Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte


You’re not accessing your true power.You know you have unlimited potential locked inside.You’ve tried the law of attraction, but something is missing.Your intuition tells you have unlimited potential and you’renot utilizing the true power of your mindPurchase Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte courses at here with PRICE $97 $42If you feel stuck in a manifestation rut, unsatisfied, or trapped in the rational-based circuitry of the human mind and you want to finally break free…You’re not accessing your true power.You know you have unlimited potential locked inside.You’ve tried the law of attraction, but something is missing.Your intuition tells you have unlimited potential and you’renot utilizing the true power of your mind.Society – the social structure system – has done nothing to acknowledge or support your true power and essence. In fact, it almost seems to have been created to keep you from tapping into the source of your true power.As a child, you probably had ambitions of becoming a star, of traveling the world, etc. Heck, you still have dreams and want to live a juicy life.You have hopes.You have dreams.Deep inside you believe. You know there’s more to you.A little voice keeps telling you that you have so much more potential.You’ve tried listening to motivational speakers. You’ve tried meditation. You’ve even tried the law of attraction.You’ve tried hypnosis, being grateful, visualization – but you still come up short.Here’s a good one. Have you tried pretending all day long that you have already achieved your goal, playing the role of the successful business person, movie star, happy wife, etc? This was one of my personal all-time favorite techniques – and I learned it from attending a $3,900.00 dollar seminar. But even this falls way short of truly tapping into your true power – way short.Like many others, you’ve probably tried just about everything to reprogram your subconscious mind and create your dream reality.You’re probably bored to tears by now about the law of attraction and the gurus telling you to be grateful, think positive and visualize yourself having already achieved your goal. Yada, yada, yada. You’ve heard it all before.Trust me – I feel you.And you can relax because the last thing I am here to do is to teach you that your thoughts create your reality. 99% of the world already knows this!Okay, so where do we go from here?There’s only one thing left for you to do to finally break free from the limited techniques and methods that function within rational-based circuitry of the mind…And that is to enter into the world of your true essence where you have access to frequencies of unlimited powers – reclaiming your ground as the ultimate creator over your life, destiny, body and mind.If you think that this is a bit ‘out there’, then read on because the best scientists in the world are discovering mind shattering mathematics that will forever reshape the way you look at yourself and your creative potential.SCIENCE AFFIRMS YOUR POWER“At your core, you are an unlimited field of pure potential.”World-Renowned Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin, PH.D“Life is fundamentally one. You and I are one. At the base of existence is one universal consciousness, an ocean of pure potential. We call it the unified field.”Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin Ph.DAnother example comes from the pioneering mathematical theories of one of the emerging superstars of Quantum Physics – Nassim Haramien – who has discovered, using a holographic model of the universe, an incredibly simple mathematical formula that proves unequivocally that every photon in the universe is entangle or connected with every other photon in the universeREAL WORLD IMPLICATIONSYou are mathematically an infinite being connected vibrationally to everyone and everything thing in existence.Since everything is a pattern of vibrations, you can literally change the vibrational pattern of your experience, causing the physical world to mirror that new and higher vibration.Change your vibrations and you’ll literally changes the vibrations that shows up around you.This means you can easily manifest abundance, romance and even unconditional joy and happiness.If you want an extraordinary life, you need to start to identify yourself with that extraordinary and astonishing part of you – your Infinite Self. Otherwise, you will continue to live as an average person, with average manifesting powers and an average life.You’ll continue to be ruled by a limited perspective about what’s actually possible.What would you do if you had access to a world of unlimited possibilities? Would you continue to live as you have been living or would you recreate the world around you?So, how do you breakthrough the illusions and limitations of your mind and reclaim your true unlimited power?Activating the Frequencies of the Infinite YouAt your core is a field that transcends the mind, easily accessed by listening to a series of audios found in the Quantum Powers Training Program, called ‘Infinite-Self Frequencies Activations.’With them, you’ll systematically break through the duality based perceptions of the linear mind that keep you locked out from fully accessing your innate and unlimited powers.After having performed thousands of remote transformations and healings and helping others create new realities, I know exactly which frequencies of your essence you need to tap into in order to transform and clear the blocks of the mind.I know very intimately which fears, worries, and doubts will want to creep in, try to close your access to who you really are, and keep you from utilizing your infinite powers.I know what you’re up against because I broke through the limitations myself.Now I do things that are “impossible”, like reprogramming other peoples’ subconscious mind while on they’re on other side of the world – while they’re sleeping, working, and going about their daily routine.The fact is that we all have superhuman powers!It’s just a matter of activating them.Get Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte, Only Price $42AN INVITATION TO A LIFE OF MASTERYAre you unhappy with your situation? Perhaps you are suffering from an illness that conventional medical science cannot seem to heal. Maybe you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of unfulfilling work. Perhaps you are constantly stressed by money. Maybe you’re feeling lonely, unable to create and maintain satisfying relationships.In all of this chaos, you have lost your divinity – your essence – who you really are.It’s time to switch from being the average human to an infinite-unlimited human…I know what it’s like to be trapped in the illusion of the rational mind, feel stuck, stagnant, depressed, and anxious about everything. It wasn’t long ago that I was feeling hopeless and swimming in a pool of pessimism thinking that I’ll never achieve my dreams.But just as soon I cracked the codes that broke open the flow gates to the frequencies of my essence, my life shifted completely. I immediately found myself on my true life path, doing what I love and loving what I do. Before I knew it, my financial issues were solved and I was enjoying being on my creative path.Since you are a part of me and I am a part of you so, I refuse to just stand by and watch others like you suffer needlessly when you don’t have to.Helping others find awakening is something that I am deeply passionate about, so I set out to help as many people as I can.Introducing the Quantum Reprogramming™ Entry Level Program – Quantum Powers. A program that takes you deep into the unlimited Quantum Powers of Your True Divine Essence.With The Quantum Powers Program, you can ‘rewire’ yourself back to your Unlimited Self and tap into the infinite Creative Force that lies within you. You can:easily triumph over your bad habits, such as overeating, smoking, procrastinating, etc.improve your intelligencecreate more wealthawaken your natural healing capacityovercome any limitationenrich specific aspects of your lifebanish negative thought patternsattract your soul mateattract your dream jobattract your dream homestart a foundationbecome a powerful healercreate multiple streams of incomedo what you love for a livingcreate a business around your passionPerhaps more importantly, you can help others – you can remotely reprogram their physical and emotional health. You can even help download a new reality.Image helping your best friend find their soul mate, or curing a family member of migraine headaches and so on.This is just a tiny fraction of all the things you can do when you tap into your infinite power.The universe is the limit!What’s in the Program?This audio program is designed to teach you how to access higher frequencies using proven exercises, advanced guided activations & meditations that take you beyond the limits of the mind.It includes The Four Simple Steps for mastering intentions within the Quantum Realm of your Infinite Essence.This Pioneer Program contains 21 incredibly powerful “Infinite Frequencies Activations” that have profound transformative effects and are proven to break through the closed and fear-based circuitry of the linear mind.All you need to do is just sit back and listen deeply, allowing the transformation to take place. Enjoy an experience that will permanently break down the deeply-rooted lower vibrations keeping you from realizing your full potential.One by one, you’ll be reclaiming your divine powers and saying goodbye to lack and limitation.By the time you finish listening to this series, you will know how to bring in these frequencies at will and change the vibration of any life situation, enabling you to master your emotions.But that’s not all.The real fun begins after you’ve gone through those 21 life changing activations and start listening to the Quantum Reprogramming session called Downloading A New Reality.Imagine pooling together all the major essential frequencies that make up your divine essence, tapping into the field of unlimited possibilities, and using this power to download the corresponding frequencies which will make up your new reality.Get Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte, Only Price $42The art of receiving infinitelyYou will know how to open up your physical body to replace older vibrations – beliefs, mindsets – and make the new realities that support your ideal life.Mastering the art of surrendering, you’ll easily let go of stress, worries, and see through the illusion of limitation within a state of deep nurturing love and joy as waves of bliss pulsate deeply through your body.Learn to heal yourself – and othersLearn the basic tools and techniques to healing others remotely or in person.You have the power to heal yourself physically and emotionally. More importantly, you can heal others remotely – even if they’re in another city or country. Thousands of people have already used Quantum Reprogramming to get rid of medical conditions, from simple aches and allergies to recurring illnesses, and even cancer.Bonus #1: 8 Part Quantum-Breakthrough Recorded Lives Sessions1. Clearing Negativity2. Clearing Self-doubt3. Unleashing the Quantum Power of Passion4. Shattering the Illusion of lack.5. Unleashing the Quantum Warrior6. Shattering the illusion of limitation7. Shattering the illusion of separation8. Breaking through with effortlessnessAre you tired of strain and struggle? Listen and experience a dramatic Quantum Breakthrough in any area of your life that you decide to focus on while you are effortlessly transmitted limitation shattering downloads. Encoded with Divine Source Vibrations, these recordings unveil the life of your heart’s desires.Bonus #2: Unlimited Empowerment Secrets Awakened Secrets to unleash your limitless potential.Awaken the Master of the 3-D Matrix.Use your Divine Vision to always be empowered.Manifest what you see in your mind.Secrets to Create through Infinite Possibilities.As a reflection of Prime Creator, in this experience you manifest what you see. If you see blessings and good luck, it will manifest in the physical world. You are the Divine architect of your reality when you awaken and create through a Divine Vision. Drop all burdens and struggle and transform latent energies into the ocean of your infinite abundance. Awaken and live in infinite blessings.Bonus #3: Self-Love Quantum Infusion6 – Minute Rapid Love Fusion Session25 – Minute Self-Love Mastery Quantum Reprogramming SessionEliminate Lack of self-loveEliminate Self-Judgment and CriticismEliminate Deep Unconscious Blocks to Unconditional Self-LoveEliminate Blocks to Unconditional Love from Divine SourceRemove genetic impressions and encodings from your lineageFlow in the Divinity of your Unconditional Love and ApprovalBonus #4: Void Vortex Detach, disidentify, depresonalize your reality and realize your ultimate power.Manifest without egoic blocks and survival based thinking, sweep through blocks like never before.Old paradigms and mind-realities come crumbling down before the infinite power and awesomeness of the Divine Vacuum within.Source Vibrations and Power in its purest form creates profound freedom for your spirit to fly.The field of limitless potential is birthed from the Void. Through this Divine Power you can quickly deprogram and eliminate negative thinking, pessimism, perfectionism, fear, hatred, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, disempowerment and more. Plus, masterfully choose your reality and state of vibration.Bonus #5: Mastering EffortlessnessReceive the Ultimate Secret of the Universe Transmission.Step outside the 3-D Matrix and Into Oneness and Self-Mastery.Realize the Supreme Way of Letting Go and Allowing.Magnify your Manifesting – learn to be so subtle yet so powerful.Quantum Reprogramming for your Body, Mind and Spirit.Discover your limitless ability to do everything without doing anything. Emulate Prime Creator. Awaken the power of your Consciousness to see, hear and feel your way to the effortless creations and manifesting the miraculous life of your dreams.Bonus #6: Quantum ProtectionAmplify and raise your energy field and consciousness.Faster more effortless Quantum Manifesting.Protect and shield yourself from negative energies and thoughts.Completely Seal off energy vampires.Ideal for all individuals consciously creating through the light.Vital if you are a healer, coach, therapist or medical professional.By switching on a sacred geometric code in your heart you will activate a shield of Divinity that surrounds your entire body. Switching on this energy shield of higher dimensional love and light creates ever expanding waves of joy and abundance through you while at the same time seals you from those dense energies that would normally be absorbed on the etheric level.Bonus #7: BEYOND FEAR25 – Minute Extreme Fearlessness Quantum Reprogramming Session:Step beyond the illusions of fear with radically divine perceptionsTap into the miraculous power of words to dissolve any fear25 – Minute Reprogramming Genetically Imprinted Fear Removal Session:Erase the negative imprints of fear passed down to you from your lineageTap into Source Consciousness for effortless transformationBonus #8: I Have a Limitless Life Series Intensive3 Live 90 Minutes Quantum Reprogramming SessionsThese live sessions will be recorded for you to download and keep.Scheduled for Tuesday April 30th, May 1st and May 2nd at 8pm ETVictor will deepen your Quantum Powers and infuse you with Source Vibrations and the Consciousness of a Limitless Life. You will effortlessly experience profound Quantum Creations during these calls while in alignment with the I AM Power, Presence and Authority and be downloaded with a whole paradigm.On these calls:You’ll awaken, align and download Limitless AbundanceYou’ll awaken, align and download Financial Wealth and Freedom.You’ll awaken, align and download Divine Joy and Bliss.You’ll awaken, align and download Deep Peace and Balance.You’ll awaken, align and download Supreme Confidence.You’ll awaken, align and download Unconditional Self-love.You’ll awaken, align and download Gifts, Blessings and Divine Messages.Get Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte, Only Price $42Tag: Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte Review. Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte download. Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte discount.Purchase Quantum Powers and Beyond – Victor Da Ponte courses at here with PRICE $97 $42