Robert A. Rusell – God Works Through Faith


I frst heard of this book though my mentor and friend, Bob Proctor, about 18 years ago.Unfortunately, it was out of print and although I searched many used book stores it wasnowhere to be found.Purchase Robert A. Rusell – God Works Through Faith courses at here with PRICE $197 $43Robert A. Rusell – God Works Through FaithI frst heard of this book though my mentor and friend, Bob Proctor, about 18 years ago.Unfortunately, it was out of print and although I searched many used book stores it wasnowhere to be found.Every once in a while I would search online for this book and come up empty. Bob told mea story about how he had just started to study Robert Russell’s work, when a friend of hisseemed to need the books more than Bob did so he gave his copies away. Bob then went andacquired additional copies of Russell’s works for his own collection.Bob has a special little tick mark that he uses to identify specifc paragraphs of importanceand or sentences. I observed these over the years in books of his that he would let me read. Imight note that I have never seen anyone else use this specifc mark before. Now, you mightbe asking yourself of what importance is this information?Well, I will tell you. One day in 2004 I had and intuitive flash come to me as I was working inmy office that said, “Go online and look up “God Works Through Faith” now.” I had not eventhought of the book for a long time. I have learned to follow my intuition over the yearsand I did look up the book. There it was for sale, I quickly bought it and had it expressshipped to my home.When the book arrived it was a frst printing addition autographed by the author and whatwas even more shocking was the special little tick marks in pencil, that only could have beenmade by my friend Bob.This book you have in your hands is a direct translation of that original work. I have changedit only in bolding and underlining important points. There is no other book on faith that Iknow of that is more powerful than this one. For the purpose of our “Manifesting Basics”course, we will use it as a foundational understanding of: What Faith Is – How Faith Works –and What Faith Does. I hope it brings you the good fortune it has brought me.Get Robert A. Rusell – God Works Through Faith downloadINTRODUCTIONThis is the second in a series of books which each title begins with the words, “God Works.” I donot apologize for the repetition in the title or in the content. The human mind tends to learngreat truths, scientifc principles, and mathematical facts slowly, or so my own experienceleads me to believe.Can you remember your struggle with addition combinations? How many repetitions did ittake for you to master the multiplication tables? Parents are ofen impatient with the persistentquestions of children about the facts of life which have been conscientiously presented to them,and sometimes attribute these to a morbid curiosity. It isnʼt that. It is merely an indication thatthe child has not been able to accept the explanation given him and to make it his own in oneexperience.No day goes by that doesnʼt teach me more about the way in which God works and more aboutwhat the power of faith can accomplish. I learn from my own experience, from observing thelives of others, and from reading the words of persons who have deep convictions.In this book, I have centered my discussion on faith.Robert A. Russell Read more: Robert A. Rusell – God Works Through Faith courses at here with PRICE $197 $43