
Robin Sampson – Exodus Era

Original price was: ₹3,300.00.Current price is: ₹1,350.00.


Robin Sampson Exodus Era
Homeschool mother to nine children, Bible teacher, designer, and author of A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays, Ancient History: Adam to Messiah, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach, What Your Child Needs to Know When, Wisdom Unit Study, and Adam to Abraham Unit Study.

Homeschool mother to nine children, Bible teacher, designer, and author of A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays, Ancient History: Adam to Messiah, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach, What Your Child Needs to Know When, Wisdom Unit Study, and Adam to Abraham Unit Study.
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Robin Sampson – Exodus Era

Read Robin’s Masked to Truefaced Story Here.

Homeschool mother to nine children, Bible teacher, designer, and author of A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays, Ancient History: Adam to Messiah, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach, What Your Child Needs to Know When, Wisdom Unit Study, and Adam to Abraham Unit Study.
Robin’s designer and Bible journal kits can be found at the BibleJournalLove Etsy Shop.
See Robin’s articles on

Proceeds from these classes and BibleJournalLove Etsy shop automatically go to pay overhead and support several ministries every month:,, Bridges for Peaceand These three ministries are devoted to making Bible resources available. I hope you get a chance to visit each site and take advantage of amazing resources.
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