
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Finding Balance – Super Bundle

Original price was: ₹779,100.00.Current price is: ₹22,078.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Finding Balance – Super Bundle
Finding Balance

Reclaim Your Time and Live a More Fulfilling Life
Life balance is something that many people strive for and yet, it seems to elude them. At just the moment when life feels like it’s “in balance,” something happens to throw it off. Some people continue their pursuit of balance; some throw in the towel; and others never bother with life balance in the first place.
Life balance is not a permanent or absolute state. It’s actually a state of mind where you make continuous small adjustments to achieve fulfillment. It is dynamic and elusive.
Even though absolute balance may be impossible, the good news is that you can become aware of where your life is imbalanced and take steps toward improving your balance. You possess the ability to catch your balance or to move toward a state of balance, just like you do when you misstep or lose your physical balance.
Nine products bundled at a special price: Special Report, Audio Training Program, Speech, Teleseminar & Self-Study (same content/different format), Webinar, Workshop, Success Tips, and Tweets.