React Native – 101 For Designers


Purchase React Native – 101 For Designers courses at here with PRICE $139 $43React Native – 101 For DesignersGetting Started ▿1.1 Welcome1.2 Create your first React Native app1.3 What is React Native?1.4 What are native apps?1.5 Environment Setup and Coding ExercisesReact Native Core Components ▿2.1 A review of tags in React (web)2.2 Image vs img2.3 View and Text2.4 ScrollView2.5 Lists2.6 JavaScript Premier: DestructuringStyle React Native Components ▿3.1 Styling options in React Native3.2 StyleSheet3.3 Combine styles3.4 styled-components3.5 Quick review of Flexbox for the web3.6 Flexbox in React Native3.7 Flexible and inflexible sizes3.8 Flex under the hoodImplement Responsive Design ▿4.1 An overview of responsive design4.2 Unify screen density4.3 Adapt to screen sizes with Flexbox4.4 iPhone X the notch and SafeAreaView4.5 Adapt to screen sizes with Dimensions API4.6 Dimension breakpoints4.7 Build a responsive grid view4.8 Adapt to device orientation with Dimensions API4.9 Adapt to device size and orientation with onLayout Get React Native – 101 For Designers download4.10 JavaScript Premier: Spread operator4.11 Material on Android Only! – Platform API4.12 Load platform dependent code by file extensionHandle User Input ▿5.1 Handle touches: Button and touchable components5.2 Accept text input: TextInput props5.3 Accept text input: save the value5.4 Style TextInput5.5 Avoid the keyboard!5.6 Implement drag-and-drop5.7 Fix a bug in the drag-and-drop code5.8 Implement pinch-to-zoomAnimations ▿6.1 Animation options in React Native6.2 Let the hat fly: LayoutAnimation6.3 Fly the hat with Animated6.4 Animate opacity and scale with Animated6.5 Flip the hat: Animated interpolate (rotate)6.6 Animation master control: Animated interpolate6.7 Swipe the hat away: Animated and gestures6.8 react-native-animatable6.9 LottieConnect Screens Together: Navigation ▿7.1 Navigation options in React Native7.2 React Navigation: one-screen navigation7.3 React Navigation: master-detail screens7.4 React Navigation: pass around parameters7.5 React Navigation: tabs7.6 React Navigation: transition animationsThe “Real” React Native ▿8.1 What? It’s not the real React Native?8.2 Set up XCode and Android Studio8.3 Eject an Expo project8.4 Install native extensionsPurchase React Native – 101 For Designers courses at here with PRICE $139 $43