Ron LeGrand & Dan Kennedy Platform Speaking and Sales Bootcamp


CD 1Ron’s Overview of Bootcamp2. Ron’s Success w/ Speaking/Sales3.  Guest Introductions4.  Dan Kennedy – Building a SpeechPurchase Ron LeGrand & Dan Kennedy Platform Speaking and Sales Bootcamp courses at here with PRICE $2495 $73 Ron LeGrand & Dan Kennedy Platform Speaking and Sales BootcampCD 1Ron’s Overview of Bootcamp2. Ron’s Success w/ Speaking/Sales3.  Guest Introductions4.  Dan Kennedy – Building a SpeechCD 2Dan K. – Building a Speech (cont’d)2.  Building a Speech That Sells3.  Reveal Something New to the Audience4.  Kennedy’s Speech Transcript5.  Take Control of the Audience6.  IssuesCD 3Ron & Panel. – Building a Speech (cont’d)2.  Ron Starts His Close3.  Questions4.  Credibility5.  Image Perception6.  Basic Philosophies7.  RE Profit Centers8.  style – Wright’s Comments9.  Ron’s Close (cont’d)10. BonusesCD 4Ron & Panel – Building a Speech (cont’d)2. Humor3.  Step by Step Process4.  Suits For Presentation5.  Ethics6.  Boring Stories?7.  Ron’s Video Close8.  Creating A Rush9.  Leading the Rush10.Critique of Ron’s CloseCD 5Key Ingredient to a Close2. Building an Irresistible Offer3.  Involve Audience4.  Testimonials5.  Justify Cost6.  Don’t Drag Close7.  Wright’s Close (preamble)8.  Wright’s Close – Part 1CD 6Wright’s Close (cont’d)2. Wright’s Close Critiqued3.  Presentation Positioning4.  Order Forms vs. Stamped5.  Product Support6.  Pricing Survey7.  Flashy Jewelry8.  Comments on Close9.  Irresistible Offers10.Product GuarantiesCD 7Letter Book2. Try Before You Buy3.  Ron’s TV Show Examples4.  The Only Thing That Matters5.  Sense Of UrgencyCD 8Creating Products2. Platform Selling3.  How Does It Look From the Stage?4.  Product List5.  Price Judgment6.  Big Chance7.  Package vs. Cafeteria8.  Build Value9.  Premiums & Bonuses10. Advanced secretsCD 9Advanced secrets (cont’d)2. Pricing3.  Nightingale Conant Influence4.  Advanced Secrets5. The 5%6.  Odd vs. Even7.  Order Forms8.  More Advanced Secrets9.  Transcript BookCD 10Product Sales2. Global Sales3.  Income Streams # 14.  Income Streams # 25.  Income Streams # 3 & # 46.  TestimonialsCD 11Selling Environment2. Bob Campana’s Close3.  Audience Critique 14.  Audience Critique 25.  Audience Critique 36.  Ron & Panel Critique7.  Delivering a Speech8.  Wright’s Intro For Ron9.  Using VisualsCD 12Using Visuals (cont’d)2. Overhead vs. PowerPoint3.  Umms & Ahhhs4.  Loren – Health Fasting5.  Getting Back to Basics6.  Room Environments7.  HecklersCD 13Lou Brown’s Close2. Ted Thomas3.  Steven RothCD 14Copyright and Sales2. General Leads3.  Campaign Testimonies4.  Campaign Letters (Part 2)5.  Joint Venture Partners6.  Outbound TelemarketersCD 15Panel Comments2. Building a Back-end3.  Speaking Is Long Term Income4.  Dan’s Staffing5. Panel’s Staffing6.  Back End Options7.  License Products8.  Joint Venture9.  Products You Can CreateCD 16Products You Can Create2. Coaching3.  Teleconferencing4.  Good Marketing Plan5.  Voice Mail BlastsCD 17Booking Arrangements2. Measuring Success3.  Note Owl – Bonus Session4.  Naming (Sex Sells)5.  A/V promotion6.  Speaking Often7.  Use Media & Fill the Room8.  Whether or not to Charge Admission9.  Creative WorkCD 18Speaking Often ( cont’d)2. Presentation Format3.  Merchant Accounts4.  Product Ready For Delivery5.  Examine Numbers Realistically6.  Self-directed IRAs7.  Multiple Streams of IncomeCD 19Wright’ Multiple Streams Of Income ( cont’d)2. Ron’s Multiple Streams3.  Dan’s Multiple Streams4.  Ernie’s Multiple Streams5. Jeff Kaller’s Close6.  Rick’s Revenue Flow Stream 7.  CD Vs Tape8.  Dan’s Critique of Jeff Kaller’s Close9.  Ron’s Critique of Jeff Kaller’s CloseCD 20Ron’s Critique of Jeff’s Close (cont’d)2. Ernie’s Comments on Jeff’s ClosePurchase Ron LeGrand & Dan Kennedy Platform Speaking and Sales Bootcamp courses at here with PRICE $2495 $73