
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Are You Emotionally Smart – Audio Training Program

Original price was: ₹104,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Are You Emotionally Smart – Audio Training Program

Optimize Your EQ for Better Relationships and a More Fulfilling Life
Audio Training Program
Program Summary
Have you ever been at a complete loss for words when facing a difficult situation?
Have you ever wished that you had some kind of compass or guide to tell you the right thing to do when navigating your life?
Wouldn’t it be great to have a secret super-power that gives you the ability to always know the right thing to say, and the right move to make?
Well, maybe you do…
This superpower exists inside the pantheon of human experience now known as “Emotional Intelligence.”
Having a high emotional intelligence has many benefits. For starters, simply by being tuned into your emotions, you will have more control over your own happiness and well-being. But it also improves your ability to read, influence, connect with, and relate to others in your life.
Emotionally intelligent people are good at picking up social cues.
Emotionally intelligent people always seem to know the right thing to say.
Emotionally intelligent people can quickly de-escalate high-stakes situations.
So, what if you could do all that?
You can.
Through this Audio Training Program, your clients will be inspired to discover the depth of their emotions, and use the wisdom within them to carve their own satisfying, fulfilling path. The information contained in these short audio training sessions will open their hearts and minds to a new world of happiness, success and exciting possibilities, all by becoming more attuned to their emotions and the emotions of others.
Learning Outcomes:
In this 6 part audio training series, your prospect and clients will discover:

How to quickly minimize stress and manage emotional storms,
3 easy questions to help cool down when they’re emotionally hijacked,
How to train their brain to become more emotionally aware,
The 5-part foundation for emotional literacy,
The bulletproof 3-part formula for creating emotional harmony,
And a lot more…

The audios are 5-7 minutes long and filled with ideas that will help your clients become more productive and successful.
Course Contents
The titles for the audio series are:
Audio #1: Why Emotions Matter
Audio #2: How to Handle Your Own Emotions
Audio #3: Right Here, Right Now
Audio #4: Your Emotional Vocabulary
Audio #5: Building Emotional Bridges
Audio #6: Make Every Day Amazing
Audio Training programs are a powerful tool for keeping in touch with your clients and prospects, and delivering great value.
Order the “Are You Emotionally Smart?” audio training program today!