Robert Prechter – Trading the Elliott Waves


Tom Alexander – Auction Market Foundations Course
About Tom Alexander
The veteran futures trader Tom Alexander has over 25 years of experience in futures, commodities, equities, and options trading. He is a screen-based futures trader who places a significant emphasis on risk control. He is a well-known trading educator and mentor who is well-liked and respected by his peers in the trading industry. As a frequent contributor to trading industry periodicals, he addresses the necessity of sound trading methodology and how to develop it.
Alexander Trading was founded by Tom Alexander in 2003, and he also serves as the company’s chief educational icer. Alexander Trading specializes in a specific strategy that is completely based on Auction Market Principles. In the course of your visit and your interest in the goods of Alexander Trading, you will have the opportunity to learn from Tom Alexander about how markets function from a market viewpoint, as seen through the lens of his trading courses.
What You’ll Learn In Auction Market Foundations Course?
This is a unique opportunity to accomplish in four weeks what most traders never achieve! A Trade Plan personally designed to fit your goals, that works! This is not a canned template. It is a comprehensive guided workshop to walk you though every detail of developing your Trade Plan. I am Tom Alexander and have thirty-two years of screen-based trading experience.
I am your guide every step of the way. Every phase of developing a Trade Plan is covered in this workshop course. It is expected that at the end of four weeks every trader will have a written trade plan that they have started to TEST, REFINE, EDIT, ADJUST and TRADE. This will be a track you can run on for the rest of your trading career.