Restore Trust, Repair Relationships, Reclaim Your Power – Sarah-Jane Farrell


Restore Trust, Repair Relationships, Reclaim Your Power – Sarah-Jane FarrellRESTORE TRUST, REPAIR RELATIONSHIPS, RECLAIM YOUR POWERHave you tried traditional therapy and felt something was missing?Are you in an endless cycle of stopping and starting?With the right tools everyone has the power to be their own medicine and healer.Pre-pandemic an estimated 70% of adults have already faced at least one overwhelming or traumatic event in their lifetime. The aftermath of a traumatic experience can often result in a difficulty to form safe, healthy relationships including being able to trust ourselves in our own experiences. When given the right tools and an environment of non judgemental support you can transform some of life’s most heartbreaking moments and restore your ability for a meaningful engagement and connection.These are symptoms of a sick nervous system and a sign that you’re sufferingfrom Soul Loss.● Digestive and immune system troubles.● Chronic pains and illnesses.● Habits and patterns that keep you stuck in a trauma loop.● Emotional distress, anxiety and stress…● Chronic Fatigue, Migraines and Brain Fog.● Difficulty forming lasting, healthy relationships.● Mental roadblocks, fears, and resistance that paralyse you from doing what you know (deep down) you’re meant to do.The traumas you endure and resolve within the body mind are a crucial part of opening to deeper levels of compassion and awakening the spiritual heart trauma informed healing is regenerative. In this conversation you will discover the hidden blocks that keep you stuck in survival so that you can finally thrive in your life’s unique purpose.When facing life challenges we all need loving support. We’re never meant to navigate the many challenges of life on our own even though we live in a culture that values fierce independence. To truly transform the subtle layers of shame, self doubt and other genius coping patterns you’ve developed to navigate the stress, uncertainty and dysfunction of modern life, you can’t be a lone wolf.We have become a human culture of trauma. Whether you’re one of the 70% of adults who have directly faced physical or psychological neglect or abuse or you’re struggling with feelings of shame, inadequacy, and a sense of never feeling like you’re enough or you’re beginning to feel the impact of trauma patterns that have been unknowingly being passed down from one generation to the next – you are not alone.If you would love to experience:● Less anxiety, depression and exhaustion● More self-confidence and a deeper sense of self acceptance● And expanded capacity to feel and navigate a fuller range of emotions● Sleep that actually feels deeply restorative● Less chronic pain and more freedom in your body to do the things you love.Then join the conversation and discover:● Why knowing where you come from and how to work with your survival patterns are crucial to healing your body, restoring trust in yourself and others and manifesting a life you love.● Discover why your unresolved trauma and grief is the root cause of why you’re stuck and unable to reach your full potential pain.● Identify the root cause of trauma that has held you back from achieving your goals past attachment style and unresolved trauma impacts the way your nervous system works.● Develop the skills to create an environment that supports you to set goals you’re inspired.● And finally, get the support to discover and thrive in your life’s purpose from now on.● Working on your own inner development enhances your capacity to help others and dramatically expands the depth and scope of work that is possible.● You’ll strengthen your ability to be with whatever is happening in yourself, or with a patient, or in culture or the world. You’ll explore ways to be present and vulnerable even in challenging circumstances.● You can develop your relational competence by becoming more attuned to others’ thoughts, feelings, and embodiment. I will also guide you through a practice to gain a deeper sense of inner peace, safety and trust● How to walk a conscious path so that you can see that the difficulties in your life are not in the way—they are the way.● When you transform chronic, unpredictable toxic stress, from your life you will become more available to your family and loved ones, experience greater vitality, and gain greater access to our creativity and innovation.IF YOU WOULD YOU LOVE TO EXPERIENCE:● Less anxiety● More self-confidence and a deeper sense of self acceptance● And expanded capacity to feel and navigate a fuller range of emotions● You know that it’s not normal to feel burnt out, exhausted and dead inside but never knew how to tap into sustainable energy flow● You are wired and tired and can’t remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed or how to get to sleep easily and effortlessly.● You want to be free of chronic pain to have more freedom in your body to do the things you love.● You’re ready to get out of your own way but you know you can’t do it alone● You’ve been doing a lot of work, but you fall back into bad habits or the results aren’t happening fast enough for you● You “know” what to do, but you are procrastinating and overwhelmed by worst case scenarios and catastrophizing● You’re ready to learn cutting-edge and trauma/neuroscience informed best practices to discover, live and thrive in your life’s purpose● You’re ready to know how to make sure an inflexible nervous system and old trauma responses don’t get you stuck any more● You’re ready to never go back to how it wasThen I would be honored to guide you back to safety, connection and true belonging.You will learn how to follow through where you used to shut down and become paralyzed with fear of the unknown.Instead of feeling panic and dread when bills need to be paid or you need to expand out of your current level of comfort that isn’t comfortable, you will confidently be able to take a leap of faith and trust in your abilities to reach your next level of success.I will show you how to get off the hamster wheel of acute stress, hustle, survival and fatigue. You will learn to stop working harder at what isn’t working that is causing inflammation, chronic fatigue and brain damage and into an internal state of peace, calm, clarity and confidence.You will begin to repair and release your inherited and personal unconscious trauma wounds and old, faulty beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment, lack and scarcity, separation and psychic programming from your genetic code. You will begin to build more capacity on your nervous system to meet any challenges head on with courage. and trust in your intuition.You will learn how to listen to your intuition and accelerate your physical and emotional body’s innate abilities to transform pain, manifest miracles. You will identify and release the toxic remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full range of all your emotions and heal because you are safe enough to make it possible.Find out what epigenetic markers you are predisposed to and how they are affecting your health, relationships, and prosperity. Through divine instruction you as your own inner healer will then begin cellular repair by turning on your health and abundance codes so that you can access more harmony, grace and ease.Buy Now!Shopping Information– We provide digital products. Most of products will come to you immediately. But for Pre-Order product, we need 3-7 days to order it for you. – After you order, the system will create your account and send it to your email. And after your payment, you will receive the download link at the account or directly via your email. If you have any problems with your order, you can contact: . – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Let’s get things started! We will go with you!