Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Burt GoldmanLifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman courses at here with PRICE $97 $42WHAT’S INSIDE QUANTUM ABSOLUTIONLet’s take a peek at what’s waiting for you when you open the door to a better life with instant access to Quantum Absolution.When you order your Quantum Absolution adventure, you get instant access to 28 audios of the entire program helping you easily digest and incorporate the exciting techniques, processes and concepts in Quantum AbsolutionThe 28 audios are arranged into the following 9 disks:Disk 1: The Absolution Solution1. Quantum Jumping Refresher2. Meditation: Source of ProblemsWithin the Quantum Absolution program we employ a method developed called Quantum Jumping. Quantum Jumping is a way of motivating you to do things you were unaware you had the talent to do. QJ does this by melting away the barriers to change. When it comes to Quantum Absolution we neutralize regrets and guilt and knock the limiting factors that are holding you back out of life’s equation. The end result is a better and better life.Disk 2: Redemption3. Asking the Right Question4. Overcome your limitations5. Absolution Solutions6. Meditation: AbsolutionAll limitations are self imposed. It’s never too late to remove the limiting factors in your life but first you must understand how they begin. When you have a feeling, albeit subconscious, that you only deserve so much out of life, only so much health, so much money, so much happiness and on and on those limitations affect you throughout life. Limitations are neutralized by the Absolution solution module and meditation. Modules 5 and 6 may well be the most important material you have ever, or will ever receive.Get Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman, Only Price $42Disk 3: Neutralizing the Killer Emotion7. Dealing with Guilt8.Meditation: Guilt ReliefHere you will learn the true definition of guilt. That it is simply an emotion tied to the fact that you consciously or subconsciously did something wrong, that you missed the mark so to speak. Here you will find that missing of the mark defined as sin. We define guilt as a feeling you must correct that sin, and punishment is defined as a reminder that the sin you believe happened has not yet been clarified or corrected. You will find a new awakening after listening to these two modules.Click to get the Quantum Absolution Workbook and transcriptWorkbook Included 9 CDsDisk 4: Love and the Creative Power9. Love is a Positive Viewpoint10. Bringing on Creativity11. Creative Power12. Meditation: Creative Problem Solving.Understanding that love is a positive viewpoint will take you out of the quagmire of negative thinking. See how much your attitude changes after hearing the story on module 9 about George and Mary. We all have different levels of creativity; here in modules 11 and 12 you will not only discover how to unleash your long buried talent for creativity you may well discover the means to success, affluence, and true happiness. It was always with you, you only had to know how to turn on the switch; and also, where the switch is.DISK 5: Motivation13. PROSPERITY AND GOAL SETTING14. STEA Stimulus, Thought, Energy, Action15. Meditation: Mice to LionsThe status quo is comforting. Even when it causes discomfort or pain when the territory is familiar there is a measure of comfort there. Deep down in all of us there is a Cary Grant, John Wayne, or Marilyn Monroe or Julia Roberts waiting to get out. With these modules you will discover the lion within and the means to bring it out.DISK 6: Unleashing the Real You16. Self Sabotage and Limitations17. Control your Magnetic Attraction18. Meditation: Destroy Negative ProgrammingThe very popular law of attraction has been all the rage for a decade but the thing that most people miss is that attraction, that thing that draws success to us all is also the thing that draws failure and defeat. With these modules you will discover how to attract only the things that you want, and learn how to reverse the limiting factors that negative attraction causes.DISK 7: Healing19. The dynamic Qi Gong Thrust20. Placebos21. Meditation: The Emotion Free ZoneGood health is primarily an extension of your belief system. The same goes for vitality and aging. If you are suffering from a perceived illness, or other problems this and the following modules will teach you tips and techniques to speed up your bodies natural resources for healing.DISK 8: More Healing22. Emotional Healing23. Healing Locations24. Meditation: Clock HealingWe define emotions as any thought that has like or dislike attached to it. The more like the more emotional, the more dislike, the more emotional. When you carry guilt, anger, resentment, jealousy or any of like emotions with you it not only causes stress and depression it can also deplete your immune system and bring about the very thing that you have feared happening. The healing modules of both disk 7 and 8 addresses those very problems and you will find the meditation and answers fascinating and above all useful.DISK 9: Self Esteem and Confidence25. Self Esteem Training26. Self Competition27. Meditation: Self Esteem28. Meditation Chant: Stress ReliefWith these last four modules you will have completed your journey of redemption. Self esteem, or ego, is a product of the opinion you have of yourself. With these last modules you will discover a new world when you understand the value of competing not with the world or others, but with yourself. Also included here is our miracle chant. Module 28 is the product of 300 neophyte monks chanting for their spiritual journey and success in all their endeavors. Simply listen to it and note all the positive things that will soon take place in your life. Use it as a background sound whenever you meditate for success in all the things you aspire to achieve.Get Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman, Only Price $42Tag: Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman  Review. Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman  download. Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman  discount. Purchase Quantum Absolution – Burt Goldman courses at here with PRICE $97 $42