Rita A. Schulte – Post-Traumatic Growth for Loss, Grief and Related Trauma


Your clients are suffering, they are victims of the loss of life-Shattering effects of loss and trauma. Many have lost loved ones to disease while others lives’ have been devastated by the trauma of abuse and suicide.

Rita A. Schulte – Post-Traumatic Growth for Loss, Grief and Related Trauma

Calm the traumatized brain and Ground clients with mindfulness and Body work
Help clients to release the shame and anger they carry and Guilt
Coping skills for Recovering from trauma memories is possible by successfully teaching distraction techniques and Positive self-Talk
Foster post-Creative interventions, informed by CBT and Expressive therapies, can be used to help trauma growth. and Somatic Psychotherapy

Your clients are suffering, they are victims of the loss of life-Shattering effects of loss and trauma. Many have lost loved ones to disease while others lives’ have been devastated by the trauma of abuse and suicide. Yet another group faces the agony and pain of abstract losses like broken dreams, unmet hopes, and more. and The loss of love, trust, and faith and hope.
Stories of grief and loss aren’t happy ones. They are not easy to tell – so your clients don’t. They push them down, and then they bottle them up. and Close-Up your shop. And their pain sits. Sometimes for decades. However, you will know that the way your clients respond to traumatic incidents determines what happens in their hearts. This is part of the recovery process. and purpose. We, as clinicians, long to connect our patients with greater appreciation for Life, better relationships and Personal development that follows-Traumatic growth is a positive thing for It is available to all who seek it.
But we can’t help those suffering from loss, grief and If we challenge them to step outside, trauma will not move their story forward. and Accept risks. It’s critical to tap into the client’s potential for Resilience can open them up to new possibilities and Begin to walk with them on the path to posting.-Traumatic growth.
Rita Schulte Is a licensed professional counselor and radio host. and suicide loss survivor. Rita She committed suicide in 2013 after losing her husband. and approaches post-Traumatic growth can be achieved by a counselor who has lived experience. Through her own loss journey and She has learned to accept the targeted treatments for her grief and To cope, you will need to take specific supportive measures and transition to a life after loss as only someone who’s travelled the road to post-Traumatic growth can.

The best ways to calm your overactive brain and improve affect regulation.
The “Shattered Vase” and Other imaginative exercises that allow clients to explore new possibilities.
Use these practical tools to help you deal with traumatic memories and The toxic emotions anger, guilt, and shame must be addressed and shame.
Creative expressive and Somatic interventions using art, literature, and art and Resources to assist with post-Traumatic growth.

You can watch Rita for This candid recording. She’ll show you how to honor your clients pain while gently planting the seeds of post-Traumatic growth.
Help your clients recover their hearts after losing a loved one and Reinvest in yourself to live a life that is worth living!

Describe how a case conceptualization that is based on the strengths and potential of the client could tap into their potential for Resiliency and Improve clinical outcomes
Analyze neurobiology of traumatized brain and Mindfulness-based clinical tools can be used effectively and Grounding is a way to calm the biological stress response.
Discuss the relationship of shame and trauma and loss and Communicate how cognitive restructuring can work in-Session to explore the emotions of clients and Allow them to explore new possibilities.
Make powerful interventions based on CBT and expressive therapies and Somatic psychotherapy to deal with the devastating effects loss and You can reframe grief’s meaning.
Describe the impact on clients and the relevance to clinical practice of connecting individuals and Families affected by loss receive social support and Groups for grieving.
Incorporate and Art-based therapeutic interventions can be customized and Writing into treatment plans for loss, grief, and Related trauma

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Face Loss, Grief and Trauma With a Strengths-Based Approach

Crisis of belief and Existential shattering
Meaning of making and The importance of “why”
Grief Complex grief vs.
Abstract losses and The Ball of Grief
Tapping into resiliency

Core competencies and key principles
Identify your clients’ strengths

Current evidence on strengths-Based approaches

Calm the overactive brain of your client

The neurobiology and brain traumatization
Mindfulness and The art of noting
Containment skills
Grounding exercises
Regulations affected
Breathing and Use soothing techniques

Tools for Managing Anger, Guilt, Shame and Traumatic Memories

How to deal with anger

The REACH model of forgiveness
Certificates of debt
The power of surrender

Take responsibility and Shame

How shame is related to trauma and loss
Faulty beliefs and getting stuck
Cognitive restructuring

CBT coping skills can help you manage traumatic memories

Distraction techniques
Positive self-Talk

Clients moved to Post-Traumatic Growth With Interventions Informed By Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT).

Shattered Vase Exercise – Plant the seeds for possibility
Creating narratives
Let us know if you have any questions.
Positive remembering and repositioning
Reframe the meaning

Expressive and Somatic Therapeutic Interventions to Cultivate Post-Traumatic Growth

Integrate left and Right hemisphere

Art therapy
Write to heal

Access and reclaim compassion

Somatic resourcing
Keep in mind your resources
Assess clients yourself-Talk

Reinvest in a life worth living: Rekindle your Heart’s Desires

The PIE of Life – Explore the possibilities of growth
Social connection is important and Re-engagement

Support and Groups for grief
Toxic people
Supporting families affected by loss

Choice and Perspective
Show gratitude and A spirit of contentment after losses
Measurements of Post-Traumatic Growth