
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Motivation Magic – Teleseminar & Self-Study Online Course

Original price was: ₹239,700.00.Current price is: ₹7,304.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Motivation Magic – Teleseminar & Self-Study Online Course
Awakening in Others the Inspiration to Excel
Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course
Program Summary
People often refer to others motivating them to take an action or pursue a goal, but can we really motivate others? No we can’t. Why? Because the essence of motivation is an internal force – it comes from WITHIN a person, not from OUTSIDE OF THEM. Why then do people so often refer to someone motivating them? Because people don’t “give” us motivation; rather it is that people help us find it within ourselves.
While WE can’t motivate others, there are many times in life that we are called to provide support and encouragement. Someone may come to you and specifically ask for a helping hand as they set off on a personally challenging endeavor. They are trying to make a personal change and they know they will need support. You may understand that your role is to help the person find, sustain or regain motivation but do you know exactly what to do?
In this program, your participants will discover specific skills, tools and techniques to help someone pursue a change or goal. This powerful process helps others find their initial motivation, sustain their momentum along their journey of change, and helps them to re-light the fire of motivation when it wanes so they can successfully achieve a meaningful goal or change.
Learning Outcomes
From this program, your participants will…

Work with tools to help someone find the motivation needed to make a personal change
Explore strategies that help someone sustain motivation during the change process
Practice with techniques that help someone regain their motivation when it lags or goes away.
This program is for someone who would like to hone their ability to be a motivational support to someone else as they take the admirable path of making a personal change.

Course Contents
Introductory Activity – A HELPing Hand

Activity: “A HELPing Hand”
Activity Objective: Participants reflect on a previous goal they have set in their lives, and then create a meaningful acronym about help from others.

Tool #1 – Finding Motivation

Activity #1: “A Reasonable Goal”
Activity Objective: Participants learn about the importance of setting reasonable goals.
Activity #2: “Review and Practice of Tool ‘A Reasonable Goal’”
Activity Objective: Participants review and practice using a tool that helps a person assess if their goal or change is reasonable and realistic.

Tool #2 – Sustaining Motivation

Activity #1: “The Forces Behind Any Change: Drivers and Blockers”
Activity Objective: Participants learn about Drivers and Blockers and the forces that drive and prevent change, and discuss their findings.
Activity #2: “Review and Practice of Tool ‘Identifying Drivers and Blockers’”
Objective: Participants apply Tool #2 to an important goal in their life and weigh their Drivers and Blockers. Then participants explore how to use this tool to help others.

Tool #3 – Regaining Motivation

Activity: “How to Regain Motivation: Troubleshooting”
Activity Objective: Participants examine common problems that cause motivation to lag, and ways those problems can be remedied.

Application – Final Thoughts

Activity: “Golden Nuggets”
Activity Objective: Participants share key learnings from this program.