing to volunteer your time for 1/2 or 1/3 your normal rate.)And that is exactly how ‘2017 and before’ marketing conversations go when you are a consultant living in a 20th century business model (digital ad agency).But there’s a different way this conversation goes… IF. IF you’re playing a 21st century game instead of a 20th century game:Charlie sends you an email. It could be any one of the following, or all:“Your leads are too expensive.”“None of the people who called last week turned into paying customers. The leads you’ve been sending are no good. At this point we’re going to have to reconsider our relationship. ”“Can we get on the phone and explore some other options with our contract? I’m uncomfortable with the prices you’re charging and I’m looking at quotes from several very high quality vendors.”“We’ve gotten a string of bad Google reviews lately and I think it’s because you’re bringing us people who aren’t really a good match for our service.”“We found a company that is going to get us a lot more likes on our Facebook page.”“We’ve elected to take our advertising in-house.”And at that point, you flip the switch and you’re done.Just like that.And you move on. And you sell the same traffic to some other guy across town.Two weeks later he reaches out again:“Hey, we’ve been re-evaluating during the last week or so and I’d really like to see if we can revisit our previous conversation. Turns out the vendor we were looking at isn’t feeling so confident about what they promised and Meg just went on maternity leave which leaves us in a pinch. Are you available for lunch next Tuesday?”What’s the Difference Between Charlie firing you with impunity vs. Charlie coming back two weeks later and asking to reconsider?ANSWER: EQUITY and NETWORK EFFECT.People can bandy about all kinds of theories and models and strategies for keeping clients. But if you’ve read the book Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer, you know that in all transactions, one party has the upper hand and one party does not.In Situation A, the client has the upper hand and you, the consultant, are at their mercy.Sure, they can make a tragic mistake, they can screw you AND shoot their foot off with a sawed-off shotgun, but in the end, all they can manage to do is damage everything and destroy value in the world.Everybody loses.Because fundamentally everybody’s fighting over a pie and trying to divide it up.And the reason YOU are in the inferior bargaining position is elegantly illustrated in the Tactical Triangle.Everything about marketing for any business is in this triangle:Traffic (T)Conversion (C)Economics (E)80/20The red circle defines how much of the chess board you control. If you’re an online agency and you provide Traffic, you control the amount of real estate in the red circle:You control 10-15% of the chess board.Now let’s say you control the Traffic AND the Conversion. Not only do you bring the prospects in but you also convert them to customers:Please notice how much bigger the new red circle is. It’s 3-4X bigger. You control 40-50% of the chess board. Maybe even 60%.The size of territory you control in the Tactical Triangle directly determines:1. The amount of money you can charge and the profits you keep,and2. The amount of bargaining power you have with your client.When you only control 10% of the Triangle, sorry to say… but you are quite dispensable. You are sandwiched between a company much larger than yourself, and Google or Facebook or some other platform. It’s like straddling two 18-wheelers as they speed down the highway.When you control 40% of the Triangle, you are a LOT harder to get rid of.And when you control 60% of the Triangle? As soon as you control more than half – you effectively own the company. Even if you don’t actually own any of the physical assets.You might not own the factory or the warehouses or the patents or the IP. You may not have any liability for any of those things. But you effectively control the business.There are several ways to get there.Oh, and here’s another way:What you see here is AirBnB.AirBnB owns the TRAFFICThey do not control the Conversion at all. The property owners are completely in charge of that.They control the link from Conversion to Economics (they process the transaction).They control the rating system (the link from Economics to Traffic).And that’s all they need to own. Because the yellow arrows are NETWORK EFFECT.AirBnB doesn’t own hotels, houses, apartments, condos. They don’t buy coffee or tea or bagels or English Breakfasts with mushrooms and rashers. They don’t own horse stables or fishing ponds or hiking trails.But they do control over half of the entire Bed & Breakfast industry. They get 9% to 15% of the money that changes hands.In the Rosetta Stone seminar, I delivered:A real-life, real-time presentation from a lone-wolf consultant who is midpoint in transforming himself from agency/consultant to $10 million, $100 million or even $1 billion dollar industry disruptor.A method that several of the most successful members of Planet Perry are using to completely flip the game from the client’s favor to their favor.A lockdown formula for increasing your share of the Tactical Triangle from minority to majority.The Crystal Ball on how local businesses are about to get MASSIVELY REVOLUTIONIZED. This will happen in nearly every service sector you can imagine. The revolution is coming to YOUR town, YOUR city. Now, not later. And I mean NOW.This is no minor inflection point. This is revolution. Most people won’t see it until it’s already trundled over them like a steam roller.THIS IS A GAME WHERE YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT TO LAND ON TOP. You don’t want to be on the underside of this steam roller. You must be in the driver’s seat.The method I’m describing here is Network Effect for Mere Mortals and it’s a way of creating a mini-AirBnB without millions or tens of millions of dollars of Venture Capital. In fact, most people are doing it without raising money AT ALL.Rosetta Stone laid the foundation for what is going to happen in marketing during the next ten to twenty years.You can find all kinds of courses, videos, seminars, coaching and trainings that will show you how to navigate the next 18 months. None will prepare you for the next 18 years and 90% of them will only leave you in the same place 18 months later as you are now.Except you’ll be 18 months older with nothing to show for it.For 25 years, “Marketing Professional” was the highest paid position in any company. That was during the golden age of marketing – from 1992 to 2017.Marketing is no longer the edge.Steve is a long-time marketing maven who discovered the likes of Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, paid search ads and online marketing.Steve experienced a success surge in the mid-2000s. He discovered the web along with direct marketing. Within 2-3 years he built a thriving marketing practice. He hired a slew of employees and achieved remarkable victories for his clients. He transported many businesses from six figures to seven and a few from seven to eight.Then the recession hit.Suddenly, clients were on the ropes fighting for their very lives and he lost them. Had to lay off his entire crew and start over.He savagely rebuilt. Found a niche doing agency work and Pay Per Click management. He does outstanding work, and always goes the extra mile for his clients……But client perception persistently reverts to: “You’re just another paid ads guy.”And while he’s certainly “eating” now, the former season of prosperity never returned.THE PROBLEM IS: The minute they think they can categorize you as an “ads guy” they immediately pigeon hole you as charging certain fees, taking blame for situations not of your causing, and solving problems not of your choosing.And still not getting paid enough for it.It’s a real blow to your ego when you apply some of the best methodology in the world and generate more leads for less money than anyone ever has… when you perform at a level that 99% of consultants couldn’t dream of… yet the client beats you up every 4-6 weeks, complains about quality of leads (which HIS team is failing to close) then fires you and starts over with some junior league wanna-be who tells a good story.That’s one problem.The other problem is 95/5. It’s that the world *used* to be 80/20. It’s not anymore. Here’s an example of the other problem:I’ve got a client whose name is Jeff. Serial entrepreneur. Has been very successful in a number of endeavors. His main business is suffering because it’s at the bottom of a long bust cycle that typically runs 5-10 years. This has always been the case in his industry. It will probably be booming again in 2020 or 2025 but there’s nothing that can be done about it now.But he’s got this another company. It’s in its infancy. It is clearly viable and is making sales. It is scratching an itch and people are paying money to get their problem solved. It’s in a growing industry with bleeding necks all over the place.This nascent company is very promising. Enormous potential. Could reach tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact I, Perry Marshall, can clearly see how, if he plays his cards right, he’ll be sitting atop an empire that dwarfs anything he ever imagined before.But here’s the problem:ALL of the major levers of his new business hinge on Network Effect.Network Effect is when Uber gets more riders, which attract more drivers, which lowers the wait time, which attracts more riders…. which, once it gets going, becomes an unbelievably powerful force that obliterates all competition.A juggernaut.Network Effect is an all-or-nothing proposition. You either get it to work… or you don’t. You either own a juggernaut, or you own a dog. There’s nothing in between.Network Effect is easy to understand… AFTER IT BECOMES OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD, as with Uber or AirBnB.But Network Effect is very hard to pull off before that occurs. It’s like starting a fire with no matches, when you only have pieces of flint and a few dry sticks and a ball of string. Especially if you’re not armed with the “Network Effect for Mere Mortals” methodology that I revealed at Rosetta Stone.If Jeff can manage to laser-focus his effort, he’ll have something that resembles a miniature AirBnB in a niche market, and once he does that Jeff will own that market lock, stock and barrel. Jeff will ‘own’ an industry without having to own any of the assets.And it will be simply TOO LATE for anyone else who wants to come in behind him, because once he creates that network, he rises to the top of the 95/5 stack.Businesses like this typically sell for 4-6X revenue. If the company is doing $2 million in sales, it might fetch as much as $12 million. It’s an incredible asset.IF.If he can recognize all the ingredients, and visualize them in his imagination NOW. Before anyone else does. Before someone else executes.Every industry in the world, no matter how backwards or provincial, is subject to this. Every industry in the world is poised for a major revolution. It is only a question of who will do it, and when.Every time this occurs, the whole industry flips from 80/20 to 95/5.The Bed and Breakfast industry USED TO BE 80/20.Now it’s run by AirBnB and a very few other similar companies and they control 95% of the market. The B&Bs themselves are no longer an asset.An owner of a very well-managed, gorgeous Bed and Breakfast here in Chicago told me that it used to be that you could run a B&B, live off of your fees, pay off your mortgage, sell the property for lots of money when you’re 60 and retire on the equity of the property.No longer true. AirBnB has decimated all that. They pocket almost all of the profits in that business. Not only that, they are quietly lobbying to change all the tax laws too and they’ve hired the best attorneys in the country to do that.The question for YOU is:Are you going to own the Network? Or is the Network going to own you?Are you going to own something resembling an AirBnB in your industry, where you broker all the deals?Or are you going to be something resembling a Bed and Breakfast where you do services, and some company far away skims the cream off the top, while YOU essentially own nothing?That is your choice.And that is what Rosetta Stone is all about.What You Get With Rosetta StoneAs I said you get a detailed strategy based on real-time, real-world, right-now case studies of small players who are turning stale industries into small fortunes.But you also get tools. Incredibly powerful tools. Tools that will pay for themselves within days or weeks of your purchase by delivering precision insights.Overview of tools included in Rosetta Stone:Most seminars deliver hacks and techniques. Rosetta Stone delivers simple, elegant, powerful diagnostic and problem solving tools:Scalability Scorecard – What is the ceiling of your business? How big can it grow? Is there some fundamental limitation that will prevent your business from going beyond a certain point? One of the most futile things you can do is attempt to scale a business that refuses to scale. The Scalability Scorecard will, in minutes, tell you whether it’s possible to add one zero… two zeros… three zeros… or none at all.If you’re a consultant or agency, this ONE resource will give you the ability to force a client to sit up straight and give you his or her full attention.If you’re a founder, company owner, president or CEO, this will tell you what your far-reaching bottlenecks are. It may save you years of tears. It will tell you if you’re on the right track and it will tell you if you need to alter course.Network Effect Scorecard – How hospitable is your business for Network Effect? Some companies don’t support Network Effect at all. Others are fertile ground. Still others are ripe but only IF you engage specific, non-obvious channels that most people leave dormant.Most people are not accustomed to thinking about Network Effect AT ALL. Rosetta Stone will permanently change that and this tool will give you the magnifying glass you need to assess any business.Promotion Success Scorecard – Have you ever done a product introduction or product launch and it needed to make $100,000 and it only made $15,000? Pretty disappointing, eh? (Crushing maybe.) This tool will SLASH the chances of this happening to you.Perry Marshall Media Map – This is one of the most fascinating and revealing tools ever. It equips you to do 80/20 on the ONSLAUGHT of media choices that you have. (Nobody can do Google and Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat and EBay and Amazon and Radio and TV and newspaper and Periscope and blogs and XM Radio and banner ads and affiliates and text messages…The ‘Martini Glass’ Unlimited Traffic Calculator – How much will it cost you to scale your traffic UP? How much will a boost in conversions increase your market share? This tool tells you.Star Principle Scorecard – You can systematically ratchet your business up the scale of dominance by incrementing key levers one at a time – until you are capable of transcending your competitors on a variety of fronts. Not by brute force but by finesse and elegance.The Espresso Machine Tool – X-Ray vision for optimizing your pricing to maximize profitability and market share.Simplify Scorecard – Gauges not only your product line but your company culture for navigating what most people find to be an impossible maze of subtleties. You can’t afford to get this wrong because most people only get ONE shot their entire life. You better make it right.I built these tools (and more) FOR the Rosetta Stone seminar and community. Rosetta Stone has now permanently changed Planet Perry because I have laid the foundations for the next 20 years of marketing.I have guided thousands of entrepreneurs to six figures; hundreds to seven figures and beyond. Today, a handful are worth a billion.Whether you desire to earn $400,000 a year strictly on your own terms, or if you prefer to join the ranks of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world, I’m delivering the world’s first Zero-to-Billion equity business strategy.The net worth in the room during Rosetta Stone was north of a billion dollars. The net worth of people listening to the live stream was at least half a billion. I know that for a fact.There are a lot of marketing seminars. There are very, very, very few that people worth tens and hundreds of millions of dollars will go to.Now that might seem totally irrelevant to you if you’re just getting started.It’s not.And if you doubt, ask the wealthiest people in the room. In fact, I want you to imagine that you walk up to one of these people (several of whom were on stage). Say, “Hi, I just have this little company that does [fill in the blank] – I don’t have aspirations to be a billionaire or anything, I just want to build something that LASTS. Do you think Perry Marshall’s videos and Rosetta tools will help me?”What do you think they’ll say?Do you think Warren Buffet’s business advice somehow does not apply to you?You may object:“That’s nice Perry… but I’m not even remotely interested in building a billion-dollar company… so what does this have to do with ME???”It has everything to do with you, because THE GOLDEN AGE OF MARKETING IS OFFICIALLY OVER.Because all the world’s most sophisticated marketing has become a commodity.And most small companies sorely lack one crucial ingredient that the big players prize more than anything else.This is why I am taking equity in companies.The business I’m in is not the business you think I’m in. This is only the exterior. I’m going to show you the whole thing.At the beginning, I addressed you as: “Dear Marketing Professional.”Today, I summon you to something far greater. More noble, more expansive, more ambitious than merely being a “Marketing Professional.”I’m inviting you to join an elite group of individuals who stand head and shoulders above the masses of ordinary marketers.NOT everybody will follow me. I’m not posturing when I say that. Most people who made the first transition won’t make the 2nd.Sony didn’t invent the iPod, but they could and should have.The taxi industry could have invented Uber, but they fought it instead.General Motors didn’t invent Tesla, even though they should have. (They had a great electric car 20 years ago, the EV1… they scrapped it.)All of these companies had perfectly good excuses for why they couldn’t swing the changes. In each case it meant taking a hatchet to what was “already working” and making a bold move.(I know one of the guys who headed up the electric car program at GM in the 1990s. He shakes his head in disbelief at what GM discarded when they crushed those dearly-loved cars and hauled them to the junkyard. He was so disillusioned he left the auto industry and is now doing something completely different.)Similarly, most marketers won’t make it around this bend. They too will invent an excuse to forever remain “marketers” and doom themselves to obsolescence.Even the greatest marketer in the world now submits to the Equity Strategist.YES, the Equity Strategist must thoroughly grasp marketing. But the Equity Strategist commands so much more.Maybe you’re content just being the second highest paid person in the firm.But don’t forget:#1 Enjoys the freedom; #2 is a slave#1 Takes home 2-10X more money than #2#1 Keeps 75-95% of the wealth; #2 fights over the scrapsThe world is not 80/20 anymore, it’s 95/5. 5% of the people attain 95% of the wealth. Once upon a time, #2 could still walk away with 20%. Now #2 is lucky to take home 5%. Probably 2% or zero.Five Steps to Ruling Your Kingdom:MarketingEquityScaleMoatCastleMarketing is essential. You’ll never rule anything without a thorough knowledge of marketing. But it’s not enough anymore. And until you have a clear, simple, elegant road map to the big levers, you will be mired in a sprawling swamp-bog of complexity. Most marketing education stops here. It’s not enough.Equity is mandatory. There are three kinds of equity: I) Cash Equity: You set aside enough money to invest in assets that throw off cash. II) 80/20 Lifestyle Equity: When you don’t have equity (i.e. baseball player or oil painter) but you do have other forms of leverage. III) Business Systems Equity: You build a business you can sell. Rosetta Stone is about getting Business Systems Equity – even if you’re in a type #I or #II business right now.Scale is the hardest step. It’s also the step that looks the easiest! In nearly any industry it’s easy to scoop up 1% market share. Even if you’re a bit player, there’s low hanging fruit you can shake off somewhere. But… getting 10%, 20%, 30% of the market – everyone makes it sound easy but it’s very hard.Moat is the most rare. Nothing determines the value of your equity more than your moat.95-99% of businesses don’t have a moat. The world’s greatest moat is Network Effect. Network Effect is when Ebay has buyers, which attracts more sellers, who attract more buyers. Ebay might seem stodgy in 2019, but it’s more immune to attack than the presidential palace in North Korea. You could spend $100 billion and you’d still never get Ebay’s buyers and sellers to switch to a new auction site. And that’s the kind of moat you need. The problem is, nobody has worked out a formula for regular businesses to attain Network Effect. Before now.3000 years ago, Solomon said build your barn before you build your house. And I say: build your moat before you build your castle!Rosetta Stone is Network Effect for Everyman.Castle is your personal financial protection. It’s your autonomy and freedom. It’s immunity from confiscatory tax laws. It’s your capacity to rule as a Wise King. It’s the fortress that enables you do to the things you care about. Superstars of Planet Perry like Clate Mask and Ed Harycki, Mark Ingles and Bill Seagraves; programmer Monica Snyder, dog trainer Susan Garrett and tennis champion Florian Meier, are not only accomplishing what they want financially, but their lifestyles support their personal priorities and deep convictions.Rosetta Stone is the first training to integrate all five, delivering not only an A-Z road map to the most powerful marketing strategies in the world but giving you OWNERSHIP, SCALE and PROTECTION – so ten years from now you’re no longer huffing and puffing trying to make that hamster wheel spin.Entrepreneurship used to be about sales and marketing. Now it’s about EQUITY.It is for this reason that on May 8-10, I conducted a private seminar. 80-90% of the content was from me, with only a very few select other guests or presenters. I’d never done this before.This was vital and essential because I’ve reached a new synthesis of both existing and new tools and strategies. New synthesis mandates new identity.Whether you’re InfusionSoft hiring young Perry Marshall, or whether you’re young Perry Marshall trying to climb on board with InfusionSoft, this is how you create a consulting agreement that gives you equity. (I did get equity in InfusionSoft.) And the seminar is actually for both parties.Get Rosetta Stone Event – Perry Marshall , Only Price 199$My FIRST Equity AdventureTwenty years ago, I went to work as an employee at a small hardware and software design firm, Synergetic Micro Systems.Synergetic was struggling to migrate from hand-to-mouth product development “job shop” to full-fledged product manufacturer.One year into the deal, I got “phantom shares.” Stock options.I grew my tiny corner of that business from $200,000 to $4 million, and with the advent of our chip (which re-defined the company, as it was a Proposition Simplifier) we became ripe targets for acquisition.Four years after I started that job, Synergetic got sold to Lantronix Inc. for $18 million.I walked out that door with $268,000 USD in stock options. That was a landmark event in my life. It swung a wide-open door to all I’ve done since.Had I not gotten that deal, I would not be here today talking to you.Don’t forget: I was as important to them as they were to me. I gave that job my full heart, soul, and passion, because they gave me every reason to. The company was gunning for a big Exit Event and everyone was on board. The owners re-engineered the whole company with the Exit Event in mind.It’s not like I didn’t have reasons to despair. There were all kinds of problems and I almost quit several times. I almost got fired too. But the incentive to persevere was huge.I built sales funnels, a distribution and rep channel, wrote magazine articles, got publicity in trade journals, applied myself with conscientiousness and dedication. Went to seminars, educated myself in every way conceivable, subscribed to newsletters, hung out on discussion boards, was a bona fide marketing maniac 24/7. Bought recordings and read books voraciously. Cashed in my info product consulting coupons to solve problems in my sales job.Without a “go to guy” like me, that company would have floundered and never achieved its zenith.If you’re a founder or CEO, you need to find people like that. People who become assets that help you transform your business into the kind of star that either (1) gets sold for a large sum of money (so you have an exit); or (2) you design your company so family members can take over; or (3) structure your company so it channels enough dough into the bank that you earn your freedom.If you’re a consultant, you need to use your passion, wisdom and expertise to purchase the same kind of lottery ticket I bought at Synergetic. You need to become the Master Strategist.Rosetta Stone is the singular event that brings both groups together under one roof. Yes, so founders and consultants can meet each other. But most importantly because whether you’re a founder / CEO or a hired gun, you need to possess the Master Strategy. You want the capacity to handle ANYTHING that comes your way.Oh, and by the way, Synergetic eventually achieved Network Effect too. It wasn’t Uber-style Network Effect. It was an ‘everyman’ version. But it was enough to fend off competitors and become a valuable asset and even in the cutthroat technology scene, the chip we developed is still sold today, 16 years later.Three Days of Intense Perry DeliveryThe Rosetta Stone Seminar delivered three days of concentrated discovery and interaction, integrating and simplifying my sixteen years of consulting, authoring, teaching and strategy.All other seminars I’ve hosted have either been small workshops with hot seats, or team efforts featuring multiple presenters and experts. I’ve not held any other large-format seminar where I delivered more than six hours of material myself.At Star Seminar in 2014, Richard Koch did most of the presenting. In Marina Del Ray California the following year, I had many guests covering a wide range of topics. The fabled AdWords seminars in Maui Hawaii featured many speakers. The Rainmaker seminar for consultants had many speakers.Roundtable meetings are more member content than Perry content. Only in the Influential Writing workshop in 2013 (twelve in attendance) did I give the majority of presentations across two days. There, the topic was extremely narrow.This is nothing less than the definitive strategic marketing synthesis. An Operating System. The next level for people who already know the ABCs of marketing and who also know that what got you here won’t get you there.It’s the zero-to-billion action plan. This is where Planet Perry is headed from now on.Whether you simply desire to earn $400,000 a year strictly on your own terms, or if you prefer to join the ranks of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world, I’m delivering the world’s first Zero-to-Billion business strategy.The Rosetta Stone seminar is utterly unique. I named this after the Egyptian Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799. This discovery was a MAJOR leap forward, bridging Egyptian, Greek and Coptic cultures and understanding three major languages. It converted HUGE fragments of ancient history, harmonizing discordant time lines, shedding brilliant light on ancient languages, unraveling cultural mysteries and bringing the story of mankind into alignment.The idea of a “Rosetta Stone” is to be able to set three different languages side by side and be able to decipher what all of them mean.The Rosetta Stone seminar integrates Traffic, Conversion and Economics (marketing) with the Mast