
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – What Matters Most – Bundle

Original price was: ₹509,100.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – What Matters Most – Bundle
What Matters Most

Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundations of Your Values
A choice of direction may at first seem to have no real consequence, but over time that simple choice could have a huge impact. Big changes have their roots in seemingly small decisions. A two or three degree shift in direction may not seem to have much impact at the beginning of a journey, but miles into your journey the implications can be gargantuan.
That’s why identifying and understanding your core values is so important. Like the rudder of a boat, your core values are there to give you stability and guidance along your journey.
Seven products bundled at a special price: Audio Training Program; Success Tips; Tweets; Special Report; PowerPoint Slides for Teleseminar; Teleseminar & Self-Study (same content/different format).