Ricardo Naya Arboleya – Python for Trading & Investing


AJ Brown – Option Profits Success System
This is a step-by-step option trading system that ultimately brings you to the place where you know more about option trading than 95% of all the traders out there — and gives you a trading plan that practically guarantees your success.
Think about this for a minute. If you invest just a few minutes of your time to answer the two questions above. Not to mention, you’ll learn a skill that could pay you thousands of dollars this year and in the future.
I’d say that’s a fair trade, wouldn’t you?
What You’ll Learn In Option Profits Success System?
Module 1: Options and the Funnel Process

How to “control” premium EXPENSIVE stocks for pennies on the dollar… and still take 100% of the profits. (Module 1, Page 2)
Buy low and sell high? Here’s how advanced traders are doubling their investment opportunities by making money in reverse… selling high then buying low. (Module 1, Page 7)
How options traders can control $500,000.00 worth of property for 1/10th the risk and exit the deal with $100,000.00 in their pocket. (Module 1, Pages 10-11)
The biggest little secret of the stock market… when you make a great return someone else will _________. (Module 1, Page 12)
The successful option trader’s #1 rule: NEVER be in an option that is __________. This may be controversial, but 20 years experience says it’s true. (Module 1, Page 13)
The option trading strategy that is MORE profitable in a BEAR market. (Module 1, Page 15)
Bear market trading strategies only 1 in 5 traders know how to capitalize on. (Module 1, Page 16)
How I made $84,000.00 in 8 hours staying cool, calm, and collected while others panicked and saw their investments vanish. (Sadly, it was their fear that made me money.) (Module 1, Page 12)
How option traders only take a tiny fraction of the risk typical stock investors do. (Module 1, Page 19)
The ridiculously clever method for making a 100% return on stock you only paid 10% for. (Module 1, Pages 20-21)
Why day traders stay WIRED and stressed all day while option traders are taking relaxed strolls in the park. (Module 1, Page 22)
How I mimic banks and earn a 5-20% return investing other people’s money. (Module 1, Pages 38-39)

Module 2: The Fundamental, Pattern and Full Analysis Filters

How to ride on the coattails of the largest, Warren-Buffet-Sized investors and match their trades even with a modest budget. (Module 2, Pages 2-3)
4 ways BIG MONEY investors filter out risky and low-reward stocks from the prime money makers. (Module 2, Pages 3-7)
My stock Watch List’s amazing unintended consequence: sensing the mood of the market weeks, even months before others catch on. (Module 2, Page 8)
The “fundamentals” watch list system that “accidentally” discovers emerging hot markets. (It told us in advance that housing companies were on the way out and energy companies were on the way in). (Module 2, Page 9)
How I suck it up and turn the other cheek on stocks that go sour… and profit handsomely for doing so. (Module 2, Page 10)
How I legally “cheat” to find the best of the best stocks with a fraction of the effort. (Module 2, Page 13)
The secret to discovering JUICY stocks that are ripe for the picking… by TURNING OFF YOUR ANALYTICAL SIDE. (This is where many traders go wrong and burn themselves out.) (Module 2, Page 14)
It’s easier than you think! How to pick hot stocks at a glance instead wasting hours on needless busywork. (Module 2, Pages 14-15)
How to verify trends in 30 seconds or less. (Module 2, Page 15)
How I can lose on up to of my trades and still build my bankroll hand over fist. (Module 2, Page 19)
2 “magic” indicators that can broadly identify a bull or bear market in 10 seconds or less. (Most people glance right over these… they’re probably in your daily newspaper!) (Module 2, Page 21)
How to avoid being fooled by short-term trends. (Module 2, Pages 23-24)
Long-term investors can spot this dirty broker’s trick a mile away. Don’t fall for it! (Module 2, Page 28)
The 30 most vital, information-rich minutes of a trading day. (Module 2, Page 33)
Smart investors call this number “The Great Validator” and use it to validate their calls and puts BEFORE making a decision. (Module 2, Page 36)
How to identify and profit from the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Principle. (Module 2, Page 41)
How newspaper headlines can make buy and sell decisions for you. (Module 2, Page 43)
Beware complicated indicators! ________ and _________ are the only 2 REAL indicators and the rest are simply manipulations of the two. (Module 2, Page 50)
How to almost completely eliminate false indicators from your trading strategy. (Module 2, Pages 51-52)


Warning! Hot shot traders know when and how to cause drastic, artificial price movements in a stock. Here’s how to spot their tactics. (Module 3, Page 5)
The little-known reason why stocks make huge movements between Christmas and New Year’s Day. (Module 3, Page 5)
How to spot trend lines with “GRAVITATIONAL” PULL: small price movements that start to break away ALWAYS seem to get pulled back. (Module 3, Page 18)
My 3 “pet methods” for spotting Trend Continuations. (Module 3, Page 19)
Beware! A 40-day moving average CAN show a trend… but here’s how it tricks beginning investors. (Module 3, Page 22)
My favorite chart for discovering extremely oversold stocks likely to surge at any moment. (Module 3, Page 27)
How to spot and confirm overbought stocks BEGGING for a Put Option. (Module 3, Page 32)
The #1 mistake people make when trend following can be solved with THIS overlooked bar chart. (Module 3, Page 34)
This price phenomenon almost always predicts a major dip is approaching (and I LOVE to see it). (Module 3, Page 39)
A simple method for pitting templates against each other to confirm trends and triggers. (Module 3, Page 41)
If you have to wait longer than ____ days for a confirmation on this indicator, FORGET ABOUT IT! (Module 3, Page 43)


Many beginning traders LOSE BIG when fooled by false movements with little volume. This indicator won’t signal ANYTHING until there’s enough volume to confirm the call. (Module 4, Page 3)
How I completely avoid making emotional decisions… and only make trades after careful thought. (I’m not a robot, I just have a neat trick!) (Module 4, Page 8)
If you want to trade options, then you simply MUST master these 2 trend continuation templates created by 2 genius mathematicians. These templates are my virtual money tree! (Module 4, Page 10)
2 ways to confirm a trend reversal REALLY IS a trend reversal so you don’t get burned. (Module 4, Page 12)
A simple way to tell if your indicators are giving false signals and you should WAIT for more confirmation. (Module 4, page 14)
My favorite indicator that has a clever way of predicting short term vs. long term trends. (This is worth the price of the whole course!) (Module 4, Page 15)
2 more ways to double check and confirm a trend reversal. These will help you sleep at night knowing you checked and double-checked! (Module 4, Page 18)
Seasonal trend reversals that all insiders know to exploit. (Module 4, Page 18)
The “no-brainer” method for choosing between calls and puts. (Module 4, Pages 28-29)
Warning! A trend reversal suggests it MAY be time to place a call or put. But it must pass this test before you act. (Module 4, Pages 30-33)
The “Candlestick Count Test” shines a light on horizontal, stagnating stocks that are ready to breakout. (Module 4, Pages 35)
2 MORE patterns for discovering stocks itching to breakout. (Module 4, Pages 35-36)
How to spot stocks that are about to rise or fall from self-fulfilling prophecies… then ride the wave and pocket the cash! (Module 4, Page 45)
How to limit false alarms from your cell phone alerts. (False alarms can REALLY hurt your psyche and make you impatient.) (Module 4, Pages 52-53)


Little known ways to spot and protect yourself from insider trading. It may be illegal, but that doesn’t mean greedy people aren’t doing it! (Module 5, Page 5)
How one student of mine saw his profitable trades go through the roof when he mastered the ___________ test and the ___________ test. (He had been struggling BIG TIME before we taught him these.) (Module 5, Page 7)
A 10-second trick for nearly guaranteeing there will be plenty of buyers for your option when it comes time to sell. (Module 5, Page 15)
Warning! Stay away from this type of option. It’s popular in some circles… but it takes more work, is more complicated, and thus more risky! STAY AWAY. (Module 5, Page 18)
I call it “Riding The Curve” and it generates 25% to 35% more profit than if you just let your stock rise in value. (It almost sounds wrong, but the numbers show it’s SO RIGHT.) (Module 5, Pages 30-31)
I used to KICK MYSELF when I made this mistake that limited my profits. Learn from my mistakes and you’ll maximize your investments. (Module 5, Page 32)
Take advantage of this online simulator to practice trading options before you start investing real money. (Module 5, Page 37)
The myth of the last transacted price. (The stock value has likely already changed, here’s where you need to look.) (Module 5, Pages 39-40)


How to eliminate the “Casino” trading mentality to minimize losses. It’s so easy a 4th grader could do it, literally. (Module 6, Pages 6-7)
4 last-minute indicators that give you the green light to make the trade. But if even one of them says “no,” then LET IT GO. (Module 6, Pages 9-10)
Who else would like to trade only 1 hour a day? The BIG INVESTORS call it “Professional Hour” and it’s where all the action is. (Module 6, Page 13)
A quick, common-sense way to double check if it’s the right time to make your tech stock trade… yet most people don’t give this a second thought. (Module 6, Page 14)
When the economy goes bad this stock almost ALWAYS goes bad. (When you see it, you’ll laugh, but it’s true!) (Module 6, Page 18)
Automation techniques that are so precise… they may tell you to not even BOTHER looking at the market today. Imagine the freedom! (Module 6, Page 20)
The almost “magic” time of day to trade… because outside events have been digested and the noise filtered out, making it easy for you to make good decisions and line your pockets. (Module 6, Page 22)
When to DROP mathematical formulas and tools for EMOTIONAL indicators instead. (Module 6, Page 32)
How to protect your bankroll with an “insurance policy” that guarantees losses CANNOT exceed 20%. (Module 6, Page 32)
Warning! Make sure your alerts on “Stop Loss” orders come from the _____ or _____ price and not the last transacted price. (I learned this the hard way and found myself down 50% even WITH a stop loss order.) (Module 6, Page 34)
My contrarian 2-Step method for ordering stops that lock IN gains and lock OUT losses. I easily hit 50% to 100% profit targets using a method others first think is CRAZY. (Module 6, Page 38)
How to SELL YOUR RISK once you meet your profit target. Now it’s IMPOSSIBLE to lose and all gains are icing on the cake. (Module 6, Page 41)
How to cut your losses IN HALF during DREAM PRICE HOUR. (Module 6, Pages 41-42)


The HOLY GRAIL of options trading. Mastering this ONE skill and you’re 50% of the way to becoming a successful options trader. (Module 7, Page 2)
How to manage your bankroll to EASILY absorb occasional losses. Even the perfect trade on paper can result in a loss. But occasional losses don’t matter if you follow these money management rules. (Module 7, Pages 4-5)
The SWEET SPOT! I found that once your bankroll hits THIS magic number, it can increase EXPONENTIALLY in a very short period of time. (Module 7, Page 7)
How to EFFORTLESSLY keep your emotions in check. It sounds impossible, but this method immediately made me a more rational trader. Meaning less losses and HUGE GAINS. (Module 7, Pages 11-12)
If you’re watching more than ____ stocks a day, then you’re being WAY too generous and probably taking on too much risk. (Module 7, Page 20)
A simple way to track your success that will ENCOURAGE you to make more winning trades. (Module 7, Page 22)


The Laziest Trend Following Tool I’ve Ever Discovered Increased My Profits By 15%. (You won’t believe how easy it is.) (Module 8, Pages 3-8)
The tool that SAVED MY REAR when the market crashed and protected me from large losses. (Module 8, page 9)
My little-known HEDGING strategy that protects your investment AND eliminates the needless commission fees other faulty strategies require. (Module 8, Page 13)
An amazing sit-and-wait trading strategy that only kicks in 3 to 4 times a year… and typically generates around $60,000.00 each time… TWICE what most people make in a year, and half what I used to make with my 6-figure job. (Module 8, Page 18)
Many amateur traders will WRITE OFF stocks that turn out to be GOLDEN because they didn’t check __________ right before __________. It’s extremely simple and will consistently add more profitable trades to your portfolio. (Module 8, Page 21)
An extremely low-risk trading strategy that consistently produces 3% to 7% returns for me. And if you really work at it, a 7% to 20% return is just as practical. (Module 8, Pages 24-26)
My #1 strategy for selling option premiums is so good… it feels like I’m paying my mortgage with this strategy alone. It’s probably contrary to what you’ve heard, but it works like gangbusters with very little effort. (Module 8, Page 30)
A simple way to get 5% to 10% extra out of every profitable stock trade. (Once you know, you’ll wonder why everyone’s not doing this.) (Module 8, Page 33)
The perfect trading strategy for retirement accounts to slowly but steadily balloon your balance with LITTLE risk. (Module 8, Pages 37-38)