Rosale Lobo – Nursing Documentation


Join expert and legal nurse consultant, Rosale Lobo, PhD(c), MSN, RN, CNS, LNCC, to learn how to develop a systematic approach to documentation that will keep you, your patients and your license safe.

Rosale Lobo – Nursing Documentation

Join expert and legal nurse consultant, Rosale Lobo, PhD(c), MSN, RN, CNS, LNCC, to learn how to develop a systematic approach to documentation that will keep you, your patients and your license safe. You will learn how to identify and avoid risky documentation as well as how to correctly utilize electronic documentation and the correct technique for meaningful use. Rosale will show you step by step, how to overcome your most complex documentation questions and challenges.
This dynamic one-day program will include tools to safeguard your documentation including:

Time saving tips for electronic documentation and EMR use
Documenting compliance, incident reports, and adverse events
Sample strategy worksheets for ease of data collection
Federal government requests for charting based on meaningful use criteria
Dangers with social media, email, and texting
Examples and case studies of correct and incorrect documentation

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The Components of Documentation

Social Networking
Indirect Care

Electronic Nursing Documentation

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Meaningful Use
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
Risky electronic documentation practices
Dangers of email, social networking, and texting

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Strategies

Time Management
Software Knowledge
Meaningful Use

Reimbursement and Documentation

Medicare/Medicaid Changes
Incentives and meaningful use criteria
EMR Timelines
Hospital Acquired Conditions

Documentation When Things Go Wrong

Incident Reports
Adverse Events
Risk Factors

Ethical Issues

Truth Tellers

Avoiding Risky Documentation

Credible evidence
Avoiding Ambiguity
Recording events objectively
Late Entries
Correcting Errors

What if the Worst Happens?

Duty /Breach of Duty
Nurse Practice Act
State Board of Nursing

Examples and Case Studies of Documentation

Identify a strategic nursing documentation system.
Describe how documentation is used to decide if you are guilty or innocent in a lawsuit.
Recognize the meaningful use criteria to meet reimbursement needs.
List how to best use features in computerized records to ensure reimbursement.
Identify how to prevent risky behavior when using social media and other forms of electronic communication.
Define how to use best practice and standard of care for documenting incident reports and adverse events.
Integrate the correct practices into your documentation to keep your license unblemished.
Summarize the common documentation mistakes and how to avoid and/or correct them.