
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Happy Trails – Audio Training Program

Original price was: ₹104,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Happy Trails – Audio Training Program

The Wondrous Search for Happiness and Where

to Find It
Audio Training Program
Program Summary
Every day you have a choice. You can drag yourself out of bed, trudge through the day, and manage your obligations, or you can greet the day with a full heart, tackling the biggest problems with confidence, and expecting new adventures and opportunities. Choosing to be happy makes your best life possible while removing the obstacles that hold you back.
Defining and finding happiness is one of the most important ways to energize your journey, awaken the genius inside you, and activate the dreams you’ve likely given up on.
Unhappiness will stop your dreams dead in their tracks. Happiness fuels your entire life…and makes it a lot more fun.
In this audio series, your clients will discover the source of the motivation that seems to come so easy to others, and their eyes will open to a world of fresh, new possibilities.
And they’ll be thanking you for this great information that transformed their lives!
Learning Outcomes
In this 6 part audio training series, your prospect and clients will discover:

How to define your own happiness and know what happy looks like,
How to rapidly incorporate far more joy into your life,
Simple ways to remove those worries that keep you from winning,
How to unlock new patterns and discover new ways to grow, The most powerful (and oldest) secret to finding true happiness,
Why happiness should be your top goal and why it’s so important,
And a lot more…

The audios are 4-6 minutes long and filled with ideas that will help your clients quickly define what happiness means to them and how to incorporate it into their daily life, so they can put some spice into their days, find the adventures that await them, and greet each day with positive anticipation.
Course Content
The titles for the audio series are:
Audio #1 – What is Happiness Anyway?
Audio #2 – Moving Toward Happiness
Audio #3 – Moving Away From Unhappiness
Audio #4 – Changing Your Rhythm
Audio #5 – Charity Begins at Your Place
Audio #6 – Don’t Settle For Anything Less
Audio Training programs are a powerful tool for keeping in touch with your clients and prospects, and delivering great value. Order the Happy Trails – The Wondrous Search for Happiness and Where to Find It audio training program today.