
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Confident You – Success Tips

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Confident You – Success Tips

Leap Outside Your Comfort Zone and Achieve What You Want
Success Tips
Program Summary
Success Tips are a powerful marketing tool! They are 250-400 word “mini” articles that are ideal to send as weekly success tips, use as blog posts, or short articles in your newsletter.
Here’s an example of a success tip that comes in your package:
Kicking “But” Along Your Journey
The difference between a dreamer and a doer isn’t luck, talent, skill or money. Unlike some dreamers who never get around to putting their dreams into action, doers make a promise to themselves to reach a goal and honor that commitment by taking determined action.
So what keeps doers moving toward their dreams? Doers don’t allow “buts” to hold them back and control their lives. Thoughts such as, “But I don’t have enough time…” “But there’s not enough money…”, “But I’m not smart enough….” are not part of the doer’s dialog. People who make and keep promises to themselves believe that following through to completion is more important than any adversity that could potentially impede their success.
So what do you want to accomplish? Do you want to look for a better job? Quit smoking? Learn to skydive? Build a house? Your “buts” will hold you back if you let them. Instead, kick them out of the way by taking small steps toward your goal. Small successes will help you to gain courage, momentum and confidence. And soon you’ll notice that your “buts” will fade away.
This tool will empower you to stay in touch with your prospects and clients persistently and consistently, month in and month out!