Rick Mulready – FB AD Manager


Rick Mulready – FB Ad ManagerThe FB ADmanager is a “Business-in-a-box” — Everything You Need to Grow Your Ideal BusinessPLUS LEARN HOW TO:Manage multiple client campaigns confidently ( …without going insane in the membrane )Onboard your clients efficiently & extract the most critical information ( …in way less time )Set client expectations ( …so you’re set up to impress from day one )Hire people, grow your team, delegate, and manage the entire process just like a 100-person agency ( …even if you’re flying solo )Get an impressive ROI for all of your clients ( …hello, killer case studies )Become an authority in your niche (. ..so you can say hasta la vista to price shoppers AND finally attract your ideal clients like a 34-ton magnet )Hey there, Facebook™ Ads Manager,ARE YOU READY TO…PRODUCE better results for your clients & watch their revenue explode, like Jace Beeny?“I can watch my client’s revenue explode, because I know their audience better than anyone. And understanding your client’s audience will take their business from doing OK to AMAZING.”Jace BeenyFacebook Ads & Funnel ExpertINCREASE your monthly retainer rate from $165/month to $2,000+/month (while raising 3 kids), like Kerry Swetmon?“I work about 30 hours a week and work quite a bit at night and during naptime. My day typically looks like a 3-ring circus with client calls, kids, directing my team and furry animals. But I’m so grateful for the chance to work on my own terms. It’s amazing.”Kerry SwetmonFounder, SystemEnvy.comGENERATE over $1.5 Million in revenue for your clients & help launch a NYT #1 Bestseller, like Deacon Bradley?“After I completed Rick’s course, I closed my second deal: $1,250/monthly package . Since then I’ve gone on to build a six figure agency . I have clients now that I really look up to… who are now peers.”Deacon BradleyFounder & Strategic Director, Funnel OwlThe FB ADmanager is a “Business-in-a-box” — Everything You Needto Grow Your Ideal BusinessPLUS LEARN HOW TO:Manage multiple client campaigns confidently ( …without going insane in the membrane )Onboard your clients efficiently & extract the most critical information ( …in way less time )Set client expectations ( …so you’re set up to impress from day one )Hire people, grow your team, delegate, and manage the entire process just like a 100-person agency ( …even if you’re flying solo )Get an impressive ROI for all of your clients ( …hello, killer case studies )Become an authority in your niche (. ..so you can say hasta la vista to price shoppers AND finally attract your ideal clients like a 34-ton magnet )Hey there, Facebook™ Ads Manager,ARE YOU READY TO…PRODUCE better results for your clients & watch their revenue explode, like Jace Beeny?“I can watch my client’s revenue explode, because I know their audience better than anyone. And understanding your client’s audience will take their business from doing OK to AMAZING.”Jace BeenyFacebook Ads & Funnel ExpertINCREASE your monthly retainer rate from $165/month to $2,000+/month (while raising 3 kids), like Kerry Swetmon?“I work about 30 hours a week and work quite a bit at night and during naptime. My day typically looks like a 3-ring circus with client calls, kids, directing my team and furry animals. But I’m so grateful for the chance to work on my own terms. It’s amazing.”Kerry SwetmonFounder, SystemEnvy.comGENERATE over $1.5 Million in revenue for your clients & help launch a NYT #1 Bestseller, like Deacon Bradley?“After I completed Rick’s course, I closed my second deal: $1,250/monthly package . Since then I’ve gone on to build a six figure agency . I have clients now that I really look up to… who are now peers.”Deacon BradleyFounder & Strategic Director, Funnel OwlMaybe you’re secretly nervous that youwon’t be able to deliver the results yourclients expect…Because they expect AND demand millions of dollar bills to cascade fromthe sky.Maybe some of these not-so-pleasant gigs make you question whether or not you should be taking on clients AT ALL.(​You should.)So you put on the breaks or stop completely.Now I’m not supposed to say this…(But I’m going to say it anyway, because why the hell not? )…It’s impossible to work your CPM magic, if your client’s offer is… mediocre.People on Facebook™ can and willjudge an ad by its offer.Or worse? They’ll ignore it completely.510,000Comments– are posted –293,000Statuses– are updated –136,000Photos– are uploaded* –*Source: The Social SkinnyYou need a SCROLL-STOPPING OFFER, if you want to attract attention & outplay your competition → which is every single shiny object in existence.No pressure, right?AND WHEN YOU’REJUST STARTING OUT…Online or local—You can’t afford to waste your time helping clients sellproducts, services, or programs that aren’t… well, sellable.It doesn’t matter if you’re a FB Ad wizard rockin’ a silver-striped goatee…An average, uninspired offer does not—and will not—sell.EVER.It’s time to finally set yourself up for a BIG WIN by findingideal clients who are selling awesome products, services, orprograms that your local community & the entire world needs…AND when in doubt, run your potential clients through my proven “IDEAL CLIENT CHECKLIST.”Yep, it’s a legit checklist my students have tested to avoid the duds:THE CLIENT MUST understand that paid traffic does not guarantee you’ll become a gazillionaire overnightTHE CLIENT MUST have a monthly recurring budget to spend on ads (pay to play, folks)THE CLIENT MUST, Must, must sell something of value (this is a dealbreaker)THE CLIENT MUST understand that funnels are not made of stainless steel or plastic (I wish this one was a joke)You might be asking yourself,“So where do I find thesedreamboat clients who ‘get it’?”“So where do I find these dreamboat clients who ‘get it’?”I built a proven system specifically for you, theNEW FB AD manager, to show you HOW TO…FINDyour first batch of ideal, long-term retainer clients who have recurring ad budgets (hellz-to-the-yea)STRUCTUREyour pricing & packages so you’re incentivized to succeed (I’ll tell you exactly what to charge)DESIGNan onboarding process for your clients that will save 10 hours of your time each week (so you don’t stare at the screen for 70+ hours/week & turn into a pre-apocalyptic zombie)DELIVERincredible results for your clients repeatedly (one hit wonders won’t scale your business)TRANSFORMyour client success stories into mouth-watering case studies that attract more ideal clientsMANAGEmultiple clients in the Business Manager like a starship captain, so you feel in control, confident, and clear every day (…I’ll show you how to do it)All you need is a go-to guy (that’s me, Rick)AND a go-to SYSTEM (that’s proven)to SCALE your ad agency……so you can handle 5, 10, or even 100+ localor online clients ( depending on your goal )…Maybe you’d like to help ONLINE clients likeAmy Porterfield & Marie Forleo fill their courses…“I ask Rick questions ALL THE TIME about the more advanced stuff when it comes to Facebook™ advertising.”“What you might not know about me is that I actually have a secret weapon…When I have any Facebook™ ads advanced questions or I want to know more about pixels or targeting or setting up funnels and systems to automate inside my business, I go to Rick Mulready.He is a dear friend of mine but he’s also my go-to guy , meaning I ask Rick questions ALL THE TIME about the more advanced stuff when it comes to Facebook advertising.”– Amy PorterfieldSocial Media Strategist, AmyPorterfield.com“Rick’s smart, kind and most importantly—full of integrity.”“Rick’s advice helped us develop an extraordinary FB campaign that performed beyond our expectations.I could not recommend him more.”– Marie ForleoChief Executive Officer – Marie Forleo International, New York, New YorkIt doesn’t matter if you’re working with onlineor local clients, I’m here to help you START & GROW your business…Hey there, I’m Rick MulreadyOver the last 4.5 years, I’ve helped a ton of people from all over the world START & GROW their Facebook™ ads management businesses & create more freedom in their lives…“There are 50 million active small business pages, but only 2.5 million of those businesses pay to be active advertisers,” according to brandwatch.com.Why should you & I care?Those numbers tell all of us that there will NOT be a shortage of businesses who want to run FB ads anytime soon……which makes now the BEST time to launch, grow, and scale your FB ad business.If you build the right type of business, you can be as busy & as profitable as you want.And you don’t have to kill yourself in order to make it happen.Hey, you may not want to work a gazillion hours. And maybe you’re not interested in sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day.When you follow my system, it’s totally up to you. You determine your hours, lifestyle, and revenue goals.Because I know from personal experience, managing FB ads can suck your time, energy, and soul if you don’t set it up right.That’s why I’ve designed a proven training system that’s helped FB ad managers like Deacon Bradley, Kerry Swetmon, Jace Beeny, Mike Barnet, and Robb Bailey scale their businesses quickly.(You can find all of their stories on this page btw.)My #1 goal is to help you get more clients, more revenue, and better results in 2018.This is your shortcut to success…Podcaster and Online Marketing StrategistTalking numbers with Deacon Bradley…“I closed a $2,750/month deal selling a comprehensive digital marketing system, driven by what I learned from Rick.”“I took your course as an ‘agency’ entrepreneur to help OTHER people’s businesses succeed online.I knew you were THE guy to learn from, if I wanted to be an expert.After I took the course, I closed my second deal: $1,250/monthly package to design, implement, and run FB ads for a software startup.And then I had my biggest win a month later when I closed a $2,750/month deal selling a comprehensive marketing system, driven by what I learned from Rick.And this is just the beginning of my story…”– Deacon BradleyFounder & Strategic Director, Funnel Owl“Managing Facebook™ ads is sooo easy ,”said NO ONE EVER.If a string of expletives occasionally fly out of your mouth— like a flock of wild geese—when you open up your Ad Manager, you’re not alone…Maybe you go bonkers when the darn algorithm changes, yet againMaybe you curse Zuckerberg on rough days— sorry, Zuck — because you knooooow he’s just messing with your business and life for the hell of itMaybe you find the entire Business Manager unpredictable, buggy, and full of unwelcome surprises (don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand & help you get started)I mean, how are you supposed to guarantee your client the results that they need, when younever know what will pop out of the Ad Manager top hat next?Will it be an entirely new dashboard you need to learn before the sun rises?Or a three-legged bunny?And even when you *think* you’ve figured it out (aw—that’s cute) , the same tactic never seems to work twice.So you’re constantly TESTING, ANALYZING, and PIVOTING , because duplicating success isn’t always super easy.Especially when you’re figuring this ALL out on your own.It’s safe to say that managing FB ads isn’t for the weak, weary, or worrisome.It’s for Facebook™ warriors who dig problem-solving as much as I do.The truth: You secretly LOVEthe challenge that FB changes present…Because it keeps you on your tippy toes.And you gain a HUGE advantage when you understand these Facebook™ changes BEFORE everyone else.That’s why you’re determined to figure out what works and what ​doesn’t ​work, so you can make changes, track the results, and learn from the entire experience.Perhaps you’re constantly amazed by the brilliance of the algorithm. ​I know I am.Some might even say that when it comes to FB ads, you’re a total pixel-pasting-nerd.And I say that with a great deal of respect, as you know…For you and I are the same.I geek out on analytics, funnels & conversion stats, just like you.While you don’t need to be a techie person to manage FB Ads (I’m not super techie myself), you do need to be curious, determined, and possibly even a wee bit obsessive.I’m not ashamed to admit that I could talk to my wife, Amy, and my friends about funnels for hours (…but they typically stop listening 83 seconds into the conversation— especially my wife ).Managing ads is like a game.And you ​live for this stuff.You have an “I’m going to make this work” mindset & you’re constantly asking yourself…What can we scale?What do I need to shut off?What can we try next?Who can we target that’s outside-the-box?Yes. It ​ can feel like EVERYTHING is possible.Because when you’re persistent enough to…ASK questionsFAIL fastLEARN from your mistakesYou can have the entire world (AKA 1.8 billion active users) planted firmly at your Facebook feet.“SO RICK, ARE YOU TELLING ME I HAVE TO MAKE LOTS OFMISTAKES IN ORDER TO SUCCEED?”AU CONTRAIRE MON AMI …You ​can bypass the typical mistakes “most” FB ad managers make…What if you could figure out how to start , grow , manage , automate , and scale your FB ads business ​— ​without burning yourself out, working 70+ hours/week, and gettingseverely underpaid?What if you could learn the following advanced strategies & tactics from your fellow FB ad managers… and ​ this guy (that’s me, again)?Like, how to:Build the best funnels for different nichesAttract your niche audience repeatedlyTake customers down a proven buying journeyCurate the best reports for your clientsIncrease your relevance scoresCreate a high-converting videoCapture the best target audienceUse retargeting to increase conversionsTarget a new audience segment when your first one is exhaustedWrite headlines that stand out in the feedOptimize your ads using key metricsOnboard your clients in less timeManage 10 or 100+ clients with easeYou could avoid scraping by with ​$200/month clients and work with ​$2,000+/month ​clients instead.This is it. YOUR chance to run campaigns that perform beyondyour clients’ expectations.Prepare to surprise yourself.A VIDEO TRAINING PROGRAM AND PRIVATE COMMUNITY(…FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO START & GROW A BUSINESS MANAGING FB ADS FOR ONLINE & LOCAL CLIENTS)Go from taking whatever gigs you can get to vetting a pool ofHIGH VALUE CLIENTS who can pay you $2,000+/month ​…EVEN IFYou’re new to the world of FB advertisingYou haven’t run a single FB ad for a client (yet)You have no idea what an “ideal” client looks likeYou have no idea where to find said ideal clientYou’re still figuring out how to manage multiple clients in the Ads Manager like a proGet Access to Thirteen Step-by-Step Training ModulesMOD #1MOD #2MOD #3MOD #4MOD #5MOD #6MOD #7MOD #8MOD #9MOD #10MOD #11MOD #12MOD #13MODULE #1SO YOU WANT TO BUILD A FB ADS BUSINESS?Discover why FB advertising is one of the best marketing tools, if you want to reach more customers & get more leads consistently.Feel crystal freakin’ clear (finally) about which phase of your business you’re currently in (and where you need to go next).Dial in your client processes and get a much-needed update on the most recent FB policies (because you can’t bend rules, if you don’t know them!).FEATURING…Private Facebook Group ($997/year value)An insider community of high-level peers is critical to your success, if you’re serious about growing your business.The 60-Day100% guar · an · teeYour-Business-Will- Never -Be-The-SameStarting a business is risky, period.By launching your FB ad business, you’ve most likely leaned or even leaped out of your comfort zone.I’m here to walk, skip, or jump by your side and provide the support you need, as your business grows.That’s why I have eliminated ALL risk from the equation with my new system, The FB ADmanager.Because I want you to trust in me, in this system & most importantly, in yourself.The risk is 100% on me with this guarantee.From the day you say YES, you have EXACTLY 60 days to put The FB ADmanager to the test.That’s two freaking months to apply this system in your business and determine if I delivered the value I promised you.And once you apply what you learn, you could change your life entirely.If you apply the methodology in this system, follow my instructions, and you still don’t see any results, send an email to our support team with the necessary proof ([email protected]) to get your FULL REFUND.All I ask is that you show me you’ve done the work.Fair? We both have skin in the game, which means I’m 100% committed and incentivized to helping you attract & land $2,000+/month clients.YOUR EXCLUSIVE BONUSESSave 100+ hours (…not to mention your sanity) with these exclusive templates, swipe files, tools & resources.This basket of bonuses was intentionally curated to help you scale FASTER— without feeling overwhelmed by the minutiae… like writing client emails or creating reporting templates from scratch.BONUS #16 Group Coaching/Office Hours ($2400 value)Join me and your fellow members in 6 live group callsAsk me anything Facebook ads or business related!BONUS #2Facebook Ads Funnel Pack ($1,182 value)Remove the guesswork with a Facebook ads funnel pack that’s broken down step-by-step so you can implement it in your business within a matter of hours.A pack of plug ’n play proven Facebook funnels.Facebook funnel frameworks explaining each funnel in-depth to save you a ton of time and energy.Videos walking you through how to use the funnel to make it work for your business.BONUS #3Done-For-You “Must Have” Resource Library ($997 value)My vetted list of recommended professionals to cover your legal & financial needs (and help you avoid any painful mistakes)Conversation starters so you know exactly what to ask your attorney or accountant (to ensure you get the help you need)Agreements galore: access all of the agreements you’ll need to protect yourself and your clients as you work togetherGet access to a list of tools to make your business and life easier!BONUS #4Private Facebook Group ($997/year value)An insider community of high-level peers is critical to your success, if you’re serious about growing your businessHang out with me in San Diego (and receive extra individual support & guidance) with this VIP opportunity…Join me for an intimate in-person mastermind with 10 of your fellow FB ad managers & walk-slash-strut away with the following:Hot seat opportunity to ask your fellow FB ad managers questions, get feedback, and overcome any obstaclesCustomized sales funnel(s) review & critique by this guy → yes, that means I will review your sales funnel(s)An offer that is priced & packaged to sell, so it’s a no-brainer investment for your clientsYour niche nailed down, so you’re crystal clear about what you do and who you do it forA proven onboarding process that works for your business, along with forms & templates you can use immediately