Resolve, Clear, and Heal Past-Life and Ancestral Debt Karma — The Unresolved Energy in your Soul (and In Your Ancestral Lineage) Causing Debt in this Life, Part 1 – Michael Davis Golzmane


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THE UNIQUE ASTROLOGY OF THESE 2 EVENTS IS ONLY HAPPENING ONCE EACH IN 2020, AND IT IS OF CRITICAL IMPORTANCE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BOTH CLEARINGS FOR A MORE COMPLETE AND THOROUGH HEALING.Originally Recorded: Tuesday April 28, 2020 (Rare Tuesday Shashti)Resolve, Clear, and Heal Past-Life and Ancestral Debt Karma — The Unresolved Energy in your Soul (and In Your Ancestral Lineage) Causing Debt in this Life, Part 1 (This Clearing is 50% off!)This date is Part 1 of the most ideal 2 timings in all of 2020 to clear debt karma.  It is essential work for you to participate in both clearings (the other one is May 19).  The exact astrological timings of these clearings are different, rare, but equally as important for getting deeper access to your soul’s history.  I will be using totally different, but complementary, clearing processes on May 19 and April 28.Doing karma clearing work at this exact date and time is essential practice to help shift the Divine Forces into your favor this year.  This is the only time a 6th waning moon conjuncts a Tuesday in all of 2020, producing the deep opportunity to clear debt, trauma, bad Mars karma, and the karmic causes of dis-ease. The Only Time this Highly Auspicious and Ideal Timing in 2020 to Clear the Karma of DebtThere is an equally unique, but different, timing for debt karma clearing, happening on May 19.  It is emphatically recommended to participate in the clearings I am offering on both dates.   They are both very important, especially if you are dealing with chronic debt, dis-ease, and trauma.There are specific astrological timings when it is possible to clear more deeply and more fully certain qualities of negative karma that is impacting your soul.  On this particular date, at this particular time, it is possible to specifically clear your karma that is causing debt, dis-ease, and trauma in this life.The ancient yogis said that the karma that creates debt is similar to the karma the can create dis-ease and trauma.  That is why this clearing has a 3-fold emphasis.Though there are often obvious earthly causes of these issues, the deeper reasons for the issues are stored in the unseen energy of the soul, what we call the akashic field.  This energy is the accumulation of what has been unresolved in your soul’s history, bu also involves the unresolved issues that have been passed down to you through your ancestral lineages.By opening up this soul’s history and ancestral lineage using specific techniques at specific high-energy astrological timings, we are going to be able to change your destiny into one where you can heal debt, dis-ease, and trauma.  If your soul can resolve the inner causes of these issues, then your present life and present-moment choices will be able to be more effective, have better results, and a great likelihood of success.Over the past few years, I have been researching ancient karma-clearing techniques for specific issues, and combining these protocols with modern clearing methods.  In this clearing (and the clearing on May 19) you will get to experience all of the debt-clearing protocols I currently use, performed at the very rare best timing for these clearings in all of 2020, working with your full present and past-life karmic history, and working with many generations of the inherited karma you have from your ancestors.Doing these kinds of clearings doesn’t mean that the physical experience of all of your debts will immediately be taken away from you.  You may still have to work through paying them consciously, fully or in part.  It is also possible that Divine Forces may heal these issues for you in a less linear way, in miraculous ways you can’t currently see.  However, as you free up your consciousness from the karmic burdens that created the debts in the first place, you are aligning yourself with Inner Divine Resources that will make the total healing of these issues easier, quicker, and more joyful.During this group clearing:we’ll be working with your personal karma through hundreds of your lifetimes, and also 71 generations of your ancestral inheritance of bad debt karmawe’ll clear bad debt karma by working with the 2 most Major debt-clearing Vortexes in existence (according to Vedic tradition)we’ll perform a 7-part “Runahara Ganapati” Debt-Clearing Protocol with Ganesha to remove debts, destroy poverty, help you gain wealth and happiness, and help you overcome material restrictions.  The term “Runa” means “debts”, and “Hara” means to remove or detroy.  This protocol involves Ganesha, whose energies remove obstacles of all kinds, and who can be worked with to help destroy debt karmawe’ll do hundreds of specific clearing processes for you and your ancestors involving the classical “5 Vedic forms of karmic debt”we’ll resolve your available karma around the “3 Causes of Debt”, according to the ancient Siddhaswe’ll perform a 7-part debt-clearing process involving Divine Archetypes, debt-clearing mantras, etc.we will do an overall clearing of the karma of trauma, debt, and dis-ease by working with the 6 most auspicious Power Vortexes for Muruga, who is the Divine Archetype that can help clear debt karmawe will work with several Mars clearing processes.  Mars is the main planet responsible for debt karma.Are you interested in? unresolved import; unresolved import python; unresolved reference kotlin; unresolved compilation problem; unresolved reference pycharmPurchasing Resolve, Clear, and Heal Past-Life and Ancestral Debt Karma — The Unresolved Energy in your Soul (and In Your Ancestral Lineage) Causing Debt in this Life, Part 1 – Michael Davis Golzmane course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase Resolve, Clear, and Heal Past-Life and Ancestral Debt Karma — The Unresolved Energy in your Soul (and In Your Ancestral Lineage) Causing Debt in this Life, Part 1 – Michael Davis Golzmane courses at here with PRICE $50 $32