
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Breaking Free From a World of Worry – Audio Training Program

Original price was: ₹104,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Breaking Free From a World of Worry – Audio Training Program

How to Let Go and Find Peace in the Face of Life’s Uncertainties
Audio Training Program
Program Summary
Burnout is a devastating condition that affects more people today than ever before in recorded human history. And it sneaks up on people without them even knowing it. What starts out as a bad day at the office, low energy, or a bit of edginess, turns into dreading getting out of bed, feeling unmotivated, unable to focus, and struggling to simply fulfill daily responsibilities.
Burnout is costly in many ways. It impacts your well-being, your health, family and relationships.
Symptoms include…

Apathy and disdain for the activities you used to love
Cynicism, defensiveness and unexplained lashing out
Chronic exhaustion, insomnia, overwhelm and fatigue
Lack of motivation, feelings of worthlessness, and isolation from friends

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you might be teetering at the edge of burnout, and it’s important that you do something about it NOW…before it’s too late.
Learning Outcomes

How to stop worrying and take control of your life
The #1 reason why you worry…and what you can do about it
The 3 ways that worry hurts you the most…IF you let it.
How to turn the tables on your worry, and actually use it to your benefit
3 tested and proven worry eradicators you can use any time Worry strikes
How to build unshakeable confidence and steadfast resilience…RIGHT NOW
And much, much more…

Course Content
Audio #1: What You’re So Worried About
Audio #2: A Little Worry Goes A Long Way
Audio #3: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
Audio #4: The Cost of Living (With Worry)
Audio #5: Don’t You Worry About A Thing
Audio #6: No Worries
Audio Training programs are a powerful tool for delivering value, and keeping in touch with your clients and prospects.