Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah


This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher of Kabbalah whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.Purchase Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah courses at here with PRICE $297 $83 Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of KabbalahAccess the power of ancient Jewish mysticism’s multidimensional map of consciousness for greater wisdom, love and growth.Be blessed by a postmodern, scientific, interspiritual approach to a powerful lineage that offers practical guidance for your daily life.In this first module, you’ll discover the hidden sources of the oldest Western mystical tradition. From biblical prophetic schools and the visions of seers like Ezekiel to the Rabbis of the Talmud building Merkavah or Chariots, with Rabbi David’s guidance you’ll follow the winding wisdom masters path to seeing God.In this session, you’ll:Be initiated into the circle of all who have engaged in the art and science of Kabbalah as we align our intention to draw living waters from this deep well of wisdomDiscover a basic Kabbalistic incantation to be used to unite head and heart, through love and reverence to the Divine Wisdom in KabbalahExplore the roots of Kabbalah, and who, how and why it was createdLearn the three basic schools of Kabbalah — the meditative, magical and philosophicalModule 2: Tree of Life’s 10 Energies of EvolutionThis module will introduce you to the Kabbalistic GPS — Guide for Purposeful Spirituality. The 10 Sefirot or Divine Energies are the basic blueprint for understanding our soul. You’ll discover the first three of the Sefirot/Divine Energies, known as the Divine Mind or Mochin. The Upper Triad (Keter, Chokhmah and Binah) or Crown, Wisdom and Understanding are also known as Ayin or No-thingness, Father and Mother.In this session, you’ll:Put on the mind of G-dDiscover how to notice the states of consciousness in your own lifeDevelop practices to expand these states of beingRead the Bible through the eyes of the KabbalistModule 3: Living, Loving, ActingThe Lower TriadsContinuing the mapping of the Sefirot/Divine Energies, we will move to Lower two Triads, and the last Sefirah, Malchut (Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet/Netzach, Hod, Yesod/Malchut). The lower energies, known as Middot (or measures) control, balance and support the full holistic energetic system through emotional calibration and energetic action. Malchut, or Shechinah is the Divine Feminine principle of manifestation and radical Divine Presence.This module will also introduce you to the Sacred Marriage (hieros gamos) or Tiferest with Shechinah, and how that union, in our hearts, minds and lives brings about Divine Blessing for the entire Cosmos.In this session, you’ll:Learn the dance of effective energetic action in the world, based on understanding endurance and surrender, pushing and pulling.Discover the formula and form of the sacred marriage of beauty/heart with expression and lived-Divine presence, called the ‘union of G-d’s name’.Come to understand how manifestation is rooted in purpose and action rooted in heart-opening is the promise of the Tree of Life.Module 4: Tzimtzum or Divine ContractionThis module will introduce the power of Lurianic Kabbalah, based on the system of the great 16th century mystic, Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, who taught that in order to create the world, God contracted Her essence to make room for the world. Most of us imagine “withdrawal” as the opposite of creative living. Most of us imagine expansion as the core principle of creation but not so say the Kabbalist. Divine Light needs veils to be seen and so do we.In this session, you’ll:Discover the theory known as Tzimtzum (or constriction) which has deep meditative and psychological applicationExplore the power of creative constriction or the mystery of TzimtzumLearn the Tzimtzum meditation — a meditative practice and visualization that births new worldsModule 5: Worlds & SoulsYou will learn the basic structures of the Kabbalistic ‘Great Chain of Being’, the unfolding of the 5 basic dimensions (or worlds) of reality, starting with Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man) all the way to the dimension of Assiyah (the world of manifestation). Each world correlates to a different energetic body and each world or dimension has its own reality.In this session, you’ll:Learn to identify and live appropriately in each dimensionExplore the inner structure of each dimension and its languageDiscover meditation techniques to help familiarize you with each soul/world combination, using the Kabbalistic map towards achieving self-knowledgeModule 6: Rectifying RealityBroken Vessels & TikkunIn the Kabbalah of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the primordial lights of Creation were too intense for the earliest vessels and the vessels broke. This shattering, or “breaking of the vessels” was a cataclysmic event, alluded to in the Bible and hinted at in the Zohar but not fully expressed until the 16th Century. This shattering serves as the background for all human life and specifically, the work of the Kabbalist, whose job it is to discover the light hidden in the broken, material world. Locating sparks of light and releasing them is called Tikkun.In this session, you’ll:Study the underlying mythological background of this profound Kabbalistic assertionLearn the practices used by centuries of Kabbalists to “release sparks of Divine Light”Explore the implications of this mystical approach on our everyday lifeModule 7: Divine Eyes & Messianic ConsciousnessIn classical Jewish thought, the Messiah (or Mashiach), is seen as a redemptive figure, a person who will herald a new world, a utopian reality of peace, safety, abundance and the absence of discord. For the Kabbalist, this prophetic vision is seen as a realized internal awareness of the Divine Reality, the ever-present possibility of Presence, of Divine Fullness and Radiance. The Kabbalist seeks to see with G-d’s Eyes, to hear with G-d’s Ears and to love with G-d’s Heart. This Messianic Consciousness, known as Mochin d’Gadlut (or Big Mind) is not something found outside of the awakened individual but rather is the complete and profound actualization of the Tree of Life herself and is known as shalom, or complete and perfect wholeness. We will study and practice this Kabbalistic teaching.In this session, you’ll:Discover a deeper understanding of non-dual consciousnessExplore the profound insights into Feminine and Masculine psychology, that integrates line (kav) and circle (igul)Learn the mystical chants of Messianic MeditationsWe will wrap up the course and prepare to live the Way of Kabbalah in the worldHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Rabbi David IngberExperience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher David Ingber — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Exercises and Questions for Each LessonAfter each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.The Way of Kabbalah Bonus CollectionThe God of No-thingAudio Dialogue With Rabbi David Ingber and Daniel MattThe God of LoveAudio Dialogue David Ingber With Mirabai StarrMazal Tov: Introduction to Kabbalistic AstrologyVideo Teaching With Rabbi David IngberAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Way of Kabbalah Virtual TrainingWe feel honored that Rabbi David Ingber has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher of Kabbalah whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from David’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!If you are serious about deepening your spiritual practice through the prism of Jewish mysticism, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now. Purchase Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah courses at here with PRICE $297 $83