
Renee Davis – Enhance Nursing Staff Performance And Training Goals: Technology Tools To Captivate The Nurse Audience

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Renee Davis – Enhance Nursing Staff Performance And Training Goals: Technology Tools To Captivate The Nurse Audience
Picture this: A team of Nursing Professional Development Educators having to orient 50-100 new hire professional clinicians and support staff on a weekly basis, over 3-4, 7.5-hour days, with predominantly lecture-based or excessively long eLearning content.
This was my struggle… and along the way, I discovered solutions to dramatically improve the learning process for both new and experienced staff.

Imagine having engaged learners in your professional orientations!
Imagine increased content retention and active learning!
Imagine your staff taking ownership of their learning!
Get ready for a career-changing educational event!

Educational technology and gamification integration in Nursing Professional Development is still an emerging topic. Now is the time to take a deeper look at how technology and gaming can change the way we think about and deliver education. Movement is taking place now to facilitate education, as opposed to spoon feeding our staff. You will have opportunities to use the showcased tech tools to see just how easy and user friendly these free and low-cost platforms can be. Nurses need to be excited and engaged about their professional learning opportunities.
In this recording, you will learn how to bring the excitement back into education for your own amazing nurses.

Implement gamified strategies for more engaging, interactive professional orientations and educational offerings.
Distinguish between instructor-centered and learner-centric teaching modalities.
Explain the relevance of active learning as it relates to improved staff engagement, content retention, staff competency validation, and patient care outcomes.
Formulate strategies, inclusive of educational technology integration, that will improve learner engagement.
Plan educational offerings, that include mobile devices, that can be implemented for just-in-time learning, department specific in-services, or even house-wide events.
Evaluate the effectiveness of interactive educational programming on staff learning outcomes.
Choose the educational technology and gamification platforms that work for your specific training needs.

What’s Trending in Professional Development?

Learner experience
Brain-based learning

What Does the Evidence Say?

Impetus for the integration of educational technology
Future of Nursing IOM (now known as National Academy of Medicine) Report—still relevant 8 years later
Nursing Professional Development (NPD) Practice Model
Shifts in learner preferences
The changing healthcare landscape

Discovering the Age of Technology

Mobile learning—What is it, and considerations related to its use for learning and development
Technology and teaching innovations
Generations & the connected age

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Demonstration of gaming platforms and games
Game mechanics of each platform inclusive of tracking and reporting
Review of free vs. fee—based features-get major impact without spending major dollars
System requirements—what about your learning management system (LMS) and its role with these gaming tools?

Understanding and Overcoming Tech Challenges

Technology/Gaming limitations
Digital/Technological literacy of Nursing Staff Development Specialists/Faculty
Digital literacy of the learner
Lack of prep and/or familiarity with the gaming or educational technology platform
Formal vs. informal education delivery

Survey Says…

Importance of data tracking
Qualitative feedback
Proven outcomes after education technology integration

Preparing for the Tech Changes Ahead

Thinking differently about our education delivery methods
Increased faculty development
Remembering the power of orientation programs
Seek innovation: Technological evolution in Nursing Professional Development and Academia
Future projections: Virtual reality and social media for learning