Ramit Sethi – How To Talk To Anybody


If there’s one thing worse than saying the wrong thing, it’s being forgettable. I never wanted to be forgettable. And I definitely never wanted to be awkward. LIKE: Going to an event filled with interesting people, then staying in the corner and checking my email for 20 minutes Walking up to 2 people talking, standing there awkwardly, and waiting for them to welcome me into the conversation. When they kept talking, I stood there…waiting…and finally turned around and left When starting to talk in a meeting, I noticed people making eye contact, as if to say, “Oh no, here he goes again” (this is what happens when you get a reputation as a rambler!) It doesn’t matter how smart or prepared or accomplished you are — if your first impression bombs. And if you can’t carry a conversation that connects with the people around you, you’re forgettable. How to Talk to Anybody is NOT for you if… You’re looking for magic words or a quick fix to instantly transform your social skills You’re looking to mislead or deceive people so they “like” you You’re looking to read material but not implement it. Please go away You can’t commit at least 1-2 hours a week to improving your social skills and conversations How to Talk to Anybody IS for you if… You’re open to admitting that the way you’ve acted in the past may need to change if you want to achieve higher levels of success and happiness You’re willing to try and willing to fail a few times before you find your own authentic conversation style You want to stop blindly trying the “conventional advice” about social interactions and start emulating the most compelling people You feel like you’ve gotten as far as you can on your own and are ready for an extra push to take you the rest of the way to success You’re willing to invest at least 10 minutes a day in improving your social skills You’re focused on the long term — and you understand there will always be ups and downs, but that you can make HUGE gains by acting smarter You’ve tried a bunch of different approaches to becoming more comfortable and natural in important conversations — and haven’t found one that works for YOU yet!