Reedstrader – Stock Market Timing Workshop


Stratagem Trading – ViPars 2022
This mini class is a great start for understanding Volatility Pairs trading. The Vipars™ mini-class covers everything needed to implement the strategy and is not a teaser to sell other product. For more information on Vipars™, read more about the strategy here.
It is a short term trade that is usually held from 1-10 days, depending on market conditions. It is a spread between the VIX (Volatility Index) and the SPX, and is an excellent tool to implement when the markets are falling apart.
Many times a year the market will fall fast and hard. The fear and panic that ensues causes traders to not know what to do. Some people want to buy stocks at a discount compared to the price they were at the previous day; however, they worry about buying it too soon if the market is still falling more. This uncertainty causes paralysis on most traders not knowing what do do in these market conditions, but the ViPar ™ is the perfect strategy.
We will sell the overbought VIX and hedge that sale with an SPX spread in case the fear gets worse. Then we just wait for things to calm down, which they always do, and close the trade for a large potential profit.
Many students start here and if they have huge success with the strategy and want to specialize in this powerful strategy, then they can always contact the ice to upgrade to the full 3-day package.
What You’ll Learn In ViPars 2022

Class Recordings (~13 hours)
Handout of Class Slides
Write up on a live trade example
Bonus Class Recordings
Live Market Class on Synthetics
Students’ Mistakes