Quantum Energy Healing 2023 – Cyndi Dale


Deepen with a radical quantum toolkit — full of new energy healing techniques, guided meditations, practices, demonstrations, and Cyndi’s proprietary tools — to continue creating a pathway of light, radiant health, and profound wellbeing for your future.Your clairvoyance and energy healing skills are powerful tools for rapidly shifting your emotional state. These innate tools can help you clarify choices, understand past events, and solve problems, according to your teacher Cyndi Dale.You’re already on a journey to use these skills to receive messages, cultivate revelations, perform healings, glimpse into the future — and even create it.Now, you’re invited to continue on your path to amplify and uplevel these gifts you’ve already unlocked.Join us for a brand-new 12-week advanced course as Cyndi shares new science and systems to refine your clairvoyance skills — amplified by a quantum energy toolkit — featuring new energy healing techniques, guided meditations, practices, demonstrations, and Cyndi’s proprietary tools.These energy medicine tools can help you harness the energy of the Universe and expand your intuition so you can address trauma, harmful deep-seated beliefs, disease resulting from unprocessed emotions… even dark energies that aren’t yours, but have found a home in your energy system — rapidly shifting your state so you can feel more alive, vital, and joyful.Quantum energy healing amplifies your innate clairvoyance and intuition skills…It eases physical pain by promoting relaxation, reducing tension, and stimulating your body’s natural healing processes. You can apply it strategically to address chronic pain, migraines, muscle tension, and joint discomfort.Quantum energy healing can also restore energetic balance, reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and promote a sense of calm and emotional resilience, no matter what life brings.As you add Cyndi’s new Quantum tools to your energy healing practice, you’ll also restore balance to your energetic system and support overall health and vitality.You’ll enhance your connection with your higher self with Cyndi’s leading-edge approach to personal growth and self-discovery — as you deepen your understanding of your place in the universe.Cyndi will guide you to master these enormously powerful skills as you raise your consciousness to what she calls the “seismic” level. You’ll connect to your personal quantum intelligence field — and the Universe’s quantum intelligence field, too.She will show you how to activate your intuitive, chakra-based powers in new ways, access absolute scalar waves, and practice using them each week.You’ll discover the skills you need to apply these concepts and tools as you perform healings and readings on the quantum level for others — while holding your own place safely, separately, and wisely.In this advanced 12-week online course you’ll:Explore the quantum field to deepen the innate clairvoyance and energy healing skills you’ve already unlockedFurther your expression of your unique twelfth-chakra gift — and become an expert at using your major gifts that come with every chakraAccess your personal source codes to achieve physical and psychological wellbeing — and transform your deepest emotional traumasLearn about your sixth chakra’s ability to perform advanced mechanics — accessing different times and spaces from the inner wheel to manifest change and to sense, see, or own your quantum fields (or the Universe’s)Call upon your tenth chakra to access spirit-based natural medicine — to deliver energetic support for healing, manifesting, and learningMove from fear to personal empowerment as you respond to navigate interfering entities, forces, attachments, and holds across time and spaceFree yourself from your own issues, and those you’ve inherited, using your quantum protocolClear negative subtle energies linked to addiction issues with food and other substancesEase digestive problems and immune system issues by bridging quantum gaps using psychic surgeryAddress autoimmune issues and other chronic ailments using quantum phonons and other vibrational propertiesLocate the origins of a personal issue you’re struggling with and ultimately find healing by journeying to the transactional junctions in the Akashic RecordsLearn how to perform quantum readings and healings on other people while maintaining your own healthy energetic boundariesPractice the quantum concept of futuring — to continue growing your health and happiness as a dreamer and storytellerSolidify everything you’ll learn with regular demonstrations, readings, and deepening practices from CyndiYou’ll guarantee safe energetic boundaries for yourself and others while activating the wave genetics/personal quantum field of others.You’ll learn to return to your knowledge of the Imaginal Realms and Akashic Records again and again so you’ll feel at ease when providing insight and support.Cyndi, a natural intuitive since childhood, is a globally recognized authority in the field of subtle energy and energy work. After working with over 70,000 students and clients, she’s developed a keen ability to perceive what’s blocking others from opening to their essential energy and applying their healing gifts.Cyndi is a beloved faculty member here at the Shift Network — she teaches energy healing courses, leads popular sessions at our Summit events, and is leading our year-long energy healing certification.What You’ll Discover in These 12 WeeksIn this 12-week transformational course, Cyndi will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to synchronize quantum energy with enhanced clairvoyance to unleash the power of intuitive healing.Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your ConvenienceYou’ll connect with Cyndi and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Cyndi’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenienceWeekly Sessions Tuesdays at 1:00pm PacificThis course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Cyndi. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to synchronize Quantum Energy with enhanced clairvoyance to unleash the power of intuitive healing.Module 1: Direct Your Extrasensory Powers Through a Chakra or God Spot Using the Universal & DNA Quantum Intelligence Fields — for Rapid Healing, Manifesting & Insight (July 25)You’re ready to deliver the dynamic abilities of your chakra system — but how do you best amplify and direct them? Through the inner wheel of a chakra or your God Spot.Where do you get the “source codes” for change? The universal and personal DNA quantum intelligence fields.Cyndi will guide you to deepen your ability to heal, manifest, and gain spiritual guidance, using the always-available radical quantum protocol — including absolute scalar waves and virtual light waves — to meet your desires.Further your expression of your unique twelfth chakra gift — and become an expert at using your major gifts that come with every chakra that can send and activate magnetic scalar waves and the other known types of waves.In this module, you’ll:Gain an understanding of how your consciousness and brain instantly interconnect with the quantum intelligence field or UniverseDiscover the secrets of wave genetics — how your DNA connects to your personal (and the universal) quantum fieldSee how you can access any data or healing energy through a chakra or God Spot and use absolute and virtual light to create the highest of transformationsEmbrace the concept of having chakra gifts through all twelve chakras — and a masterful, twelfth-chakra extraordinary siddhi (advanced capability)Direct your unique and magical twelfth-chakra gift to accomplish a goal — one that’s impossible for anyone else — employing Cyndi’s proprietary protocolModule 2: Apply the 4 Highest Colors of Clairvoyance to Enable Physical Transmutation, Using Time-Space, Wave Genetics & Consciousness (August 1)Within your sixth chakra, your clairvoyance skills naturally interact with every color of the rainbow.Employing color is one of the most vital ways to access your personal quantum intelligence field — and the Universe’s — inviting bold and exciting change on all levels, including the physical.Reach incredible heights and depths by applying four higher-consciousness hues of color-based frequencies to support physical challenges, using visualization in one of the most productive ways you can imagine.These Egyptian-based colors can exponentially expand energetic impact with their abilities to command “god” power, attune to the highest form of love, cancel out negativity, and summon the miraculous.Conduct physically based transmutation, delivering four higher consciousness colors via absolute scalar waves through sixth chakra clairvoyance.In this module, you’ll:Learn about your sixth chakra’s ability to perform advanced mechanics, accessing time and space from the inner wheel — to manifest change and sense, see, or own your or the universal quantum fieldsReceive Cyndi’s recap of the exciting research showcasing the effects of clairvoyance and how you can employ frequency resonance and wave genetics to create changeBe introduced to 4 higher-order colors from Egypt and other cultures, including Higher Harmonic of Gold, Higher Harmonic of Violet, negative green, and positive green — and their aptitude for summoning miraculous transformationTransmute a physical issue you’re facingSolidify your knowledge with demonstrations, readings, and deepening practices from CyndiModule 3: Absorb Spirit-Based Medicine From Nature Beings, Objects & Organisms Through the Grounded Tenth Chakra & Nature-Based Scalar Waves (August 8)Discover how to call upon the tenth chakra to deliver energy for support in healing, manifesting, and learning.Explore how to open to medicines from our fellow earth travelers, using an ancient Arabic model of all time-space realities that enables interconnectivity throughout the Universe.Encourage the magnetic scalar waves related to the natural world and the quantum wave genetics of Nature spirits to activate your own higher codes.Cyndi will guide you to apply spirit-based natural medicine that stems from your tenth chakra. It’s this energy center, located underneath the ground, that is best suited to access the “source codes” of the Earth, cosmos, and natural beings.Using its empathic powers, you’ll acquire the abilities to access the healing templates needed anywhere you are. And Cyndi’s guidance, demonstrations, and handouts will support your journey.In this module, you’ll:Gain new knowledge of the tenth chakra underneath the feet — and how it branches into all levels of the Earth’s ecosystem, across timeUnderstand the “Imaginal Realm,” a concentric series of dimensions that encompass all natural beings and organisms and serves as a model for consciously linking to all levels of the UniverseUse tenth-chakra clairempathy to make connections with the natural sourcesDeliver communication and energies from natural spirits — using absolute scalar waves to activate the other known types of scalar waves, including the magnetic forms available through NatureUtilize wave genetics and the linguistics of nature beings to help activate your own higher genetic wavesModule 4: Navigate Interfering Entities, Forces, Attachments & Holds Across Time & Space to Move From Fear to Personal Empowerment (August 15)Many of life’s challenges are locked in place or aggravated by the forces and tools of darkness, also called “interference.” Explore how to free yourself or others — and discover why it’s so vital to understand the rationale of these entities and energies.How is it that they can remain pocketed and hidden across time and space — reaching you through your ancestry, DNA, energy fields, biological self, and more?Cyndi unpacks all the elements of these entities and forces to help you recognize them and move from fear to personal empowerment.She’ll describe two main types of energetic bindings that allow interference to latch on, providing authoritative techniques for addressing and disintegrating the energetic constructs that create bondage.Discover critical concepts and tools for reaching the light through the darkness — and use absolute scalar waves to eliminate attachments and holds.In this module, you’ll:Explore various types of entities and consciousnesses that create energetic bondage and the reasons these forces can hide within and reach across time and space to prey on humans or other beingsRecognize interference’s impact on your physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeingIdentify vulnerabilities that lie in your soul, body-self, and family systemsInvestigate the 2 main energetic constructs that form a bondage — attachments and holds — and techniques for freedom and healingDetermine the effects interference has on your life — from physical illness to addictions to emotional challenges — and how to break freeUse handouts, guided interactions, and demonstrations for accessing various time periods — to move you toward autonomy and healthy compassionModule 5: Emotional Healing Through the Ninth Chakra & Gamma, Hyper-Gamma, and Lambda Consciousness (August 22)Your ninth chakra, above the head, contains the key or source codes to achieve physical and psychological wellbeing. In fact, most of them are exactly like those in your wave genetics/personal quantum field.And lucky you, you’ll be assisted in reaching the highest of brain states to access these codes and transform your deepest emotional traumas.Emotions underlie most of our life issues. They release and prosper most effectively when we understand what they are, how they’re constructed, and how to transform them energetically and spiritually.You’ll enter gamma — and then hyper-gamma and lambda — consciousness, before bringing absolute scalar waves through the ninth chakra and into the lowest of the brain waves.Within the lower wave (infra-low), your oldest and most potent challenges are stored. With the influence of your highest brain states, you’ll use your quantum protocol to become free from your own — and your inherited — emotional traumas.In this module, you’ll:Understand the nature of emotional blocks, involving the negative bond between feelings and beliefsLearn about the positive messages of various feelings — and embrace the only belief that countsDelve into the powers of your ninth chakra and its ability to unlock emotional strongholds and the source codes of your wave genetics/ personal quantum fieldAchieve gamma consciousness to access hyper-gamma and lambda states of realityTransform negative conscious, unconscious, and subconscious programming in your infra-low brainwave, using supraliminal and subliminal realms — achieving health for your body, mind, and soulModule 6: Clear the Negative Subtle Energies Associated With Food-Related Struggles & Substance Abuse Issues (August 29)Your seventh chakra is both the gateway to the Divine Mind and a powerful means for negating, neutralizing, and activating subtle energies related to food and substance issues.Cyndi will guide you to use seventh-chakra prophecy to clear or transmute negative subtle energies linked to challenging foods or other substances.Discover how the three hues inherent in that chakra can be visualized for analysis and how to direct white energy for healing purposes.Examine the role of missing forces — energetics that were not provided when you needed them as a child, such as unconditional love or touch — and how they are often the causal components of hardships, from cravings to addictions.Cyndi will also access the Divine to alter your relationship with food and substances — and with just about anything physical, such as chemicals, biological programs, and more.In this module, you’ll:Increase your powerful prophetic connection with the Divine, your Higher PowerUnderstand the miraculous applications of the forces behind the seventh chakra’s visual communication — black, gray, or whiteNarrow food and substance challenges down to 2 main energetic causal points — the influx of negative subtle energies and the existence of missing forcesApply the forces of the prophetic realm to transform food and substance issuesExplore the skill of the seventh-chakra prophecy by working with negative subtle energies and missing forcesBe supported with handouts, guided interaction, and Cyndi’s demonstrationsModule 7: Bridge Quantum Gaps With Psychic Surgery to Address Digestion Problems & Immune System Issues (September 5)Microbes are the underlying cause of many psychological and physical challenges. Discover the basic categories of microbes and what each represents energetically.Appreciate the science of microbes and view these tiny life forms from several different medical points of view, seeing them as beneficial rather than exclusively harmful.Understand “quantum gaps” as the reason microbes can cause problems. These energetic chasms between your personal quantum intelligence field and that of a microbe can create a supportive or antagonistic relationship.Use your radical quantum protocol to create bridges and bring about physical healing.Cyndi will share how psychic surgery functions to fill in gaps that cause your system to react negatively to microbes — and help prevent the growth of healthy microbial communities you need for your digestion and immune systems to thrive.In this module, you’ll:Classify the 4 main families of microbes and comprehend their energetic functionsRecognize the 3 allopathic approaches to microbes — 2 of which empower the alteration of microbes energeticallyGain an understanding of what causes microbial and other challenges in terms of quanta and “quantum gaps” (for you and for microbes!)Use a basic understanding of psychic surgery as a way to access the quantum intelligence field and bridge gaps causing inflammatory challengesLose the fear of microbes that disempowers your ability to transform themBe supported with handouts, guided interaction, and Cyndi’s demonstrationsModule 8: Clairaudience for Healing Autoimmune & Other Chronic Conditions Using Quantum Phonons & Other Vibrational Properties (September 12)Cyndi will guide you to explore the four major types of clairaudience.Apply one of these dynamic styles of verbal psychism during class to access quantum phonons — crystalline units that can be programmed with sound to address autoimmune and other chronic conditions.Explore the vibrational causes of a personal or loved one’s condition and bring forward absolute scalar waves to effect vibrational tools from the quantum level.Cyndi will walk you through how the power of vibration enables accelerated healing — covering basic theories of linguistics and your personal quantum field.She’ll help you understand the energetic causes of autoimmune and other chronic conditions, which are rooted in trauma.Knowing that different types of negative forces can lock into any part of your system is a vital component toward healing by employing the vibrations of phonons through your clairaudience.In this module, you’ll:Explore the 4 basic styles of clairaudience and cultivate the skill of accessing your own clairaudienceDiscover the fifth chakra’s capability for creating verbal intuition and vibrational healingUnderstand how autoimmune conditions energetically develop, including internalizing subtle forces — and the creation of a shock bubbleLearn to clear autoimmune conditions through clairaudient vibrations, such as by altering quantum phonons and other quantaWatch Cyndi demonstrate of one of the 4 forms of clairaudience for extraordinary healingHelp clear autoimmune and chronic conditionsModule 9: Journey to Transactional Junctions in the Akashic Records to Access the Origins of a Personal Issue & Find Healing (September 19)Synesthesia is the art of receiving all the intuitive information you desire and healing and manifesting energies — at the same time. It enables swifter and more powerful transformation because it can operate quantumly.It’s also the perfect communication art form to employ in the transactional junctures (in-between spaces) in the Akashic Records — your eighth-chakra library of information, personal quantum intelligence, and universal fields across time.Using safe tools for journeying, you’ll visit the center of your Akashic Records to access the reasons that a problem exists — and what the potential healing is.Cyndi will guide you to conduct master-level interactions in interdimensional space.In this module, you’ll:Acquire a conceptual and practical understanding of journeyingBe introduced to the transactional junctures in the Akashic records, through the eighth chakraBe reintroduced to the art of communication through synesthesiaJourney in class to your own personal transactional junctureDiscover how to apply cross-time knowledge with your source codes/personal quantum field and the universal quantum intelligent field to clear issuesBe supported with handouts, guided interaction, and Cyndi’s demonstrations and deep teachings about the Akashic RecordsModule 10: Activate & Deliver Scalar Waves Through the Energy Egg for Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Wellbeing (September 26)The energy egg is a 3-part field on the outer rim of your auric field.It’s a potent and little-used vehicle to create all levels of change — even though it’s been a part of energetic medicines across a variety of shamanic and Indigenous cultures since time began.Explore how to apply absolute scalar waves to implement transformation through each of the three layers.Each layer relates to a different type of scalar wave — and Cindi will show you how to access each layer (with absolute light scalar waves as your primary tool) in connection with your personal quantum information field.Then, you’ll open to your universal field to magnetize through the Crystal Facet, a mirror-like focus point for all energetics that compose you.Join the mystical healers of other cultures in embracing the power of the outer bound of your energy field — the energy egg.In this module, you’ll:Gain an understanding of the 3-part energy egg, the outer bounds of the energetic selfLearn how to tap into each layer to deliver its powerful results in 3 dimensionsFocus on the outer and heavenly rim to activate manifesting energies you’ve never realized before — while merging the universal and quantum fields for your own gain and that of othersAccess your Crystal Facet, the source point for all your energetics, to activate the entire energy egg at once — at quantum light speedDive into handouts, a guided teaching, and a demonstrations to explore all 3 skeins of powerModule 11: Performing Quantum Readings & Healings on Others While Holding Your Own Safe Space (October 3At this point in your journey, you’ve acquired enormously powerful skills and bolstered your consciousness to the seismic level. You’ve explored your personal quantum intelligence field and that of the Universe.You’ve activated and practiced with several of your intuitive chakra-based powers, accessed absolute scalar waves, learned about other types of scalar waves, and recognized beings that can impact you positively or negatively.Now Cyndi will share the skills you’ll need to apply these concepts and tools to perform healings and readings on the quantum level for others — while holding your own place safely, separately, and wisely.Guarantee safe energetic boundaries for yourself and others while activating the wave genetics/personal quantum fields of others.Utilize your knowledge of the Imaginal Realms and other key data points. Along the way, use your unique twelfth chakra — and co-create ethical change with your eleventh chakra.In this module, you’ll:Discover the 5 basic steps — and the 4 main stages — for performing readings and healingsFurther activate your twelfth-chakra siddhi gift to enable you to perform unique transformations on anotherBecome aware of the power of your eleventh chakra, which holds the ability to command powerful changeLearn how to quickly link to the quantum intelligence field to obtain information and healing energies for another through your own intuitive powersRead the personal intelligence field for another to invite change from the DNA to the spiritual purpose levelMake use of the Imaginal Realms and other key tools for obtaining dataDevelop your practitioner concepts and toolkit — and give a reading or healing of your ownModule 12: Apply Quantum Concepts of Futuring to Continue Expanding Your Health & Happiness as the Storyteller & Dreamer You Are (October 10)The world needs your unique extrasensory powers and personality. Embrace your radical quantum toolkit — and create a pathway of light for yourself that will guarantee your optimum future and help create a new earth.Explore quantum concepts of futuring to enable you to find your own way of predicting future pathways versus following them — enabling you to attune to the universal and personal quantum intelligence fields at will.How might you recognize signs along the way while employing your quantum powers? Reach into the source codes of your personal and the universal fields while going with the flow?Understanding the quantum basis of predicting and establishing the future will be key, as will be using your own extraordinary twelfth-chakra power.Ultimately, you’ll learn how to enjoy and create your own powers as a storyteller and dream-maker.In this module, you’ll:Explore the basic quantum principles of futuring — consciousness, time-space, the need for “two votes,” creatively using gaps, the idea from the Torah of completing the Universe, and moreTurn on your dream-making/storytelling/storymaking self — explained in context of several spiritualitiesDiscover how to develop an elegance for formulating change — through predictions versus going with the flowUnderstand the differences between destiny, probabilities, and possibilitiesDevelop your own way of making peace with difficulties while opening to the data in the universal and personal quantum intelligence fields for serving Love — and holding yourself in your own “Love Core”Celebrate by sharing the most powerful wisdom you’ve learnedHere’s What You’ll ReceiveTwelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Cyndi DalExperience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from author, speaker, and intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to synchronize quantum energy with enhanced clairvoyance to unleash the power of intuitive healing. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.Twelve Video Recordings of Class SessionAfter each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.Twelve Audio Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.Twelve Transcripts of Class SessionsYou’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Twelve 45-Minute Interactive Group Sharing CirclesWith live class attendance, there will be a 45-minute optional interactive sharing circle directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Sharing circles are not recorded for playback; if you’re unable to attend the live sessions, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.Online CommunityOur exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.The Quantum Energy Healing Bonus OfferingThe Exciting Energy of Spirit Plant MedicineVideo Teaching From Cyndi DaleDealing With (& Healing From) TraumaVideo Teaching From Cyndi DaleThe Molecules of Joy: Activating Your True Self Biologically & SpirituallyVideo Teaching From Cyndi DaleEnergetic Support for Disease & InfectionsVideo Dialogue With Cyndi Dale and Jo-Anne BrownWorking With ShapesAudio Teaching From Cyndi DaleEnergetic Boundaries: Working With ColorAudio Teaching From Cyndi DaleAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Quantum Energy HealingWe feel honored that Cyndi Dale has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with an author, speaker, and intuitive energy healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.If you’re serious about expanding your clairvoyant powers and of intuitive healing abilities, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind course.If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.Buy Now!Shopping Information– We provide digital products. Most of products will come to you immediately. But for Pre-Order product, we need 3-7 days to order it for you. – After you order, the system will create your account and send it to your email. And after your payment, you will receive the download link at the account or directly via your email. If you have any problems with your order, you can contact: . – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Let’s get things started! We will go with you!