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Rob Booker – Trifecta 6
From Rob about Trifecta 6
July 31
Phoenix, Arizona
A couple of months ago I was standing in front of 150 people in Arizona:
And I had a revelation. Haha. Not that kind.But seriously … I had one of those moments when you step back and say WHOA!
Here’s what I realized:
I know at least 25 people making more than $100,000 a year from trading.And every one of them is happy,travels, does whatever they want,takes great care of their friends & family …
BUT … Not one of them sits in front of the screen all day! They aren’t “geniuses”.They aren’t “market wizards.” They are regular dudes (and dudettes)who know what to look for.
SO … I went back home and rebuilt A TRADING SYSTEM THAT REWARDS LAZINESS. Ha!
Best part is … it doesn’t matter what you want to trade … stocks, forex, oil,used cars … stuffed animals … (kidding)
It just matters that you want to make money. And do it with a huge worldwide happy family of traders.And you want to have more free time.
I call the new trading system Trifecta 6,and it’s the easiest, fastest way to get trading results that I’ve ever made.
It’s the brand-newest version of Trifecta. And it’s a ton of fun to trade.