Queen of Hearts – Amanda Frances


Before I can tell you what this about, I have to take you back to a moment that defined me as an authority in business, categorized me as a leader in the personal development space, and set me on a path to becoming the women I knew I was meant to be.Several years ago, I found myself in the midst of some online chaos.The details don’t matter that much now, but the vibe was this:(Google “Mean Girls” or “Regina George” for context. lol)It was… drama.And I knew why each girl who was up in arms was upset at me:One, had copied and pasted sections of my course and was told firmly and privately, the repercussions of copyright infringement.One I had worked with briefly, results weren’t delivered, and felt very rejected when I didn’t renew my work with her.A few didn’t like that I boldly and confidently set and enforced boundaries in one of my Facebook groups that they had been using shamelessly to find clients.To tell you the truth, I’ve made a lot of people mad over the years.The difference between my days of online drama and today is this:I don’t really care or notice.I stand above the noise and live my life.I know who I am. I know what I do.When it comes to the world I am co-creating, only my opinion matters.And — let’s have a small teaching moment — I can tell you why I was an energetic match for all that drama back in the day:I had internal conflict inside of me. I felt afraid of the boundaries I was setting, the way I was showing up, and what I was declaring.I knew deep inside that I didn’t need anyone to like me and that I was here to inspire the masses, not impress the critical humans.But secretly, I was afraid of what would happen as I chose to do things my way. Would I make too many people angry? Would I ruffle too many feathers? Could I lose it all?Instead of allowing the nonsense to slow me down, I created something magical.It’s called Queen of Hearts.It has four training modules on, “Sharing Your Soul. Taking No Shit. Growing Your Business.”It’s been one of my favorite courses of all time.Fast forward…Two years later, I have continued to create unprecedented success while ignoring every annoying industry standard that anyone ever said was required to make money and make a difference online.And I am so sure of what I get to have when it comes to my business, team, online presence, and financial reality — that there is rarely any internal conflict to be mirrored back to me from the outside world. (I am human so it happens, but what I believe about how business and money work for me are very energetically clean.)And I now continually release my self-judgement and internal conflict.I am Queen.And that’s all there is.All you have to do is appoint yourself.If you don’t know me…I am a digital course creator, soulful business woman, and spiritual teacher. I am widely regarded as the “Money Queen” in the online personal development space.My job is this: To get you unstuck, to show you how powerful you are, to move you along your path, to create a space where the beliefs + stories that have held you back can no longer survive, to teach you to be unavailable for anything less than your desire, to make sure you know the power of your own creation, and to show you how to design a life and business on your terms.I am real. I am kind. I’m there for you.But I don’t play nice or pretend.I don’t behave in a way that keeps you small.For years and years the continual feedback is:That’s what I do. I make business simple.I allow money to flow in continually and with ease.The woman who my work was made for has stepped into massive self-responsibility.She’s not gossiping on the internet.She’s not starting meaningless drama.She’s not blaming her mom for her financial reality.She’s doing inner work. She’s getting her mind right.She’s setting her goals. She’s declaring her vision.She may consider herself spiritual, but that does not mean she brushes over her thoughts, feelings or needs in the name of love and light.This course isn’t like my other courses.It’s the same high vibe content along with the empowering meditations, messages and modules that have made me a millionaire.But this course is more.28 days. 4 modules.Journal prompts each day.We will dig deep.You will do your inner work.We will come together and rise the fuck up.The work you do on your own + the work we do together, will be mother fucking powerful.WHAT YOU GET :28 Pieces of Guided Inner Work. These are the actual journal prompts, strategies, and processes, I use in my business to get clear on what I want, lock in my desires, and lock in my vibration each day. These are the best journal prompts I have ever created. They were made to assist you in creating and rearranging your life as Queen.4 Recorded Training Modules. In these modules, I cover boldly and unapologetically sharing your truth online, holding the vibration of massive business growth and expansion, and setting/shifting energetic boundaries in your business as desired and required. This is where you determine how you are treated. It’s time you set the standards for your clients, team, and audience through your energy. Without saying a word.PLUS: Real Life Emails from My Business to Yours. What I do when people are late on payments, ask for refunds, copy my work, or behave in a demanding way. I get such great feedback from clients on how I handle these situations. My approach is firm and full of love. These are invaluable scripts for you to use as needed.BONUS: Instant Access to the Do the Damn Thing 3-Part Video training bundle. (Because why TF not?) I wanted to give you extra content to dig into as you desire.>> Video One: Determining what you get to have/do/achieve/be in life.>> Video Two: Moving through the fear of your next level + powerful exercise to speed it all up.>> Video Three: Setting new standards/boundaries for how the world works for us.THE BREAKDOWN :  Share Your Soul: Unapologetic sharing and being. Creating the rules for how your online presence + ever expanding fame works. Tapping into your core message and living your truth. Attracting others with what is real to you. No longer worrying if it triggers another for you to have, do and be more. Grow Your Biz: Receiving continual support and guidance as you become clear on the team, clients, offers, and income you’re a meant to have in the new year. While we are at it — let’s cover love, relationships, friendships, philanthropy and any other area your heart longs to elevate. Take No Shit: It’s time to realign your expectations and standards while becoming even clearer on your desires and releasing the self-judgement and internal conflict that sometimes stops you. Take no shit from others and clear all shit from within yourself. Remember: Most boundaries are set without ever saying a word. BONUS: The vibrational frequency of earning, saving, and investing. It’s one thing to attract money; It’s another thing to be comfortable with keeping it, circulating it, and investing it BASED on your inner guidance and alignment.THE DETAILS :You will be given immediate access to the bonuses including the three Do The Damn Thing videos + all scripts from my business (details above).The four training modules with seven journal prompts inside each. Modules will be opened for you each week.There are no live group calls.Feel free to utilize the prompts and modules at your own pace. You have access to the Queen of Hearts course + all future updates to it for life.Did you also know that I have a Queen of Hearts Mastermind? Click Here to get on the Queen of Hearts Mastermind waitlist.Get Queen of Hearts – Amanda Frances, Only Price $277Tag: Queen of Hearts – Amanda Frances Review. Queen of Hearts – Amanda Frances download. Queen of Hearts – Amanda Frances discount.queen of hearts meaning queen of hearts actress queen of hearts anime