Rob Howard & Mike Nielsen – Weekend Novel Bootcamp


It’s frustrating trying to craft a book, especially if you’ve never done it before. There are loads and loads of decisions to make, plots to plan, and characters to develop.

Rob Howard & Mike Nielsen – Weekend Novel Bootcamp

Watch as We Show You How, Live!

Produce Your Book – We’ve Made All The Hard Decision and Given You A Roadmap
Save Hours Upon Hours of “Work” By Leveraging Our Work
Easily Produce Book Sales and Income With Your First Fiction Book – Make Enough Money To Pay Bills, Save Up Cash, or Sustain a New Car Payment!



Do You Struggle Crafting Your Book?


It’s frustrating trying to craft a book, especially if you’ve never done it before. There are loads and loads of decisions to make, plots to plan, and characters to develop.
The entire process is daunting.
What is supposed to be a fun, creative, money making process quickly becomes a chore bogged down in details.
I know, because I was there.
I used to struggle crafting anything creative. I didn’t know where to begin.


I Struggled With:

Coming Up With Ideas for My Book
Writing My First Chapter and Not Knowing What to Do Next
Taking Hours to Get a Few Paragraphs on the Page
Losing Track of Plot Devices, Character Info, And Keeping the Story Straight


This is a common problem most authors face. We easily get bogged down in decisions and a landslide of details.
So what do we do? We give up. And that’s not good.



In Order to Make Money, You First Need a Book On Amazon


Let’s cut to the chase. You can’t earn this extra income if you don’t have a book out the door.
And you can’t write a book if you don’t know what you are writing about, or how to go about writing the book.
In order to begin earning money, you first need to craft your story, all stemming from a seed idea. Then planting that idea and letting it take shape.
Until that happens, no income will be made!
But the problems I mentioned above are still there. You still need to come up with ideas, still need to make them into a story…

You need help.




What If You Had All The Decisions Made For You…And Then Had a Formula that Cut Down on Writing Time…By Up To Half?


Imagine doubling your writing speed. Imagine having the major decisions made for you…what to write about and what to write next…
Wouldn’t that make it easier? Wouldn’t that make it faster?
Then you could start working on your dream – extra income from book sales, enough to afford you a new car or paying down of debt.
Or eventually, even quitting your job!
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to do something about this! It’s time to finally craft your story, do it in less time than you ever imagined, and without the stress and hassle of trying to come up with the perfect story.

Rob Howard and Mike Nielsen here. We are both authors, publishers and marketers and we know the struggles you face to start making money as a writer.
We ourselves have gone through this process and we want to help you.
In fact, we’ve done the work for you!
We’ve taken the effort, the mental effort, the brainstorming and have left you with the creative process of writing a book.
One that will…if I might borrow a phrase, make writing fun again!

It’s Time To Make Storycrafting Fun Again!

NaNoWriMo is almost here and it’s time to get that first novel out the door. It’s time to jump into action and what we have for you will make this entire process simple.
We are going to offer a live class, loaded with extra bonuses, to help enable you to craft your story in a few weekends.
We’ve removed the stress – by providing you templates, ideas and direction. We will show you all of it inside these live classes.

With what we are about to show you, you will never again need to:

Worry About Story Ideas
Struggle To Plan and Plot Your Book (And this is Perfect for “Pantsers” Who Write “On the Fly”)
Spend Oodles of Time Crafting Your Book…Have It Finished In a Few Weekends!


Weekend Novel Bootcamp

Craft Your Story In Just a Few Weekends

This is a 4 session, live class where we walk you through this new process of storycrafting.
We are going to show you exactly how to craft your very first novel, even if you’ve never done it before!
And best of all, we are going to show you live! Get your questions answered, discover how to craft a story and more, during 3 live training sessions.
That’s not all, we’ve also included a range of other materials to help: a plot you can steal, cheatsheats, video tutorials and more.
We have combined our knowledge together, perfectly molding two systems to storycrafting.

How to Cut Your Crafting Time In Half! 

What we are going to show you inside will blow you away. It’s a system that allows you to easily craft your stories and do so in half the time (or less).
How does this work?
It’s simple. The system:

Eliminates the Need to Think and Make Decisions
Makes It Easier to Keep Track of The Details
Provides the Plot Outline, You Fill In The Details
Doubles or Triples Your Typing Speed

By eliminating your need to think, we cut through the chatter of building a book. We trim the fat and leave only the pure, juicy meat – the stuff that will help you home in and write a book.
This is a unique combination: Rob’s Fractal Writing Method + Mike’s plotting system will quickly and easily get you going.


This isn’t some get rich quick scheme…this is a legitimate storycrafting system that will cut back on weeks’ worth of writing and frustration. You will craft your story faster, with higher quality, than before.
And make money while doing so.
We provide everything you need to get going, doing well over half the work for you. And we are going to show you live.
What would that mean to you? Adding that extra income?
Then, once you do it the first time, you can do it again. And again, and again…until, possibly, leaving your job for good!
Obviously, that takes some effort. But we’ve cut down your workload to half of what it was (or less)! This makes it easier to get your book out the door.
And once the book is out, you can start selling.

Inside You’ll Discover:

How to Come Up With Story Ideas On The Fly – In a Few Minutes…Never Again Struggle With Ideas!
How to Turn That Seed Idea Into a Full Blown Novel…Complete with a Competent and Powerful Plot That Makes Readers Beg For More
A Simple Formula For Storycrafting. Removes 30% of the Work Up Front
How to Craft Characters that Are Interesting and Unique
The Complete Fractal Scene-Writing System. NEVER Again Struggle to Write Your Chapters or Scenes.
How to Craft Powerful and Unique Characters…in Just a Few Minutes
Done-For-You Plot Templates That Makes it Easy to Craft Your Book
How to Cut Down On Your Writing Time…Sometimes In Half or More
And More!


Included with Your Purchase Today:


Four Live Training Classes Covering Idea Generation, Plotting, Scene Writing and Speed Writing – Worth $197
Two Scene Writing “Over the Shoulder’ Videos Demonstrating An Actual Chapter Being Written – Worth $27
Plot Cheat Sheet – Just Fill In The Blanks – Worth $17
10 Minute Plots Training – Worth $17
BONUS: 4 Weekend Live NaNoWriMo “Motivational” Webinars – Worth $97

(Note: Every Single Item In This Package Has Been Sold At The “Worth” Value In The Past)


CLASS #1 – Idea Generation and Story Premise Starts 10/31/17 @ 7 PM Eastern

In this class we are going to cover idea generation, how to gather ideas for characters, plot, story backgrounds and more.
You’ll discover how to piece these ideas together into a coherent story premise that draws readers in and makes them love your book.

CLASS #2 – Plotting

Starts 11/1/17 @ 7 PM Eastern

In this live class we will cover plotting. We will take our story premise from the last class and actually map it out into a complete, ready to use plot. 
You’ll watch live, over our shoulder, as use the plot map from the Cheat Sheet to build our plot.
This is always one of the favorite parts that students of previous classes have enjoyed and this will be no different!

CLASS #3 – Fractal Scene Writing

Starts 11/3/17 @ 7 PM Eastern

One of Rob’s best, most highly acclaimed methods of constructing scenes and chapters. 
The process eliminates writers block, untangles plot holes, provides direction and a better sense of flow.
You’ll know what you’re writing and how you’re writing it…before you write your first draft. It’s a savvy method for breaking down the tedious process of writing!
And you’ll get to witness it live!

CLASS #4 – Wordblazer Speed Writing System

Starts 11/4/17 @ 7 PM Eastern

The Wordblazer Writing System enables you to quickly cut through the chatter and get stuff down on paper fast!
We’ll show you exactly where the problems are when writing and how to eliminate those problems, live, over our shoulders.
You can drastically boost your writing speed from 500 Words Per Hour to over 2000! (That’s my results, yours may vary, but EVERYONE has benefited)

Replays Will Be Available for Download Shortly After The Class is Finished

We wanted to make sure you were completely covered. Not only are we handing you the tools, we are also going to help you stay on track during NaNoWriMo.
We are including the live training sessions, over the shoulder videos, cheatsheets, and finally, 4 weekends of motivational live webinars, meant to keep you on track writing during NaNoWriMo next month.
That’s 8 total live webinars, a handful of videos, cheatsheets and more! All for a low, one time price.