Regina Anaejionu – Infoprenenur Ninja Sales School


I want your readers to love you, your new customers to go crazy over you, and your fans to create #hashtags in your honor. That is all.

Regina Anaejionu – Infoprenenur Ninja Sales School

I am an infopreneur who creates content for creative business owners, bloggers, freelancers, and generally awesome people. My belief is that you are legendary, so I create articles, videos, courses, workbooks, and books that help you reveal your true creative epicness. I want your readers to love you, your new customers to go crazy over you, and your fans to create #hashtags in your honor. That is all.
Get immediately download Regina Anaejionu – Infoprenenur Ninja Sales School

Ninja Sales School (4-hour workshop)

The Workbook
The Slides
The Workshop (248:40)

Workbook School

Get Your Adobe InDesign Template
Make Your Workbook in Adobe InDesign (59:03)
Get Your Apple Pages Template
Make Your Workbook in Apple Pages (32:57)

Setting Up ConvertKit for Email Automations

Set Up ConvertKit from Scratch (11:58)
Set Up Automations in ConvertKit (11:53)

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