Ready Set Blog for Traffic – Profitable Creative


Ready Set Blog for TrafficEverything you need to know about growing your traffic and monetizing your blogYou don’t need traffic.Nope!What you need is the right kind traffic…and lots of it.  Traffic that shares  Traffic that engages  Traffic that converts to subscribers  Traffic that buysSo, what do most people do?They get on social media. They pour their heart into writing blog posts.Then they spend hours trying to figure out how to attract any traffic. Because at this point, anything is better than crickets, right?But, no, nothing. No pageviews, no email sign ups, no notifications that someone bought through your affiliate link.Sound familiar?You’re doing everything, but nothing is working.You keep hearing from top bloggers how much income they are earning from their blog, but no matter how hard you try at blogging, you see nothing.You’re failing and you know it.I’ve been blogging for fun and blogging for money for several years and during this time I learned the exact recipe to having a successful blog.You need targeted traffic. This is the base of your blog. Without it, your blog won’t soar.You need a fan base. This is your loyal audience that’s got your back.You need an engaging blog that’s sticky and oh-so-sweet to read.But, what are the steps to getting that type of blog?It’s time to get your blog noticed. This is the path you want someone to take:  They find your pin on Pinterest  They click to read your post  They leave a comment and share the post  They sign up to your email list  They open every email, trust you and says yes to anything you recommendThat’s the reason you need the right traffic.  Not traffic that bounces.  Not traffic that skims your post and never comes back.  Not traffic that reads your money-making posts and doesn’t buy.Get Ready Set Blog for Traffic – Profitable Creative, Only Price $37 You need the right people coming to your blog, find it so valuable that they subscribe to your blog, and trust you enough to buy whatever you recommend.Let me ask you this:After you started your blog, learned from every guru out there, what’s the main take away you gathered about blogging?Can I guess it was SEO?Search Engine Optimization.While most new bloggers are concerned about SEO and getting the right keywords for Google, I was focused on an entirely different strategy to get blog traffic.I was building a trusted site.Don’t get me wrong. I love SEO, but I do it in a slightly different (and very effective) wayBecause if you don’t already know, your blog is for your audience, not for Google.As a freelance writer who gets paid to write traffic-generating content, my clients don’t tell me to use SEO or certain keywords.They give me a topic and I write an engaging blog post for them, because they know the secret.They know that if you put out valuable posts that talk about products, tools or topics in a natural way, Google will learn that your blog is a trusted site.This helps with ranking in Google and getting on the top of the search engine results page.My clients’ posts rank on Google, and my blog posts rank too.The key isn’t trying to find the right keyword or long tail keyword for your blog post so that Google recognizes it; it’s the other way around.The key is to find the right blog topics, write an engaging and shareable post and earn the trust from your audience.But, what if you have no idea where to find your audience?Can I tell you another secret?You think YOU need to find your audience, but really, it’s your audience that needs to find YOU.Why chase traffic when you can attract traffic?I was just like you.I started Twins Mommy in an over-saturated niche: mom blogging and making money.I started out without an audience, without a social media presence in this niche and without many blog posts (I started Twins Mommy with only one blog post).Within the first three months of starting my blog, I grew my blog by 310%And I continued to grow my pageviews by 60% in one month to generating 10k pageviews in one month.That’s not all.Because I built a solid foundation of attracting traffic and a fan base with my audience, I was able to convert my traffic from readers to buyers.In one month the blog went from $200/month profit to $2k/month profit.And now it’s close to $6k/month profit!On a new blog that’s barely a year old.But, I bet I know what you’re thinking,Elna, you’ve been blogging for years, you’ve made money as a freelance writer. I’m brand new to blogging. How can I get that much traffic to my new blog?I get you.I would be asking the same question.So, I wanted to see if my methods for bringing targeted traffic could work again.I decided to conduct a little experimentThis time: no social media presence, no social media friends, and with a brand new blog.And, guess what?It totally worked!I collaborated with another blogger on a new blog in another over-saturated niche – the parenting/lifestyle niche. This blog is barely a few months old and it already has multiple viral pins.This new blog only has a handful of posts and it’s already generating income.What changed?I developed a blog recipe to explode my blog traffic and income. I used my experience, learned from my mistakes, and figured out the right ingredients and the right amounts for traffic.And you know what? This blueprint works for any niche and for any new blog.Introducing Ready Set Blog for TrafficThe only plan to skyrocket your blog traffic and earn some blog-mazing cash.Hold up. Do you see the connection?To reach the income that you want from your blog, you need traffic.That’s the beginning step and the focus you have to do if you have a new blog.There’re two ways to start getting traffic to your blog   Do it alone. You spend hours learning everything there is about Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram, but then end up investing your money in the wrong tools and courses, get overwhelmed real fast and start to doubt if making money from blogging really works.   Take a proven shortcut that pinpoints the exact strategies you need to focus on. Ready Set Blog for Traffic gives you a step-by-step plan on what you need to set up your blog for targeted traffic, how to market your posts on Pinterest and how to write those damn good posts to attract and convert bloggers.With the right traffic and the right strategy, it’s possible to rank in Google – without even trying.I rank #2 for “freelance writing” – without doing ANY traditional SEOI ignored the traditional SEO advice that everyone preaches for my freelance writing blog.Now, after two years of having my freelance writing blog, a good portion of topics in my niche ranks on the first page of Google.Get Ready Set Blog for Traffic – Profitable Creative, Only Price $37 Instead of having pageviews you have headachesYour blog gets no comments, no readers and no shares.You know the end result, but have no idea how to get there.It’s been six months and you’re tired. You haven’t earned more than $2 from blogging and you’re beyond frustrated. If no one comes to your blog, how do you earn an income?You might as well give up.Not today.This course gives you exactly what you need to start getting traffic to your blog.When you sign up to Ready Set Blog for Traffic here’s what you get:  Lifetime access with all updates for free  3 modules (15+ video lessons, 5+ text-based lessons)  Video tech training on popular tools  240+ Pinterest group boards in 17 niches  Ready-to-use templates + swipe copy  Guest blogging guide  The exact blog recipe I use to boost blog traffic quickly  And much moreMODULE 1: THE STRONGEST ELEMENTS TO START BOOSTING TRAFFIC FOR YOUR BLOGYour content knowledge and scheduleCase study: Boosting pageviews by 10k in 1 monthConnections and networkingCase study: Networking to grow your audienceAll about backlinksGuest blogging and podcastingStrategic blog commentingUsing a resource post to drive blog trafficPowerful ways to have more time to blogMODULE 2: MAKING PINTEREST YOUR #1 GROWTH STRATEGYHow to increase your authority in Pinterest’s eyesHow to enable rich pinsThe Pinterest boards you need and setting them up4 Indicators of quality group boards5 Methods + 1 Backdoor method to finding group boardsMy “Winning Pinning” Pinterest strategyTutorial: Creating viral pins + 5 template typesPinterest SEO tactics4 Hacks to increase your Pinterest followersMODULE 3: CREATING MIND-BLOWING TRAFFIC-GENERATING CONTENTThe secret to generating traffic and comments with your postOne quick way to make old posts new againElements of a banging’ blog postHow to craft the perfect headline for maximum engagementPosts that grow your traffic and incomeHow to create a money-generating resource postThere are three main ingredients to my “blog traffic recipe”:The Core ElementsSuccessful blogs put in place a strong foundation of certain elements that help them get on the map, collaborate with influencers and get noticed quickly. The course gives you those elements and shows you how to use them strategically.The Promotion StrategyI don’t know about you, but Pinterest is my BFF. This is the platform that’s visual, makes “eye candy” out of your pins and gets pinners excited about coming to your blog.The course breaks everything down so that your Pinterest profile gets the authority it deserves, followers it needs and the traffic for your blog.The Sticky and Yummy ContentSticky content is what holds readers to your blog (and earns you income). They bookmark your blog and spend hours reading your blog.Your blog posts are valuable, informational, engaging and personable.This hooks your readers and creates noise about your blog and turns into traffic and income.This course gives you insider copywriting secrets to help you write traffic-generating content.It’s your time!Get ready…Get set…Get Ready Set Blog for Traffic – Profitable Creative, Only Price $37 Tag: Ready Set Blog for Traffic – Profitable Creative Review. 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