Rob Hoffman – 6 Day 21 Set-up Course


TheWealthPrince – Stock Options Starter Pack
Stock Options Starter Pack: LEARN HOW I MADE $74,600 IN 3 MONTHS!
I went from being on the verge of quitting trading, to succeeding in the market and I’m now helping others learn how to do the same.
This course is 3 hours of content providing: 10 IN-DEPTH VIDEOS where I breakdown the strategies and methods I used to help me go from less than $3,400 to over $78,000 within the space of 3 months.
This course was created for those who are new to stock options, or have little experience trading options.
I have been investing in the stock market for the past 4 years, and since the pandemic began 1 year ago, I took the time to learn trading strategies and implement them actively in the market.
I lost $15,900 last summer in a couple days trading Stock Options which I was new to and never learned properly before… after this I took a 4 month break to learn a whole new strategy to help me succeed.
I started out taking small, calculated risks, and through various wins and losses I was able to find a strategy which brought me consistent returns. Creating more income was one of my goals for 2020, and with Options Trading I was able to make my total 2019 salary in the last month of 2020 alone.
Due to many requests on how I was able to do this, I created 10 detailed videos dedicated to helping others understand how they can trade options successfully.
What You’ll Learn In Stock Options Starter Pack?

What stock options are
How to start trading options
Real-Time market analysis
Common trading strategies
How to apply trading strategies
What I look for when making a trade
Risk graphs and Breakevens
Option Greeks
Beginner mistakes
Useful resources