Relationships Mastered – Relationship Revival 3.0


Relationship Revival 3.0


Relationship Revival 3.0
is a comprehensive program designed to guide individuals through the intricacies of rebuilding and strengthening relationships. This program is structured into six phases, each focusing on different aspects of relationship dynamics and personal growth.

Phase 1: Charting the Road Ahead

1 – Charting the Road Ahead

1-1 – Crucial Looms & Coaching Calls Link (Beta)

2 – Embracing Program’s Success Principles (DO NOT SKIP)

3 – Effort & Surrender

4 – Treating the Hemorrhage

5 – Killing The Disguises of Desire

6 – Becoming Untethered

7 – Mental Map Checkin After Phase 1

Phase 2: Mastering Emotional Dynamics

1 – The Principles of Emotions

2 – Knowing Your Enemies & Weapons

3 – Interpreting Resistance & The FAE Bias

4 – Reprogramming Your New Paradigms

5 – The Antithetic Mind & Becoming Water

6 – Cultivating a Quiet & Conscious Mind

7 – Mastering Your Bulletproof Mind

Phase 3: Emotional Safety and Campaigning

1 – The First Principles of Emotional Safety

2 – A Deeper Look Into the Frameworks

3 – Becoming a Fearless Campaigner

4 – Diving Deeper in Conversations

5 – Dealing With Resistances

6 – Campaigning to Victory

7 – Mental Map Checkin After Phase 3

Phase 4: Power and Interdependence

1 – Understanding the Basics of Power

2 – Interdependence: The Balance of Power

3 – A Clear Picture of Interdependence

4 – Defining Your Becoming Self

5 – Understanding Self-Esteem

6 – Growing Self-Esteem

7 – Raising Your Tides

Phase 5: Surrendered Reconciliation

1 – Surrendered Reconciliation

2 – The Principles of Emotional & Psychological Safety

3 – Setting Your Noble Intentions

4 – The Choreography for Safety

5 – Cultivating Mutual Admiration [NEW]

Phase 6: Aligning Your Path

1 – Aligning Your Path

2 – Masculinity & Femininity

3 – Romance, Seduction & Passion

Each phase is meticulously designed to provide practical insights and strategies to enhance relationship skills and personal development. The program includes interactive elements, coaching calls, and mental map check-ins to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.


Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

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