
Robert Williams – The Endless Clients System

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Robert Williams – The Endless Clients System

An Endless Stream of Clients Waiting for You in Your Inbox

Here’s what I know. Not being confident that you can find clients any time you want bleeds chaos into every area of your business.

When you’re always counting on work coming TO YOU, it feels like your luck might run out at any second.

But for the past 7+ years, I’ve been able to solve this problem with a few simple systems. Every week, I find atleast ten $10,000+ client projects in need of high-value work.

The results have been amazing: millions of dollars in client work generated each year.

Here’s why it matters to you. Nothing about this requires special talent or skill. Anyone with normal competency can find these clients, for the specific type of work they love do, for free.

This page will share how. In detail. I hope that it transforms how you think about lead generation in your business. Whether or not you decide to try the program. Ready? Let’s go.

You can probably think of 10+ ways to get results for your clients off the top of your head but when it comes to your own business, most of us are lost. The longer you’ve been in business, the worse it gets:

•    We know bombarding our network on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others and announcing “We’re available!” for work has never gotten us a single project. Yet we do it continuously.

•    We launch new websites to the sound of crickets. Only then asking: how do I actually get clients to come to it?

•    We pull-the-plug on failed niche after failed niche. Never knowing exactly which of our skills is actually valuable and to who.

•    And we constantly get distracted by shiny tactics like the 59 best SEO tips, Instagram stories, or whatever else happens to come across our Twitter feed that day.

But constantly being pulled in 21 different directions is no way to run a business.

And scrambling from project to project means you’re constantly trading your time for cash but never actually getting ahead.

Worse, your skills start to plateau. You know the feeling if you’ve ever looked around and asked: wait, exactly how am I valuable in 2021, again?

It’s scary. But it won’t change on its own. It’s time to change the way we think:

The 6 “Lead Myths” That Kill Your Earning Potential:

Lead Myth #1 – I’m just too busy

You probably know at least a few ways to grow your business. But you’re not doing them. Why? Because instead of outsourcing or automating these things with systems, you rely on willpower to get them done. Needing to “remember” to reach out to potential clients from a messy inbox, when you know life is going to get in the way, is planning to fail.

The Truth: You need systems scripts, templates, automations, and processes to make sure nothing slips by. Your system needs to do the work, not you.

Lead Myth #2 – I have no network

If you wait until you’re out of work to plead with their Twitter and LinkedIn network for referrals, people notice. Be real. This approach hardly ever works. All it does is zap your confidence, because deep down you know you hate constantly asking for help and never being in the position to give it.

The Truth: If your company knows how to find dozens of $10,000+ projects anytime you want – in under 30 minutes – you never have to worry about bothering your network again.

Lead Myth #3 – Ooo a shiny new tool will fix everything

You tell yourself that if you just had the right tool everything would fall into place! You just need to research the perfect Email Marketing, CRM, Project Management, etc. and then you will finally build a great lead generation system. So you spend hours researching but never actually make progress.

The Truth: Tools are a small part of a steady lead pipeline, the best client generation systems use a few simple tools but get the most out of them. That’s the real difference.

Lead Myth #4 – I’ll just hire a sales guy

Wouldn’t it be nice to just hire a salesperson, cut them 50% check, and kiss your problems goodbye? You simply hire a biz dev person, they are immediately a master at selling your service, and viola you have a rainmaker!

The Truth: A team is a great thing to build. However, profits are the lifeblood of your business. By training a $10-30 per hour VA you can get even better results without the on-going commissions.

Lead Myth #5 – I gotta blog for a year first

Every guru tells you it takes years to build a proper pipeline. Meanwhile, you have to burn out trying their latest “Blogging,” “SEO,” “Ads,” and other “Growth Hacks,” for years. Because to build a great business you also have to essentially build a media company too?

The Truth: You can skip years of trial and error and just get an instant, steady flow of leads on day one. If you do it right you can set it up once and keep getting new opportunities forever. Don’t believe the hype.

Lead Myth #6 – I just need to redesign my site

I love tinkering too. But telling yourself that your stale, boring website just needs a redesign and “new positioning” to start bringing in new leads is laughable! You need more than a fresh coat of paint or your new contact form will have just as many cobwebs as your last one did.

The Truth: The design of your website and even case studies in your portfolio are way less important than finding the right offer that’s irresistible to clients. Once you do this, everything becomes a downhill battle. If you recognize these myths, even a little – ask yourself the following question:

What if your #1 priority in 2021 was finding potential new client streams and pitching them?

What if you decided to make this a priority right now?

Not tomorrow. Not “I’ll get around to it eventually” or “once things calm down”.

What if you decided it was time to create a system for finding and pitching leads that didn’t require all of your time and energy.

Imagine if you could skip “brainstorming” the best way to do it, and doing endless amounts research on software and approaches, and just get the complete, optimized, system ready to go.

Imagine finding the exact solution to this problem in your business right now and making it happen.

No more figuring things out alone. Or creating a lead channel from the ground up.

Just the systems, scripts, templates, and processes that are proven and effective at getting clients.

Instant access to a system that would take 7+ years to create on your own.

The ability to take your company from constantly looking for work to booking 6+ months out.

To go from your entire lead pipeline relying on your to, it running – and even growing – completely without you.

Each night, going to bed knowing your business is lining up the work it needs. Peace of mind.

This is the system your business is missing.

But until now your only option was to spend years building it yourself.

But right now, for a limited time, you can get instant access to the entire system with no-risk.

See, I built this system out of necessity. One day I had to make a decision. If I was serious about moving my business forward, then creating a functional lead engine – without dedicating all my time to it – was necessary.

It was only after years of trial and error that I created the system I’m sharing with you today. Before I give you the opportunity to try it, let’s walk through some of the challenges I had to overcome, in case you do too:

Excuses that held you back

“I can’t afford to build a system right now. Times are tough.”

It’s easy to focus on costs while ignoring the YEARS of WASTED TIME you’ve already spent.

I did it too. That’s why in a minute I will remove all monetary risk for you, completely.

But for now, keep in mind you already KNOW the results of NOT investing in your lead system. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars lost. Those are guaranteed. Compare THAT to the tiny fraction of the cost to try the system today.

The investment you make is one way to hold yourself accountable and make sure you put in the work to make it happen.

“I’m not sure I can commit to the time it will take to run a system like this day in and day out”

I used to tell myself that “keeping things simple” was easier. The truth was, “simple” meant a big mess with no strategy. I told myself my business was simple but really it relied on luck.

I did everything by hand. Think about how much time you waste with that approach. Think about the added work (and time spent) on a system that’s not set up properly. What a waste.

On the other hand, a true system removes 90% of the time required to manage it. If you’re short on time, you can’t afford wait.

The alternative isn’t doing nothing, it’s doing EVERYTHING. YOURSELF.

“I’m not confident enough in my skills or my website / portfolio isn’t ready yet.”

It’s funny. We use “not being ready” as an excuse for years but we never actually define what “ready” looks like.

To me ready means experience. And the only way you get experience is by taking action. You can never become ready by tinkering with your portfolio endlessly.

The only way to become ready is by reaching out to clients, pitching them, seeing what works, then iterating. That’s how you become ready. Otherwise, the “ready” excuse is just another way to procrastinate.

“This stuff doesn’t apply to me, my business is unique, I’m a [insert specialty] so it won’t work for me.”

Super common concern. The truth is yes – your business is different. Everyone’s is. There are some unique elements in your business, no doubt. That doesn’t mean the rules of the universe don’t apply to you.

Advice that works for 99% of businesses will work for you. Just because you’re different doesn’t mean you don’t have to show up consistently, do things strategically, and put yourself in the right places. The truth is I wish I’d stopped pretending my business was different sooner too.

“It’s not the right time… I’ll get to it later”

Whether you have client work lined up already or even a full-time job, telling yourself it’s not the right time to take action on one of the most important elements in your life: your earning potential – is a sure-fire way to gaurantee you’re stuck forever.

You’re here right now because you haven’t made progress on this problem. Tomorrow another day will pass. If you don’t start now, you probably never will. That’s your decision to make. However, don’t lie to yourself and tell yourself you will do something later. Now is the time.

These are just some of the trials I had to overcome. But I’m glad I did. Because I can now present you with a training product years in the making.

How to find endless high-value client streams and create diverse steady revenue for your business.

A complete, step-by-step guide to finding a profitable client market and landing a 5-figure project in 30 days or less.

•    Learn the secret to finding 10+ dream client leads any time you want in under an hour.

•    How to create perfect positioning in 30 minutes, instead of 3 weeks.

•    How to make sure a dream client replies to your emails every time.

•    1 Copy of my NEW Endless Client Stream Generator plugin + how to use it.

•    1 Copy of my full Endless Clients Generator plugin + how to use it.

•    How to find and use Slack communities to generate exclusive hidden leads with almost no competition.

•    How to use your LinkedIn network properly to generate leads each week.

•    How to use Google to find endless dream client streams.

•    A framework for how to find and track sites where dream clients hang out in your niche.

•    The 61 best questions to ask leads to discover what they value.

•    The 20 best cold email templates that will win you more work in less time.

•    The 16 best current client referral and upsell email templates to make way more revenue per client.

•    A plug-and-play RFP proposal template that actually works.

•    The 6 best referral and networking email templates for growing your client network without sleaze.

•    A complete VA outsourcing template with all the process documents you need to automate the whole thing.

•    A whole lot more …
You get the exact strategies, frameworks, templates, and tactics that we’ve used for 7+ years to find over 11,000 high-value client projects.

That’s over 30 high-value leads per week.

You’ll get it all. The shortcuts, the insights, and the tricks that took me years of hard work, and honestly millions of dollars to learn.

No sugar-coating, BS, or random tactics — just the core, simple, and proven steps I’ve used to generate 1+ million in client revenue.

All of it at your fingertips — recorded, transcribed, and uploaded so you can access it anytime, anywhere.

Module 1

Your Endless Clients System

What you’ll get:

•    A system for beating analysis paralysis in your business forever.

•    A framework for standing out above 80% of your competition with one tool.

•    An easy way to guarantee you close more deals.

•    61 exact word-for-word questions you can ask to discover value in the sales process.

•    A bare-bones system for selling in four stages.

•    The #1 thing to focus on when starting your system successfully.

•    A guide to integrating your favorite tools, goals, and team into your system.

•    My Dream Client Cheatsheet that will help you find thousands of dream clients.

•    My premium Endless Clients Generator that will help you find thousands of clients in minutes.

•    Secret tips for extracting high-value work from the best prospecting tool on the web.

•    A proven tested roadmap for your lead and prospecting system.

Module 2

Your Irresistible Client Offer

What you’ll get/learn:

•    Walt Disney’s secret to creating a compelling magical offer

•    How to find high-value clients you enjoy working with

•    How to confidently talk about your value and skills

•    How to use Google to find a gold-mine of dream client sources

•    3 ways to identify in-demand client positioning without exhaustion

•    How to hack Google’s search engine to turn up big budget clients in need

•    How to get clients interested enough to get on a call with you

•    A concrete offer / marketing plan that gets you ahead of 99% of your competition

•    The best tips for saving years of tiral and error on Google

•    How to use market research to build an irresistible client offer

•    What the best value propositions have in common

•    How to craft a great client case study

•    The step-by-step process of data-driven positioning and what it really looks like

Module 3

Your Selling Blueprint

What you’ll get/learn:

•    How to get over your fear and hatred of marketing

•    A simple structure for selling that feels natural

•    The #1 mindset you have to get over to sell with confidence

•    The framework for selling to clients that makes sense to their brain naturally

•    A guide to using LinkedIn to find $10k+ projects even with no network

•    How to craft sales pitches that target hair on fire client pains and clients are eager to pay for

•    A proven formula for creating sales

•    How to take advantage of more client touchpoints

•    What to say to recommend a next step in any scenario

•    My best tips for maximizing your response rate in ever client email

Module 4

Your Growth Playbook

What you’ll get/learn:

•    How to truly separate your time from your income forever

•    A trick for making sure you stay motivated about your pipeline for the long-haul

•    What an Endless Clients system on autopilot looks like

•    How to use Slack communities to find dream clients

•    How to go from community member to a high-value consultant over email

•    How to get more control out of your business

•    How to make client work stop feeling like a treadmill

•    How to not get stuck on a skills plateau and keep growing in-demand skills

•    Exactly what to do to outsource any task in your business with great results

•    How to think of your business like a product instead of a service

•    How to automate your sales with email courses and VAs

•    Exactly how to create six-figure proposals in minutes

•    How to systematize your service delivery

•    How to incorporate client feedback into your system so that it keeps improving and creating repeat clients