Join me for this clearing event if you want to more clearly bring your full potential into this incarnation, so that you can do the extraordinary work you came here to do freely, fully, and more effortlessly.This clearing will focus on raising your levels of soul consciousness by clearing discordant energies lightworkers often have.This clearing will directly impact your spiritual evolution by focusing on resolving discordant energy your soul has about the very process of your spiritual evolution.It’s true…  even though we all love spiritual healing, working with angels, and being on a path of conscious evolution, we may subconsciously be blocking ourselves from fully walking our walk with grace, ease, and light, because there are past-life energies that need to be cleared and healed.Spirit also knows that many lightworkers struggle with earth-plane issues, and Spirit indicated that there were to be several major categories of energies cleared during this event: lethargy (spiritual tiredness), spiritual suicide (basically “killing” your spiritual progress and evolution), despair, jealousy, bitterness, and several more. These energies often weigh down our souls and can prevent us from feeling good in life and in tune with Spirit.Tag: Resolving Discord in Your Spiritual Evolution – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Resolving Discord in Your Spiritual Evolution – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Resolving Discord in Your Spiritual Evolution – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.