
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Genius Within – Bundle

Original price was: ₹509,100.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Genius Within – Bundle
The Genius Within

Calling on Your Natural Talents to Make Life More Fulfilling
Every one of us is born with a unique set of talents. They are natural, God-given abilities that come so easily that we often overlook as ‘special’. Our talents are the core of who we are – that never-changing part of ourselves that endures despite the tumultuous nature of the world we live in.
You will discover how to identify your natural talents, when to know if they are in use, and how you can integrate your talents into eveyrthing you do. Participants will be taught to focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. It will show them ways to identify their own natural talents, using a variety of tools and resources. The more they know their talents, the more they can build a more fulfilling life around them. So, start today. This teleseminar can help.
Seven products bundled at a special price: Audio Training Program; Success Tips; Tweets; Special Report; PowerPoint Slides for Teleseminar; Teleseminar & Self-Study (same content/different format).