
Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen – NEW Audiobook Income Academy 2022

Original price was: ₹165,585.00.Current price is: ₹4,320.00.


What You Get:

NEW 2022 AIA Video Course
Audiobook Creator Vault
Q&A Recordings
BONUS #1 ➝ Guaranteed Profits Workshop
BONUS #2 ➝ $100k Case Studies
BONUS #3 ➝ Low-Content Kickstarter


Course Curriculum

When you join Audiobook Income Academy, you will get full & immediate access to:

  Week 1: Millionaire Mindset

 🧠 The 30,000 Foot View
 🧠 Confronting Yourself
 🧠 Forging A New Identity
 🧠 Inputs = Outputs
 🧠 How Successful People Act
 🧠 Lifestyle That Breeds Success
 🧠 Determining Your Fate

  Week 2: Picking your Niche

👉 The Publishing Framework
👉 Time & Lots Of Numbers
👉 Our Publishing Journey
👉 Finding The Right Topic For Your First Book
👉 SLEEK Method – Part 1
👉 SLEEK Method – Part 2
👉 Winning The Battle With Cash
👉 Accounting Made Easy
👉 Setting Up Your Publishing Accounts
👉 Forming Your US LLC (Step-By-Step)

  Week 3: Creating your Book

📖 The James Patterson Model
📖 Building Your Publishing Brand
📖 Knowing Your Customer
📖 Creating A Great Outline For An Amazing Book
📖 Crafting Your Best-Selling Book Title
📖 Copywriting Secrets From An Expert
📖 Getting A Great Ghostwritten Book
📖 How To Write Books Yourself (Even If You Can’t Write)
📖 Book Cover That Sells Itself

  Week 4: Growing your Audience

🤩 Intro to Growing Your Audience
🤩 Funnel Framework
🤩 How To Create An Irresistible Lead Magnet
🤩 The Email Sequence
🤩 The Step-By-Step ActiveCampaign Guide
🤩 Your Facebook Community
🤩 How To Grow Your Audience (4 Powerful Methods)

  Week 5: Launch Week

🚀 Quality Control
🚀 Achieving Final Form(at)
🚀 Writing Book Descriptions That Sell Like Crazy
🚀 Bulletproof Book Launch Strategy
🚀 Publishing Your Book!
🚀  The Ultimate AMZDiscover Blueprint
🚀  The Facebook Review Method

  Week 6: Ads & Audiobooks

💰 Introduction to Amazon Ads

💰 Amazon Ads Strategy: The T.S.O Method
💰 Setting Up Your Amazon Ad Campaigns
💰 How To Lower Your ACOS & Make Your Ads Massively Profitable With CRO
💰 Audiobook Ascension
💰 Welcome To ACX
💰 Getting Narrated
💰 Audible Reviews
💰 A Simple Guide To Narrating Your Very Own Audiobook

  Week  7: Next Level Publishing

📈 What Is Next Level Publishing?
📈 Global Print Publishing With IngramSpark
📈 Receiving Your Gift From The Publishing Gods
📈 Book Promo & Review Services
📈 Author’s Republic

Meet Your Teachers

Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen are the founders of, an online education company that helps ordinary people escape their 9 to 5 job life using the Amazon book publishing business model. Audiobook Income Academy 2.0 is the flagship program the Mikkelsen Twins created to fulfill their company’s mission. You will be learning directly from the Twins, the fathers of audiobook publishing, who have created dozens of (verified) 5 and 6-figure audiobook publishers. These are people who had no skills and no experience within publishing before joining the AIA program who have now been able to quit their jobs and make more money than they ever did before at their job.

