
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Lighting Your Fire – Audio Training Program

Original price was: ₹104,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Lighting Your Fire – Audio Training Program

Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life
Audio Training Program
Program Summary
Ever have this happen? You are excited to make a new change, pursue a big goal, or accomplish an exciting project. You get all geared up, have everything you need, and all your plans are in place. Then just when you get your “get up & go” up & going, something drops from the sky like a big thud and puts out your fire.
Finding motivation can be hard enough at times, but when the challenges come along, sticking with the plan makes it nearly impossible to keep going. So what do you do? What is the secret to follow through, sticktuitiveness, and perseverance to the end?
Finding and keeping their motivation is an invaluable skill that will benefit your clients in every area of their life, from home to work to your various social engagements. When they learn how to create and maintain their motivation, your clients will begin to feel the flames of inspiration & excitement once again!
Learning Outcomes
In this 6 part audio training series, your prospect and clients will discover:

How to motivate themselves & others in any situation
Simple ways to regain their steam when they’re tired & ready to quit
How to rediscover their bigger picture & keep their dreams alive
Common motivational pitfalls and how to avoid them
An almost magical way to call in your expansive support system
The guaranteed motivation booster that nobody talks about,
And much, much more.

The audios are 4-6 minutes long and filled with ideas that will help you and your clients become more productive and successful.
Course Content
The titles for the audio series are:
Audio #1 – Where is My Spark?
Audio #2 – Keeping the Fire Going
Audio #3 – The Merlin Principle
Audio #4 – You’re Surrounded
Audio #5 – Finding Your Muse
Audio #6 – Motivation is Contagious
Audio Training programs are a powerful tool for keeping in touch with your clients and prospects, and delivering great value.
Order the Lighting Your Fire audio training program today.