
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – The A to Z’s of Success – Teleseminar

Original price was: ₹173,700.00.Current price is: ₹5,478.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – The A to Z’s of Success – Teleseminar
Charting a Course of Personal Achievement
Program Summary
We all want to experience success in our lives, but perhaps the stronger desire is the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes from our success.
There are two primary benefits to success. The tangible reward that success brings, such as a garden overflowing with fruits and vegetables, a newly decorated room in your home, or a certain sum of money in your savings account.
Additionally, there is the feeling that comes from accomplishment – reaching a goal or a milestone. Experiencing success or feeling successful is more about how achieving a goal or reaching a milestone makes you feel. Perhaps your success brings a sense of excitement, renewal, wholeness, and satisfaction.
Isn’t it feelings like these that we are really striving for? Aren’t we looking for a greater sense of well-being in our lives from our achievements, successes and contributions?
In addition to the tangible results of achieving a goal, being successful also includes a change in your perspective and your sense of self. Yes, you have accomplished a goal. But you also have taken quite a journey. At the point of every successful endeavor, you are different. Your endpoint is also a beginning.
How do you bring this sense of success and completeness into the various aspects of your life? There are keys to this journey. We call them the A to Z’s of Success!
In this program, your participants will feel renewed and transformed as they explore the definition of success, learn how to harness their internal and external strengths to achieve their goals, and turn their new discoveries into tangible results.
Learning Outcomes
Your participants will discover:

How to create THEIR UNIQUE, repeatable Success Plan for ANY project…
The 2 TOP “Must-Have” strategies that they will need to guarantee successful outcomes…
How to OVERCOME ANY OBSTACLE, persevere & stay on track, even in the face of the toughest roadblocks & challenges…
The #1 most overlooked tool for success (every accomplished leader uses this one)…
Easy but powerful little tricks designed to KEEP THEM MOTIVATED…
How to equip themselves with THE RIGHT TOOLS in the beginning to keep them going until the end…
The most common pitfalls that you will encounter, and how to avoid them.

Course Content
Introduction: The Pioneer’s Route

Activity #1: “Defining Success”
Activity Objective: Participants explore various perspectives of “success”.
Activity #2: “The Success Route”
Activity Objective: Participants imagine the pioneer’s journey to the west as a metaphor for making a successful personal achievement.

Segment #1 – Starting Out

Activity #1: “What is Success?”
Activity Objective: Participants break down and explore the definition of success.
Activity #2: “Identifying My A to Z’s”
Activity Objective: Participants will apply the A to Z’s of Success model to a personal success goal they would like to achieve.

Segment #2 – On the Way

Activity #1: “Resources and Supports”
Activity Objective: Participants identify external supports and tools they will need along the way.
Activity #2: “Anchors and Inspirations”
Activity Objective: Participants identify internal anchors and inspirations to help them persevere.

Segment #3 – In Sight: The View

Activity #1: “In Sight: The View from the Top”
Activity Objective: Participants recognize how their perspective changes as a result of their success.


Activity #1: “My Golden Nugget”
Activity Objective: Participants reflect on the most valuable information they learned in this teleseminar.