
Rachel Miller – Digital Marketer – The Viral Funneling Method Link Library

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Rachel Miller – Digital Marketer – The Viral Funneling Method Link Library
Combine the art of content creation with the science of social media algorithms to consistently create fans, followers, and full funnels…For FREE!
When you post to social media…
Are You Getting Clicks Or Crickets?
If you are like most, the response to your social media content sounds like a silent summer night in the middle of a Kansas cornfield. Chirp, Chirp
If you’re lucky, you might get a few likes and comments…
From your mom…your friends…your spouse…and, of course, your kids (ha yeah right!)
Seriously though, it feels like no matter what you post NO ONE IS LISTENING and it can make you feel stuck, embarrassed, and frustrated.
This is the thing…
It’s Not Your Fault
Over the past decade, the “social” media platforms have specifically re-engineered their platforms to reward paid promotions and suppress organic content.
It makes sense though as platforms, like Facebook, are overrun.
Brian Boland, Facebook’s VP of Publisher Solutions, shared that the average news feed curates posts from 1,500 possible stories every time a user logs in and, users with a large network, could have a queue of up to 15,000 stories.
Wow! That’s a lot of wedding photos and cat videos.
This means that as these platforms continue to grow, organic reach will continually decline even further.
So it’s clear why it is nearly impossible to get your organic content seen.
Then what do we do?
We run ads of course!
And that’s where the fun really starts…
“What ad type should I use?”
“What the heck is a pixel?”
“Should I just boost it?”
“What’s a custom audience?”
“How the heck do I verify my domain?”
“How on earth do I know it even WORKED??”
The platforms have forced us to ‘pay to play’ without giving us the playbook.
And all this is just to get our content seen, we aren’t even talking about making sales yet.
It’s enough to make you want to throw your hands up and quit.
But I’d encourage you to read on because…
“Sometimes The Best Way To Win The Game Is To Simply Know The Rules.”
– Rachel Miller
See Rachel Miller, our resident social media maverick, has unlocked the secret to the organic side of the social media maze.
And, more importantly for us, she’s discovered how easy it is to benefit from that power.
Recently, by applying her research, Rachel has crafted…
29 Viral Posts That Each Have Resulted In More Than A MILLION Page Views!
That’s 1,000,000+ page views — not likes, comments, or shares.
(Question: What would be possible for you if your sales pages got 1M page views for free this month?)
Rachel has not only done this for herself, but found the process simple enough that she’s been able to help over 18,000 marketers and small business owners replicate her success.
Rachel’s method? It’s called…
“Viral Funneling”
See, while engaging content can often be viewed as an art, social media algorithms themselves are a science.
Which means they were designed by engineers with rules that reward specific behaviors.
So, once you understand those rules, you can make those rules work for you.
Combine this knowledge with the art of great content, and “going viral” now becomes mechanical, meaning massive reach for your business—all without paying for ads!
Rachel discusses her formula here in this quick video…
This ONE strategy, when applied, will make it impossible for the social media platforms to bury your content ever again because it’s not some kind of fly by night hack… it’s based on their algorithms.
It also works on ALL the major platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and yes, even TikTok.
This means that you can now have a social media strategy that reaches millions of die hard fans who are eager to promote your content and grow your brand’s reach…all for FREE!
Think about what would be possible with a consistent and reliable strategy that turns social media strangers into raving fans and followers without breaking the bank.
The freedom, the excitement, and the FUN of ‘viral funneling’ will have you falling in love with your business all over again!
All this while providing an experience that people LOVE to engage with on your channels AND frames you as a trusted and loved authority in your niche.
Some might even call that being “Social Media Famous”
The satisfaction of being heard and the thrill of having customers actually begging for your links will make you wonder why you haven’t been doing this the whole time!
If you haven’t yet…
Meet Rachel Miller
There’s a reason why time and time again we’ve turned to one of the most influential social media strategists & viral content experts on the planet.
Because when it comes to getting you a HUGE return on your social media “investment”…
Rachel’s methods get results!
As the founder of Moolah Marketing and a marketer who has built and scaled multiple pages of her own, Rachel’s formulas for social media success have resulted in dozens of her customers getting 10+ Million views (and counting!)
On Thursday, August 26, she’s going to take her methods even further by showing you how to create valuable, viral content for every major social media channel so you can take total strangers and and turn them into red hot buyers
…without ever pulling out your wallet.
Here’s How It Works…
In this training, Rachel will show you how viral content happens and the behaviors social media platforms reward.
You’ll witness in real time as engaged audiences happily click towards your sales funnel.
And, you’ll be creating your content in class with hands-on instruction from Rachel.
Plus you will…

Apply Rachel’s step-by-step “Viral Funneling” strategy that manufactures maximum brand exposure
Uncover the “rules” that social media platform algorithms use to choose YOUR content in order to blow up and bring fans, followers, & full funnels.
Create content during the Workshop that you can instantly post to your own social accounts to get more leads and sales
Discover what NOT to do in your posts so you’re never silenced again (ie: banned words, content categorization, etc.)

And more!
Rachel’s upcoming workshop dives into her viral funneling strategy to give you an extremely effective, step-by-step process for making content go viral.
You’ll learn how to use your content to speak to a set of super targeted, die-hard fans and watch as they help promote your content to the masses.
By the end of this workshop, you’ll know how to use Rachel’s proven virality strategy to make the major social media platforms algorithms work for you…
…without shelling out the wazoo for paid ads!
Now, You Might Be Asking Yourself…
Who cares about going viral? This doesn’t impact the bottom line.
You might not care at all about “going viral”.
That’s ok!
What this course will do is help you create engagement-worthy content that attracts the most qualified leads and gets them into your funnel…for FREE.
The 1st step in making sales is awareness.
If no one knows you exist, you can not make sales. Period.
You can run ads, but like we discussed, that’s not that simple…and it’s expensive.
If you don’t have an audience’s attention – you’re in a tough spot.
Viral (i.e. valuable) content creates awareness for you, your products and service which is the 1st step to making sales.
This workshop is all about getting your brand the attention it deserves so you can convert an audience of your perfect customers into leads and buyers.
As you’ll see in the workshop, when done correctly, you can actually have customers begging for your links!
Add in re-targeting and world class follow-up (SEE BONUSES) and you will have a business that is consistently and reliably attracting customers and making sales all on auto-pilot. C’mon! That’s what we’re talking about!
Isn’t it too late? Aren’t Facebook and Instagram saturated?
It’s true that Facebook and Instagram are two of the most populated channels for social media, with millions of active users dialed into these channels daily. So are Pinterest, TikTok, and others.
But the issue isn’t oversaturation…
It’s the lack of exposure the platforms are providing you.
The fact that these platforms are bursting at the seams with your ideal customers is a good thing!
In this training, you’ll discover how their algorithms identify what types of content to serve so that you can now be the ones shared instead of silenced.
What If My Business Is On Other Social Media Channels?
This strategy works on ALL the major platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and yes, even TikTok.
Won’t This Take A Lot Of Work?
Actually once you know the formula behind viral funneling it’s relatively easy AND you will do most of the work in this workshop!
By the end of the training, you will leave with actual tasks completed that you can instantly apply to your business.
You’ll be spending time working on real content you can post to your social media channels IMMEDIATELY—not days or weeks from now.
And it’s not content for content’s sake. You’re going to leave with posts that will get you more engagement on your pages, likes on your posts, and shares to core your demographic so you build an army of active followers.
This sounds kind of ‘techy’… Will this be over my head?
Social media can feel overwhelming but Rachel has a unique gift to make everything fun, simple, and straightforward!
With her step-by-step guidance, you’ll have a newfound understanding of how to leverage social media’s algorithms by breaking down:

What a viral post looks like and how to increase the likelihood of your content getting maximum exposure without making it complicated.
How to use different platforms to cross-post your content and grow multiple social accounts at once without feeling confused or intimidated

This will be a paint-by-numbers approach to create a flood of new business from your social media accounts guaranteed!
What if I’m not big on social media?
If you’re a tiny page or a big page…
If you’re in a competitive niche or an obscure niche…
If you are a social media rockstar or your page is as dead as a doornail…
Even if you’ve never really been active on social media before…
A viral social post can BLOW UP your business!
No matter what your background or experience, YOU can have a viral strategy and we’re going to show you what you need to do to create one.
And maybe the most frequently asked question of all…
Can This Be Combined With My Ads?
Yes absolutely!
If you’re profitably running ads this strategy will only increase your success.
When you combine viral content with the power of paid promotion you can make a post go mega-viral. (remember the Poo-Pourri ad?)
The social media channels will always give you lower CPMs and CPCs when your ad itself is seen as valuable content getting comments, likes, and shares.
Viral funneling just allows you to get the same type of exposure if you don’t or can’t run ads.
If you are running ads, and it’s working, this is another approach you can implement.
So The Plan Is Easy…
#1 Get Enrolled In The Workshop Today
It’s quick & easy and you will get instant accesss when you jump in today.
#2 Build Your Viral Content In Class
Rachel’s workshops are fun, entertaining, and hands-on so you will leave with viral content you can instantly post to your social channels.
#3 Follow the Viral Funneling Formula.
Rachel tells you exactly what to do to create engaging content and make it go viral.
#4 Watch Your Posts Go Viral.
Watch as your likes, shares, and comments start racking up!
#5 Share Your Success With The Community.
Your incredible success will give others the confidence to keep going and blow up their businesses too!
The Choice Is Yours…
You can stay on your course and continue to…

Fight upstream struggling to get your social media content seen by your customers
Get frustrated by ads
Waste valuable time, money, and energy on activities that are not working
Feel stuck, ignored, and exhausted from yelling into the void
And suffer from the lack of quantity & quality of traffic you need for your business.

You can use the Viral Funneling Formula to help you…

Create a consistent flood of fans and followers for your funnels
Blast out valuable content that can transform the lives of your customers
Outperform your competition with ease and style
Experience the fun and excitement of finally breaking through in your business

And do all of that while becoming a trusted authority in your space by providing an enjoyable and engaging experience for others
… without ever touching your wallet!
You’ve read this far, it’s clear you want to transform your life and business, so join Rachel in your journey to become a Social Media Magnet and finally get the recognition you deserve!
Workshop Agenda
Intro & Part 1
How Virals Happen
Part 2
Manufacturing a Viral
Part 3
How to Go Viral
Part 4
What NOT To Do & Taking It Further
Part 5
Workshop Closing & Final Thoughts
Your Instructor
Rachel Miller
Founder & Creator, Moolah Marketing
Rachel Miller is the creator of multiple viral Facebook pages, including QuirkyMomma, One Crazy House, Crazy Cat Lady, OnePotCrockPot, and more. Rachel has crafted 29 viral posts that each had more than a million page views. In addition to running her own websites, Rachel has helped over 18,000 marketers and small business owners replicate her success in her paid programs.