
Robbie Levy – Sensory Motor Play in Early Intervention: Improving Self-Regulation, Social Skills and Development

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Improve student performance in executive function, pre-academics and motor skills
Stop temper tantrums and meltdowns

Robbie Levy – Sensory Motor Play in Early Intervention: Improving Self-Regulation, Social Skills and Development

Decrease anxiety from sensory misinterpretations
Help with smooth transitions
Keep children on-task and focused
Enhance sharing, turn-taking and general social skills

Join Robbie Levy, MA, OTR/L, and discover how sensory, motor and play activities impact self-regulation, social skills and development. Learn cutting-edge, brain-based information and techniques for kids who exhibit the following behaviors:

Excessive temper tantrums and difficulty with transitions
Unable to stay focused on people or activities
Limited gross and fine motor skills
Overly aggressive during play, limited sharing and turn-taking
Distracted by background noises that others don’t seem to hear
Anxious in crowds/large groups
Overly fearful of swings and playground equipment
Constant need to touch people or textures, even when it’s inappropriate to do so
Doesn’t understand personal space

Through lecture, experiential activities, group and individual case studies, video and picture demonstration, you will come away with a “tool-box” full of activities and resources. Get your kids on a more powerful path to self-regulation and typical social and motor development!

Manual (1.07 MB) 49 Pages Available after Purchase


Overview of Sensory Systems

Emphasis on tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive
Visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory
Body in space/body awareness
Modulation – when is it a problem?

Impact of Sensory on Behavior, Performance and Learning

Attention, self-regulation, organization, executive function
Motor output (gross, fine, handwriting)
Activities of daily living (ADL’s)
Behavior, social skills and self-esteem

Effective Intervention Strategies for:


Use all 7 systems-we are more than just auditory and visual learners
Modulation-characteristics of hyper and hypo systems
Concentrate on foundation skills and deep pressure/heavy work
Sensory Lifestyle/Toolbox – How to use what’s right there
Sound therapies and music- utilizing what you hear to change behavior and performance
Environmental modifications
Interactive Metronome, Brain Gym and more


Yoga, Pilates, Me Moves-How movement helps
Breathing, oral-motor-using the ribcage and mouth to regulate
Meltdowns-prevention and what to do if you can’t
Transitions- how to help!
Social stories, visual-cognitive strategies and more


The 5 different types of play and their role in development
Use “Theory of Mind” framework to facilitate play and regulation
Enhancing independent play vs. adult/computer-directed play
Activities to enhance creative play, ideation and planning abilities
Activities to prepare for core curriculum goals in K and early elementary