
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Beating Burnout – Bundle

Original price was: ₹509,100.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Beating Burnout – Bundle
Beating Burnout

How to Refill Your Tank When Life Has You Feeling Empty
In our daily routines, our lives can become so hectic, that we fail to see the toll that these demands place on our relationships, our health, and our overall well-being. We just keep ‘pushing through’ until one task or responsibility is complete – only to have another put in its place. We rationalize that we have no choice but to complete what needs to get done regardless of how it affects us. And we ignore the warning signs that the hustle and bustle is taking on us physically, emotionally, and mentally until we find ourselves heading towards the threatening state of burnout!
That’s why recognizing the initial signs of burnout is extremely important, because it is only through awareness, acceptance and a desire to change course that we can get our lives back, have more control over how we spend our time, and stop burnout before it stops us.
Seven products bundled at a special price: Audio Training Program; Success Tips; Tweets; Special Report; PowerPoint Slides for Teleseminar; Teleseminar & Self-Study (same content/different format).